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Everything posted by Bosco-d-gama

  1. Bad as my vision has always been the corrective lenses I need currently use can be bought over the counter. Yep, standard reading glasses are my lens prescription. I just vary the strength according to the task. I have different glasses for reading, puzzle making, up-close work and for long distance. Can’t do bifocals, etc.
  2. Y’know considering the number of dead involved light-loading an act of contagion irresponsibility is rather telling. It isn’t funny. It’s pretty awful.
  3. Do NOT move to Idaho. The place is just awful. We have tidal waves and active volcanos spewing toxic lava. They force you to attend church...... of their choosing. There’s no food here and no electricity and no indoor plumbing. I repeat - do NOT move to Idaho. Anywhere else would be better than Idaho. 😉🤓😜
  4. Back to the covid19 vs influenza debate. Earlier the covid19 was sketchy for a number of reasons. Now they have more concrete data. They say covid19 is 50 to 100 X more lethal than the flu. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/07/coronavirus-deadlier-than-many-believed-infection-fatality-rate-cvd/
  5. The standard masks do NOT prevent you from contracting the virus - if - you are amply exposed to the virus. The standard masks will greatly help stop a person with covid19 from spreading covid19. The standard masks work to impede the spread of the disease. If you can obtain an N-95 mask they’re supposed to keep you from getting covid19 if you’re amply exposed to the virus.
  6. Just when you think you’ve heard it all........ https://www.health.com/condition/infectious-diseases/coronavirus/4-hour-erection-coronavirus
  7. $hit for brains....... https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/02/us/alabama-coronavirus-parties-trnd/index.html
  8. Here’s a new twist. Contact tracers trying to track a covid19 outbreak amongst teens are failing to get cooperation. Seems like the kids were not supposed to ‘be’ at the party and can’t be honest as to their whereabouts. So........ issue them subpoenas. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/505437-new-york-county-issues-subpoenas-to-people-refusing-to-talk-to-contact
  9. Bosco-d-gama


    Something similar to this needs to be emblazoned on every covid19 face mask.
  10. Was reading and saw the post by Boxx and then checked the date. Boy howdy are we ever witnessing the uncivil consequences of our failed educational systems these days.
  11. Agreed, the covid19 virus was not ‘constructed’. This is not the debate. The debate is whether covid19 was weaponized’. The country of origin is not a 3rd world backwater entity. China has modern communications and is well connected. What did they know and when did they know it...... and how did they respond? The last answer is clear. Their response was inadequate and it failed, miserably. Covid19 now blankets the planet. China was the 1st to know. This is clear. China’s response for itself was extreme. China clamped a lid on Wuhan tighter than a pressure cooker and they enforced it fiercely. In a weeks time they constructed a multi-thousand bed hospital from ‘scratch’ strictly to treat covid19. China knew it was bad. And while China managed its own situation with appropriate earnest it encouraged world travel through Wuhan and demonized any country trying to limit world travel. Whether covid19 escaped from a lab or worked its way in naturally via a disgusting open air meat market, China was aware early how awful it was. China took exceptional care of itself and cultivated reckless care for anywhere else. The result is China being relatively covid19 ‘free’ and everywhere else is heavily covid19 ‘infected’. 2 choices: Covid19 is a hugely stupid mistake (with the WHO being just as stupid), or a keenly demonic scheme to release a known contagion (with the WHO being ‘used’). It is one of these 2.
  12. BTW - I base of the covid19 ugly ‘iceberg’ is the potential for long term consequences. It invades all the organ systems and does impact neural functions too. In 30 years those who survived their acute bout of covid19 could have many forms negative sequelae. Covid19 is brand spanking new to humanity. Our physiology has never dealt with it before and medicine is unsure exactly what all gets chewed up or how badly. It should not be taken lightly by anybody.
  13. People can not conceive of the horrors of suffocating to death. I ask people if as a child when playing in a lake or pool, if they were held underwater for too long by a ‘joking’ friend? The terror of not getting enough oxygen is extreme. It is horrific to watch as well. Serious asthmatics understand...... but that’s all. If you plug your nose and breathe in and out through a long straw after a while you’ll get the sensation of severe shortness of breath. Just don’t do this if you have any underlying ailments.
