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Everything posted by Stephen328

  1. Tubes are much more musical than solid state amps. On paper, Tubes look horrible compared to solid state amps, especially single-ended triode amps (usually lett than 10 watts and 10% THD). But as far as the music goes, paper means nothing. The Tube effect is hard to describe, kind of magical. They make the trable much more liquid and "lush". The other drawback to tubes besides lack of power, is their preformance in the base area. When compared to solid state amps, their base preformance in aweful. This is why a popular bi-amped system includes a tube for the High Frequencies, and a solid state for the Low Frequencies. As far as your other question, the reason tubes are so popular with horn-loaded speakers is becuase of power and sensitivity. Horns are known for incedibly high sensativity. The Klipschorns have a sensativity of 105 db, roughly 5 times louder than my 90 db JBLs. (output doubles every 3 decibels). In other words, with horn speakers you can easily reach loud levels with a 10 watt amp.
  2. yeah, I have three of those to go with my three avant garde subwoofers.
  3. Hope you enjoy your new system. Sounds to me like you made the right descisions. Have fun!
  4. Bash Away! ProDJ. lol. Yeah, Awia certianly dosnt make the best stuff. I must say though, my CD player served me well through its life. Audiovox is incredibly cheap. What annoys me are the Wal-Mart home theatre systems. Tiny little sattilites, and like a 5" "sub"woofer. They make bose look like Klipsch. Just kidding. I promise i will never use klipsch and bose in the same sentence again. Oh crap, i did it again. Ok I will never use those two words in the same sentence again. there better.
  5. simplicity does have its own appeal.
  6. Man, Trevor, I cant believe you didn't mention the sub. How could you not mention the sub?? I know its late, but still Mr RSW-15 should be preaching the way of the subwoofer. When I first read this post I was sure ProDj was gonna come in right after me and say "screw the rest of the system, get dual rsw-15s" lol. Yeah, but I have to agree with what prodigy said: RC-7 and RS-3s. And I would deffinantly go with the RSW-12, double the wattage man.
  7. Man, you do have some issues. lol. lets see. as far as DVD, i would go pioneer..good stuff. So your torn on center, surrounds and sub? ouch. I think it really comes down to what your music/movie ratio is. If this is primarily a movie system, it would be wonderful if you could go 7s all around plus the rsw-12. And even if its still just for music, i would keep the RSW-12 and RC-7, but consider going down to the rs-3s. I would look at it like this. For both music and movies the first thing you want to upgrade is the sub (dont get me wrong, the center is important for movies too). If you can afford the RSW-12, i would deffinantly go for that 1st (as it will be used in movies and music). Next i would worry about that center, if you watch a fair amount of movies, go for the RC-7, its a huge upgrade from the rc-3. And finally, if you are a movie fanatic, go for the rs-7s. ANd i hope you enjoy your rb-5s (im currently looking at a pair of them, or rf-3s, well see.
  8. Just got a letter in the mail about an Awia CD player i bought a couple of years ago. Served me well up to a couple a months ago when i upgraded to my Pioneer (quite spiffy). Apparently theres been a law suit agianst Awia invloving their CD players not reading. Well, mines on the list, lucky me. After reading 4 pages of this lawsuit crap that could of been sumarized in 2 sentences, I discover Awia's gonna be in the hole 7 million. WoW! out of 7 million maybe theres a chunk in it for me. As i continue to read i find that theres 4 "remedies". Awia will pay for repairs that you have had on your equipment. Or if you have had no problems with your CD player..WOW.. a $10 mail in reabate off a $100 or more Awia purchase. What a deal! And i think that if i dont "opt out" i'll be involved in this law suit somehow. I dont know. lol. Anyone want $10 an Aiwa product?? lol.
  9. That setup will be very spiffy. And, yes the distance between the tweeters should be the same distance from the center of the tweeters to the listener. so 8 feet and 8 feet. And as far as i know the rf-3 are shielded.
  10. ive read that "toeing in" or angling the speakers toward the listener with the RB-5s is not recommended, as they are bright enough already. But, if it sounds good to you, keep it. Deang and Audio Flynn pretty much covered the rest. Man, sure have been alot of post lately on rb-5s, rf-3s, and rb-5s vs rf-3s on the forum lately. I'm in the same dilema too. Just need $$$$.
  11. I agree totaly audio flynn. With proper positioning and some tweaking, the RB-5s can really shine. NOw i just need some $$$$.
  12. LOL. last night i gave him the link to the intelluxual.net review. That should help. I'm going to talk to him soon. And your right ProDJ. LOL.
  13. THe RB-5s have a smoother high end, while the RF-3s have a better low end. The RF-5s do have better woofers but they only gotz one. I am currently in the smae dilema. Well see how it turns out.
  14. Well, hmm thats a toughy. I could get all political and say it depends on the manufacturer and stuff like that, but no. I'd really have to say of the speakers i've listened to (which isnt that many) two way have just sounded better to me. I cant back that up with any data, Just the ones i've heard sound better. Or you could always go one way with bose!!! LOL
  15. Thx 4 the tips. Hopefully i can convice him.
  16. Man. I hate it when stuff goes wrong with my equipment. Its one of those things that gets on your nerves and wont go away. Yeah, id take me back. Hope it works out.
  17. Hey. I have a friend whos going to buy a bose system. I have to save him. I need some stats to back up my opinion of how much bose sucks. i already have that one review posted on the forum. This sould be most helpful. Anyother info would be much appreciated to. I also need to let him listen to a side by side of Bose VS. something else. Pleas Help me save him!!!
  18. Yeah, your right about those dimensions being for a 2 channel system. I imagine this system wont be used strictly for movies, will it???
  19. Here are the top 10 recommended room dimensions by acoustician M.M. Louden. THe hieght of the room being 1, here are the best lengths and widths. Length Width 1. 1.9 1.4 2. 1.9 1.3 3. 1.5 2.1 4. 1.5 2.2 5. 1.2 1.5 6. 1.4 2.1 7. 1.1 1.4 8. 1.8 1.4 9. 1.6 2.1 10. 1.2 1.4 These are only proportions, so for example if you had a 10 foot high ceiling, you would want a 19 foot deep and 14 foot wide room. And generally the bigger the room the better. Vualted ceilings are always good too (eliminates floor to ceiling echo). I obtained this information through a book called "The Complete guide to high end audio" by Robert Harley. Chapter 4 contains a ton of information about designing an acousticly suited room. I would highly reccomend it.
  20. Yeah, pioneer does make some nice recievers. I think Harman Kardon wins in the looks departmant though. There are so many brands of recievers to choose from. I do love my pioneer though.
  21. No really whats he got???
  22. Yeah, I saw those. Hes been trying to sell them for a while. That would be a pretty sweet system. Just need alot of room.
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