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sheltie dave

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Everything posted by sheltie dave

  1. T, I'll talk to a couple friends here in St. Louis and see if we can scrounge up a decent turntable for you. There are about five regulars from the St. Louis area that visit the two channel almost every day. If you like records, ask your Dad to take you over to Vintage Vinyl when he has time. They have over 30,000 used records, and they are located on Delmar in University City. It is right next to Blueberry Hill and Fitz's, two way cool places to eat!
  2. Steve, I LMFAO! That was good Russ, it is hard to navigate this slippery slope without offending. The Telarc 1812 Overture is a bombastic piece, and gained noteriety when it came out as a great demo record for its demands on a system, testing its dynamic range. Well recorded, well played, but not a benchmark in the classical catologue as one of the hundred essential performances of all time. Speaking of what a composer wants is difficult. Tchxxxxx may have written this piece wanting specific first chairs to play it with specific instruments. I doubt he wrote it with the intent of having digital canons capable of mangling lesser systems used as the principal marketing tool for this symphony. Many of the instruments and most of the recording techniques have changed dramatically in the last five decades. No composer envisioned his work being reproduced with digital technology in 1900. They wrote music and earned their livelihood by playing and conducting live performances. Living in St. Louis, I am blessed with having a GREAT symphony. The national and international press laud our symphony, and in the past have disparaged the Minnesota symphony as a backwater eddy. Does the lower echelon ranking make your symphony any lesser to you? Heck, no! The most important aspect of music is its ability to convey passion and involve the listener in an active dialog, with the technical merit being an important but seconday concern. I go to the symphony and get so keyed up that I am bursting with energy when I walk out the door. My wife went to three performances with me and fell asleep at each one It's not her cup of tea... Some people need 200 watts a side to be satisfied with 1812. Some can make it with 60 watts. Some people can be fully engaged with 3 watts. It all depends on whether your paradigm is the technical or the passion. I take the route that allows me to fully meet the technical aspect of my listening environment with the minimum power wattage. It's a good compromise.
  3. C., you haven't violated any code of conduct. It just makes things happen faster with more people if you tag things with a price. $1400 ONO works great. They do look beautiful, and if you can get the premium you are wanting, more power to you! The Ebay range cited is a fair indication of market value. The most coveted Cornwall veneers are Mahogany, Zebrawood, and then Walnut. Oak and Birch are the red headed stepchildren of the group, being more common, but yours would look great in our natural oak living room. I need to stay married, though Check threads in 2 channel and updating old speakers to find members looking for Cornwalls - you might find someone who hasn't logged in recently who would love your speakers. Good luck!
  4. Mike, pick the one you are shooting for and declare it. There are enough to go around that we will avoid yours so you can get it at a good price. You deserve it!
  5. Henry, Fini promised he won't sing soprano on "Born to be Wild," but "Magic Carpet Ride" is all his. He wants to glue a 10' by 20' carpet to the front of the Volvo, and do the hippy hippy shake once we hit the Arkansas border. AP News, Little Rock, AR Three strange adult males were arrested today outside Little Rock. Claiming they were on a pilgrimage to Hope, Arkansas, state police took all three into protective custody just before 2 pm at a Piggly Wiggly parking lot...
  6. Dee, thanks for the offer, but I found a forum member down in New Orleans who will help get Shorty shipped up to us. I may give you a ring in the not distant future, though, on another mission. My wife's allergist has in-laws down near Little Rock that have three barns filled with 130 antique cars, with over half being of foreign persuasion prior to 1950. All predate 1960, so it will be an interesting two day visit. I already know they have a 1927 Rolls pegged in the $50K district. It is fascinating to see the incredible engineering that went into these older cars! It's even better knowing none of them are mine awaiting restoration. I'm still trying to get a weekend date nailed down that is convenient for them and me. I have my half face respirator with HEPA cartridges so the dust doesn't drop me to my knees, and I'm praying for no pidgeon poop Did you get you 2a3s sold?
