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Everything posted by SpikeJampton

  1. Dicks in DVD players and free *******. What is the board coming down to??? LOL.
  2. trespasser, Just curious. What kind of bad experience did you have with the Santa Cruz card?
  3. mkl, You've got lacquered walnut. What a deal!
  4. mkl, Klipsch dropped the letters in the serial numbers after 1983. The first two digits of your serial numbers are the year of manufacture and the next two the week number.
  5. space_cowboy, These are style B Khorns with the riser between the low frequency and high frequency sections. J tells us the year of manufacture was 1971. MR, I'm guessing, is raw mahogany.
  6. Wes, A month ago I would have been off to see these Khorns like a shot but since then I've acquired a pair and smuggling another pair into the house without my better half noticing might be a bit of a problem! I'm just sorry that Vavoline had to drop out. It's not often that a pair of Khorns pops up in Dallas. I'd be curious to know, though, whether they are really veneered in some kind of mahogany or whether they are just birch finished to look like mahogany (if that's possible). Justin, now that we've established that these Khorns are in Dallas, perhaps your friend has a chance of getting them?
  7. I wouldn't have expected the bidding to reach $600 but look! As Gwyneth Paltrow said "It's a mystery!".
  8. Hardhead, I'm thinking along the same lines as you. Perhaps the TV mounts that the Rat Shack and others sell might be a solution?
  9. Justin, Unless I'm mistaken about the area code, these speakers are in Washington, DC.
  10. From Sunday's Dallas Morning News "Klipschorns Rare African Mahogany $2300 obo (202) 262 2203". Anyone interested?
  11. Congratulations on getting your Khorns, Wes. I just got mine and I'm overwhelmed too!
  12. This bulletin board is an absolute treasure. Sure, things get out of hand every now and again but, generally speaking, the tone is informative and respectful. As long as people maintain a modicum of courtesy towards each other, I dont see that the non-audio topics present a problem. On the other hand, if people like MH feel that they have to withdraw from the board, we will all be the poorer for it. Its our choice.
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