  14. I heard a truly numbskull explanation for the increase in positive covid19 tests yesterday. Ready? The reason for the huge increase in positive results is that “in the hospitals they test covid19 patients EVERY day and report each new positive result as a NEW case.” I was dumbstruck. So I asked the lady, “if you have cancer will they test you EVERY day for the same cancer?” “No”, she says. “That would be stupid because they already know you have cancer.” “Good answer”, said I. Still she did not understand. I’m thinking that as covid19 quickly spreads amongst the country that certain folks seek a collective form of ‘denial’. They accept the silliest explanations as long as they result in discounting the seriousness of the predicament. I do believe this is how some folks are psychologically coping with the stresses of this pandemic. Rather than adopt some simple measures to contain the disease they prefer to stick their heads in the sand and ‘la la la’ all is happy. If they actually wear a ‘mask’ they validate the disease insodoing and that is to admit that covid19 is ‘coming to town’ which is waaay too scary. Idiots.
  15. some mask experiments worth the look-see...... https://www.buzzfeed.com/andyneuenschwander/microbiologist-mask-bacteria-demonstrationhttps://www.buzzfeed.com/andyneuenschwander/microbiologist-mask-bacteria-demonstration
  16. And this was done as well as loads of fast tracked new drugs and drug combinations.
  17. And your definition of a good job is what? No infections? No deaths? It’s a continuum and one with many variables. And the current leadership did not work in a vacuum. They worked with what they inherited. And IMHO lot’s of red tape got ‘cut’ and actions taken quickly that saved many lives and brought us better treatments and perhaps some cures in record time. As for ‘style’ points ...... yeah it was pretty loose. But as for a ‘good or a bad’ job what occurred could’ve been a lot worse and then again better. The perfect vision of hindsight should not fog up the realities of those moments.
  18. The role of the media in fueling this covid19 chaos cannot be ignored or understated. Clearly political agendas have driven the stories. Their goal was and remains to influence opinions with the aim of influencing the elections. Too bad the goal was not focused on covid19 and how to encourage all of our citizens to uniformly make the smartest choices to contain the lethal contagion. Covid19 is now part of the political divisions with vocal critics and supporters clamoring on either side of ‘any’ covid19 related topic aiming to undermine each other. What a waste and what a failed strategy. From the daily barbed headlines you’d have to believe that America has done the worst job of controlling covid19 of any country. We’re the ‘worst’ because according to the press our leadership is inept at every turn. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality In reality Great Britain is the worst by far. Anyone here read any ugly, nasty or horrific headlines about the leadership in Great Britain? Is their visceral hatred part of their daily news cycle? Are they criticizing the family members of their leadership? Elsewhere the deserved critical observations are made and not personalized. The petty name calling is not part of their reporting. Only in America will a lethal pandemic be used for political fodder. And at the expense of actually causing the pandemic to be worse. Freedom of the press should not be recklessness of the press - but it most certainly is.
  19. How many of you have a coffee cup (or some ‘round’ container) stuffed with writing instruments on your kitchen counter? I do.......... 🤓
  20. And what...... the mask going to hurt? Will it emasculate or otherwise humiliate you? What school of medicine did you graduate from that affords you the knowledge of understanding ‘risk’ of infection? The big picture is simple enough. The sooner we get this under containment the sooner you can live mask free. You’re not impressing anyone by not wearing a mask. Wearing one is not a matter of ‘toughness’ cuz if covid19 infects you - you will lose. If you should happen to infect others they could die. So how hard is it to wear a mask when outdoors for what 6 months?
  21. Well most of the loud car stereos are just thunderous bass ‘thumpers’ anyway and users should be summarily fined for poor taste in music and operating lousy equipment.
  22. Curious........ We have one major food store serving our region who chooses to not have its employees wear masks. They have a deli, a bakery.... y’know a full service type store. Now if you examine the recent covid19 outbreak maps you’d see that this region is experiencing a major resurgence of covid19. So - if a cluster of covid19 infections occurs that can be traced back to this store..... can they be held civilly liable?
  23. In little league my oldest son was a lousy batter but was a superb pitcher. We was a natural side arm, right handed and tall for his age. My mother in laws neighbor was the left handed practice pitcher for the Anaheim Angels under Rod Carew and he coached my son just for grins. As we came through the ranks he was sought after a great deal. Then one season he was ‘picked’ to be on a team........ not to pitch but so they did not have to bat against him. They had good pitchers and depth. They had a strong team. And they sat him out for the season. My complaints to the league fell on deaf ears. That move soured the game for him and he never regained his enthusiasm.
  24. Yes - this is better than ‘nothing’. Remember these simple masks are meant to curb your own exhaled aerosols by baffling their expulsion.
  25. Baseball is more hand-eye coordination than visual perfection. Ever do ‘speed batting’? It’s not hitting ‘fast balls’....... they have a bat handle cut off and a thin rod put in place of the bat head. Then they toss ping pong balls into the batting zone as fast as they want. His goal is to hit the small balls with his small bat, as fast as possible. This exercise will gauge and groom his hand eye coordination. And there no chasing balls. 😉😁🤗
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