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About RobMarshall

  • Birthday 03/30/1957

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Danvile, Kentucy
  • Interests
    Working on our old house
  • My System
    Heresy IV
    Alan Easton 45 SET tube amplifier. 2 wpc
    RME-ADI 2 FS DAC and Preamp
    NAD CS1 DSD end point

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  1. You have an incredible set up already. Congrats. I have been turned off by most power conditioners, because many (maybe most?) do not have isolated grounds. In other words, any noise on your house wiring is also going to be on the accompanying ground wire (in the Romex), and it will come right into the power conditioner (via the power conditioner plug you plug into your house outlet) and into your system. So even it the conditioner claims to be isolated, it true up to a point. And the point where it isn't, basically nullifies any benefit of noise reduction. Please, any power conditioner experts help me do a better job explaining the grounding issue.
  2. What!!!! Rock lead guitar masterclass! I am always the last to find out about the good stuff. Thanks Estes!
  3. I am going to check it out! Thanks!
  4. For anyone interested in guitar instrumentals that have a very hi-definition sound quality: Martin Tallstrom Pat Matheny Bill Frissel
  5. Do you think she might sell one pair?
  6. You have a beautiful system. Enjoy it to the fullest!
  7. Welcome to the forum, Thanik S. You have a wonderful system that matches your music interest perfectly, in my experience and opinion. I have only owned one SET amplifier. It is a almost 2 wpc SET 45. It uses the 45 tube, an 6SN7 driver tube, and an 80 rectifier tube. I use it with my Heresy IV. I can say the 2 wpc is more than enough power. It can get extremely loud. The sound is amazing. The instruments are crystal clear. Incredibly life-like. As if you were setting in front of the stage. If I play a higher definition recording, like something from Pat Matheny or perhaps Martin Tallstrom, the music experience is magical. It sounds almost holographic in the sense that it captivates me. Honestly, I have never heard anything so pure, rich and like listening to real instruments. That is my personal experience. The amp I have is an Allen Eaton. A small maker of amps. The design and sound is great. The fit and finish however, is very very basic. With the system you have now, you might like something more sophisticated like a Decware piece or other elevated amp, but with the same wonderful SET sound. I hope that helps in some small way. Again, welcome to the forum. There are a lot of very experienced and knowledgeable people here, I am only just a recent member and have a lot to learn.
  8. I am taking to heart every reply. I missed a couple of pre-owned deals that seemed great, here locally in KY, but I hope and pray a good set will come up again, soon. Most importantly, being able to have your insights and the benefit of your experience is amazing. Thank you! It means a lot.
  9. Lots of folks commented 3 or more years late, then wondered if it mattered any more since the thread was old. I am here to say that the thread is as current today, as it was over 20 years ago. When the thread was started, Heresy's were in Version II. Posters had know idea the Version III was coming out in a few years (2005). Now here we are, Version IV! brought with it more changes. But one thing remains the same. Brightness! Researching this issue is all I have been doing for 3 months. Learning about L-pads, auto formers, golf balls taped to the through of the mid range driver, to name a few. I've done nothing yet, but will at the right time. I say all this to say, keep the discussions going. It will help someone someday, whether it is tomorrow or two decades from now. I have learned a lot from this thread, and can say my research is over. Now it is time to evaluate everything I have read and learned. I'll keep posting with updates when I have some thing good to share. The first thing I plan to do is buy a good subwoofer. That may very well be the least invasive approach to getting this balanced out. V/r, Rob
  10. I haven't. But funny thing, I just saw your message and also just this second sat down to the PC to start looking for a good sub. My DAC/preamp has a pair of balanced outputs available; or I would have to use a splitter on the RCA's to connect to a subwoofer. Please share any thoughts you have about how it should/would/might work. Thanx. Rob
  11. I was thinking of something that could lower the gain to either the squawker or the tweeter. Maybe placed between the crossover and the actual drivers. I would love it had Klipsch offered something like that as an option. Or an aftermarket device. I may have found a work around though. I just discovered that if I toe-in the H-IV's to about 35 degrees from the back wall; and then sit behind the normal axis listening spot, I get a lot less glare. The sound stage is obviously further away, but that's fine. I never cared to be on the front row anyway. I just don't ever remember having to do that with the Heresy I's. I would back them flat against the wall and blast them. No glare. But I love the H-IV just the same and and bound to make them their best. A labor of love you could say. 🙂
  12. Thx 83 LSIs for your reply. Means a lot. Was the idea to drop the gain, because the horns are so sensitive/and/or bright sounding? You can tell I have a lot to learn.
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