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Everything posted by Veaux

  1. Fastenal is pricey but they tend to have weirdly specific stuff like this.
  2. My Eico’s have “volume” knob (When I bought them the guy gave me some spiel about how it controls the amount of power they put out which isn’t volume or gain but it makes it louder, seems like volume to me, I probably should have paid more attention) When those knobs are turned all the way up and the preamp is turned all the way down it is fairly audible. I live a block away from TSU and I’m pretty sure it’s their radio station. I am using different cables and this is the first time I’ve used any of my tube amps here, I normally only do home theater at my home and my listening at my studio. I’m going to try different cables one at a time and see if I can figure it out. Will let y’all know if it’s these different unshielded cables or what. My preamp does NOT have an AM/FM tuner.
  3. Has this ever happened to you? My Eico HF-35 monoblocks are suddenly picking up radio stations, they didn’t do this before...
  4. I have been needing to get a new vehicle and every time some nice equipment pops up it comes down to “Well, I DO already own a really nice bicycle....”🤷🏼‍♂️
  5. Such eloquence, and straight the point!
  6. So tempting... why do I need everything you’re selling!?!?!
  7. http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=113113461123&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111
  8. This isnt going to turn into a "It puts the lotion in the basket" scenario is it?
  9. How much for a photo session in the basement walk-in freezer?
  10. Veaux


    https://www.avforums.com/review/dspeaker-anti-mode-2-0-dual-core-review.355 this dude sums it up.... if this isn’t gone before my next paycheck, I’m buying it.
  11. If it falls through I have those heathkit crossovers that I could trade you?
  12. I read through all twelve pages of the original thread and with all the research you put into them, I already know I’m going to enjoy them.
  13. I have had them hooked up, they were tuned up by steamboat ampwerks here in Houston (I have paperwork) it’s just to use them with the 3-Way speakers I had to also run it through a passive crossover as well, which to me defeated the point. They are silent and work perfectly. @CECAA850 where are you located?
  14. I got them because they are cool looking and I wanted to use them with a pair of speakers I am rebuilding but it turns out I dont need them. (They are 2way crossovers and the spekaers are 3way)
  15. They are used to determine what frequency goes to which speaker, they are commonly used in a bi amp setup with passive speakers.
  16. Nobody has a 2 way setup that they want to do some bi amping with these bad boys?
  17. I have a pair of heresy II with upgraded heresy III guts on the way from @Gregg357 so I will do an A/B comparison and let y’all know what I hear. Having lost a good portion of hearing in my right ear I may not be the best person to review 😂😂
  18. Veaux


    Glad to hear it!
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