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Everything posted by middlecreekguy

  1. I have to admit, I miss discussions like this on this forum. I know, I know. No political talk here. But now we are having things deleted while discussing a film. A film that has political content. Are we not adults. OK. Some of us are not adults..........but I`m just saying this is a music and film thread and sometimes that involves adult issues. I missed what Colin had to say so Colin if you would, please PM me to tell me the awful things you had deleted. Moderators. I mean this in the kindest way. I`m not upset. Be gentle. I hurt easily.
  2. ---------------- On 7/7/2004 3:11:05 AM neo33 wrote: Apparently, you're are forcing your opinion down other people throat, Paul. "Decent level" is relative. What decent to you may be LOUD to other. 20W is PWK SUBJECTIVE opinion, nothing more and nothing less. What part of relative don't you understand, Paul? ---------------- Are you drinking Neo?
  3. I for one, after getting my first tubed amp a couple of months ago, can clearly see the need or the desire to have more than one amp. I agree with Dean in that I need power to move lots of air, but it would be nice to have something that did not go BUMP in the night. Just bump. Though it will be sometime down the road before I take that SET step, I would enjoy having the choice on which amp to power up for the weekend. Or is this just another symptom of.............. > > > > > > > > > > >............THE DISEASE!
  4. The last time I went to the theater was to see "Lord Of The Rings". The first one. That`s been a few years ago. I`ve just become intolerant of people that try to get a laugh my making a comment or noise during the showing of a film. Or the kids that came there to talk or the couple that brought their baby, and so on. I`ll see that documentary when it comes out on video. But then again I`ve not rented or seen a movie since Christmas.
  5. ---------------- On 7/5/2004 9:53:22 AM rigma wrote: I have a Technics SL-1500 direct drive with a Stanton 680 EE cartridge. $75.00 + shipping if you want it. See attached pic. Rigma ---------------- Anarchist, you should jump on that right now! That`s a fine table and cartridge to boot.
  6. The forum was down? I must have missed it. Still pretty slow though.
  7. Edwinr, you scored big time. They look very nice indeed. Hope you get your amp back soon. Enjoy!
  8. These speakers may be ugly to some....until someone says they`re yours. Then they start looking pretty nice. I`ll bet most here would sing a different tune if they had these. They must be worth every penny you pay. I`m sure you would agree once you`ve got them in your listening room. You know, the room you had to have the door size increased so you could get these beasts in. Then you get them hooked up to your system and you have some one drop the needle on your favorite LP,( cause you can`t drop the needle on it yourself due to a double hernia from lofting these audio coffins around the house), and the last thing you dropped anyway was when you inadvertently dropped one of these wooden horns from hell on your big toe. And finding someone to drop the needle was a problem at first since your wife left in a flash when she saw these home wreckers coming through the new double door. Thank goodness for the Klipsch forum and it`s support.( Yeah man, come on over here. You got to see these babies!) What are friends for. hehe. Once this is all done, and the music begins to sing from these divorce court beautys......then.....and only then, you`ll know it was all worth it. And you`ll love`em. Until death do you part.
  9. I envy you Edwin. Congratulations Sir. What kind of champagne are you drinking on Friday night?
  10. Is this shot from one of her many classic films? If so, which one? What stage presence she had. No one did it quiet like her. Usually in one take from what I understand.
  11. Interesting stuff Colin. I`m moving to a new place in a few weeks. One of these discs is just what I need when I reassemble the sound system. Disc 3 may be the ticket. Always enjoy your articles. Plug away.
  12. Thanks for the picture Jim. I don`t think I`ve seen a nicer cornerhore than that.
  13. Here`s mine. the U.S. No.1 on the 3rd May 1961 was... Runaway by Del Shannon the U.K. No.1 on the 3rd May 1961 was... Blue Moon by The Marcels Couple of great tunes.
  14. Please gentlemen. Just because someone is stuck in the mud doesn`t mean we have to jump in it with him. Know what I mean?
  15. I think this link could lead us to some bands or artists we may have forgotten or didn`t even know about. Who has the best birthday chart topper? Or how many of us have the same song? Just list your songs(from both charts) and we`ll tally the results as we go. Click Here
  16. Great story. Just makes me want to see them again. I hope some younger ones on this board who have not heard this band will give them a listen. They will not be disappointed. I`d start with their first album. concreTe bLonde (IRSD-5835)
  17. What did PWK`s system consist of? SS or tubes? WPC? Corner horns I assume? Vinyl? Tuner? Tape? Please tell us.
  18. They are an over looked band. I saw them during their first album in `86. Great show. Johnette Napolitano was still playing bass and sang her heart out that night. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her voice choked full of emotion as she literally cried out the words to "Song For Kim". What a trio.
  19. That is a great lesson of life. A friend sent it to me a couple of months ago.
  20. I have to agree with thebes on this one. It needs to be moved up in some manner. Music is what is responsible for there being home audio in the first place. Colin`s idea of clicking on todays posts works too. But music is audio and vis versa. Jeez thebes. You are right on both statements. What is it going to take to get a moderator involved in this discussion? Well while we`re wait`n, I`ll tell you this. George Bush wouldn`t know a good audio system even if it hit him in the ***. Unless of course it was used as a weapon of mass destruction. And I doubt Iraq could have hurt anyone one with the stereo they found there. Just some Realistic speakers, a Radio Shack receiver and a load of 8-tracks. Titles are being kept under wraps by Intelligence.
  21. ---------------- On 6/24/2004 9:50:56 PM Dale W wrote: If i was that ugly i'd shave my *** and learn to walk backwards ---------------- LOL That`s funny.
  22. It`s amazing what a couple bottles of Lowenbrau can do for ya. Yes, I was on a roll. Goodnight everybody!
  23. Hey Colin. Great idea. I think you`ve inadvertently started another thread. Talk about cutting down an audiophiles manhood. Or womanhood for that matter. MY Top 10 AUDIO INSULTS: (1) Those speakers sound like something you stole from a McDonald's drive-thru. (2) You`re using that for speaker wire? I thought it was connected to the phone. (3) If you like the sound of your speakers, you should hear my answering machine. (4) The first time I heard your stereo, I couldn`t keep a straight face. (5) You have what kind of cartridge? Oh, darn. I forgot to put my records you wanted to hear in my car. (6) Your amp reminds me of an old girlfriend I use to have. Really heavy, harsh, with no feeling what so ever. (7) We`re listening to your CD player? I could have swore it was an AM station. (8) Do we really have to listen to your system? I brought my boom-box. (9) The last time I heard a sound system like that, I was put on hold. (10) Is there dust on your needle? Seriously!
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