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Everything posted by MeloManiac

  1. MeloManiac


    I live in Europe and bought a pair of 1972 Heresy speakers. They were not mint, but they look nice after some love & care. They have non consecutive numbers (but the numbers are very close), likely because they were sold by a US Army Base shop in Germany. I paid €600 for them and have no regrets at all.
  2. With 'they' I refer to the fentanyl OD that killed him. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/musics-fentanyl-crisis-inside-the-drug-that-killed-prince-and-tom-petty-666019/
  3. It's been five years Since they took your life away Nothing compares 2 U RIP Prince Rogers Nelson (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016)
  4. No worries. I use a 3.5 watt per channel amp and a 12 watt per channel amp.
  5. Following up on an earlier post about the Carpenters' Then & Now, and humbly admitting I didn't know anything about the band, but I did recognize their hit songs, I decided to do some more research... and the Karen Carpenter story is actually heartbreaking tragical... Relevant detail the cover art of this album: the house behind the Ferrari is the house where they grew up and where the mother died. "But there was a tragic discrepancy between her public and private selves. Offstage, away from the spotlight, she felt desperately unloved by her mother, Agnes, who favoured Richard, and struggled with low self-esteem, eventually developing anorexia nervosa from which she never recovered. She died at the age of 32." Read about it here: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/oct/24/karen-carpenter-anorexia-book-extract With hindsight, this BBC interview is terribly revealing:
  6. My third thriftstore find of the day, Fats Domino live at Montreux 'Hello Josephine'
  7. My second thrifts tore find of the day, Pete Seeger, We shall overcome Sadly enough, in 2021 still relevant...
  8. If you consider yourself a cynic, well, I've got the cure! It's Now & Then from the Carpenters, my thrifstore find of the day. I paid €4.5 for it, it is in mint condition and from 1973. I bought it 'blind' because I didn't know the album, but when walking home, I listened to it on Spotify, and boy, what familiar tunes on this album. The album dates back to the early 1970s and to me, it sounds like an escape from cynicism altogether! Here is a nice review, with reference to 'nostalgia': https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/carpenters-now-and-then-album/
  9. Welcome to the forum! PL is short for Primula but... HT stands for what? Home Theater? Tube amps can be much more sensitive for wiring and electric grid. My Leben CS300 gives a constant very low hum and I can hear a click when someone in the house is using a light switch or the fridge is turning itself on. When someone is juicing oranges, I can tell buy the clicks in the speakers... Not so with my Marantz and Denon solid state amps. Does that make tube amps bad? No, because the music that comes out of it is so much more superior! Still, my advice would be to check your your power cables. Don't neatly bundle them with binders, but create a 'spaghetti' instead. Pay special attention to the cables of your Phono stage and its placement, because that one is particularly sensitive. Plug your HT receiver in the same power plug box as your Primula and see if that makes a difference. Note : if it is a constant hum in both channels, then you're okay. If it is a cracking noise or loss of volume in one channel, it may be a bad tube and you should not use your amp till the bad tube is replaced. A bad tube may damage other parts inside your amp, you see.
  10. That's the way to do it, it un-burdens the Tubecube. I only can use my Yamaha sub with my Denon microsystems in my bedroom. It does have a subwoofer out, that one. However, I don't use it in combination with Klipsch speakers because the woofers of my Heresies and RP160M sound so much better than this Yamaha... As for the Tubecube, be warned that it gets pretty warm so it needs some ventilation space as well.
  11. It is the size of a crystal CD box, squared.
  12. Nor does my simple Yamaha subwoofer... If anyone knows how to connect this woofer to the Tubecube, please let me know...
  13. How do you connect a sub to the Tubecube?
  14. It's the Sovtek tube with longer plates in the inside filaments.
  15. You have a point because the Rogers are 1970s speakers, while the Klipschorns are quite a bit older. The small Rogers are somewhat popular in Japan because they fit in small flats over there... If the US is bigger than life, then Japan is all about miniaturisation: they are small bookshelves, 15 ohm, so accepting small amps too. 1947 revived original Khorns would cost a fortune for their size alone, I guess. Rogers built 3x 70 sets for Japan, Europe and ROW, rest of world... Can you imagine how 'exclusive' they are....
  16. As for the sound... The Tubecube is fine for 'late night' listening but role off both in the highs and lows. Compared to my Leben CS300, the Leben is much more balanced, but the little TubeCube is very lovable!
  17. It's exactly that: a good introduction to tubes. Also with my Heresies in combination with CD player and streamer, they sound good and loud enough. OH yeah, I bought a mechanical switch in order to connect several input devices.
  18. I'm that guy from Europe... :-)) I upgraded the tubes to Sovtek longplates. EL84M and so for the preamp tube. Main reason for the upgrade was aesthetic: the original tubes didn't glow up with the same intensity. I still use them with my RP160M speakers.
  19. This is my ssd with Linux on it, with a special cable to connect externally to my Dell laptop. Works like a charm parallel with Windows.
  20. I use Ubuntu Studio, which comes with lots of video and audio software. It even was able to drive a Playstation USB camera that was 15 years old... https://ubuntustudio.org/
  21. Have you considered upgrading... 1. Your usb-out card 2. To Ubuntu Linux (Windows is limiting USB output specs)
  22. This is my first poll post ever, so I'm not sure if other members can see the results of the poll. If that is not the case, here are the results: I think the results speak for themselves. Thank you all for taking part and sharing opinions. Have a nice day, keep it safe, and enjoy some good music, no matter what genre!
  23. Remember Joe Cocker singing 'With a little help of your friends', the opening tune of the TV show 'The Wonder Years'?
  24. TopPop was a Dutch television program that has become legendary. Ad Visser presented it from 1970 till 1985 and he was hugely influential in the Netherlands AND in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium, where it was also on the cable. Ad Visser introduced several generations to pop and rock music, while at the same time remaining objective. Best guy ever! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_Visser
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