  7. With your concern evidenced for others, no, it does not. I have read posts of yours in the past that I found to be witty and humorous. I hope you will recover from your state of micromyopia in time to wish Batibot and his sister good will. It does take more effort to be out of sorts than it does to wish others good will and peace. May you find peace, Dave
  8. Skeptic, I noticed you have a grand total of six posts. You don't have the senority to dictate, or influence, what is and is not superfluous on the forum. The flip rejoinder you tossed off re. the speakers shows all where your concern lies. It has been duly noted you don't give a tinker's **** about anything outside of home theatre, yet you are providing a melodrama here. Start a new thread about something positive, unless you desire more bad attention. Maybe talk about your great Klipsch home theatre speakers. This thread is one of support, not attack! You are the one making this the hot topic in home theatre, while neglecting the countless threads that you view as more important. Hope your New Year's is filled with thoughts of great home theatres
  9. Batibot, we are praying for your sister, and we hope that she will be fully compensated for her loss with a minimum of hassle. Don't let other people try to ruin your day. There is too much negative in lives without getting slagged here on the forum. My wife once had a half hour ear surgery that insurance did not cover. It took her seven years to pay it off, so we hope your sis does not endure hardship trying to get back on her feet. When life starts to get heavy, feel free to post here. If we can help share the load or lighten your spirit, we are gladdened. Skeptic, if you want audio only, hit audio asylum or another website where people are more aligned with your viewpoint. We give out group hugs when needed on this forum
  10. I bet $1,000 they will be in his family's posession for the rest of Dean's natural life. I just pray on my knees every day that Dean's amp rack does not have a front leg support give way, otherwise he will have a tragic demise, buried under 10 to 15 amps of various parentage and topologies
  11. M, do you still have the HK 630? I have a friend who loves to tinker with these bad boys! I'll pay for shipping if you still have it and it has turned into a boat anchor.
  12. The funny thing about this passsion is no matter what you do, you can only get to 98% of perfection. No matter what you do! Klipsch speakers are a wonderful horn setup. They are close to a live setup, but they aren't. And if you input less than stellar recorded music, they will reveal all the oops and gotchas! that were recorded. Mistimed intros, accidental rimshots, stumbled fingerpickings, you name it, it will be faithfully reproduced. My Yardbirds CD that sounded so great on an old Pioneer system is unlistenable on any Klipsch set I have(frown). Hisses, buzzes, THD, IMD, poor cables, crossover distortion, low S/N floor, bleedover, crosstalk, all the nasty beasts that we frantically try to avoid - again, we're only 95 to 98% successful at best. If we can admit that every system has flaws and limits, then it is a whole lot easier to move forward with rational and coherent discussion. Defining the limits and constraints you are willing to deal with allows you to buy and be happy with your system. Personally, I would take Mike's SET system in a heartbeat, if you substituted the more highly sought after seven vestal virgins Only problem is, last that I heard, two of them liked Bose wave radios, and a third had just purchased a set of Blose 901s
  13. Johny, that should be the LK72, the kit version of the 299C. Normally the blackened faceplate will be a kit version, though Scott would silkscreen either the gold or the black to a customer's request. There is an "A" or initial version, and then a modified "B" version, but Craig, Ryan, or someone else in the know will have to explain the difference. They both look great and retro sitting on the rack, and they get a very high WAF! And the sound is far superior to the look
  14. Greg, how much $$ did you have to pay to get that special bottle of PWK from the factory? I was just wondering whether it was delivered by a guy driving a '52 Hornet Special with a Tennessee drawl Hope he has more in the truck!
  15. Allan does a great job on these, doesn't he?! They are real sweet, sturdy as a brick ****house, and well worth up to triple bills
  16. Spacer, the industrial version has the K43 woofer rather than the K33, which loses a third? of an octave on the low end but doubles the power handling capacity. If these are still at $500, they are a real good deal. They have a cascade feed for amplification, so they can be biamped with no problems at all. Check the tweeters on these brutes; most of the problems at the used market stem from overenthusiastic DJs pumping up the volume until the tweeters fry. Also make sure the woofers have a smooth range of travel; if there is any binding, it can be an indication the voice coil has been overheated from being overdriven. The tweeter fix is easy and cheaper, the woofer replacement costs a little $. If you love base, a pawnshop in Spokane, WA still has a twin set of the identical base cabinets. You can also pick up a KP480 18" cabinet with a 15" passive for good price on Ebay. If you run this system with a Mac for the tophats and a Crown for the base, you'll be doing gigs five nights a week.
  17. Clu, you are one of the gems on the forum. I love reading your posts - droll, pithy, and with great panache! The author of that script tried to play cute, which works great with men. It also can make many women, especially those who are knowledgeable due to their own hard effort, have elevated blood pressure and spontaneously grow devils' horns Ad copy is always produced under severe time deadlines; unfortunately, this one made the deadline DOA. Hopefully Shoutout does not listen to TAFKAP(Prince,) because his spellcheck gene would crash and burn prior to another post
  18. Stan, my Harman Kardon 630 was built in 1976 and is still kickin out the jams. The 430, 630, 730, and 930 are all twin powered, reliable, cheap as dirt on Ebay, and were among the best selling amps of their decade. We're talking under $100 in the house for most all of these, and they will outperform and look better than a new integrated up to about $500. I boo-booed a little - they are all receivers, so you get a good am/fm tuner section as well! If your bro wants to save money to buy more CDs or get a better player, this is an economical way to go for quality!
  19. I just called the founding member of the Tube Amp of the Month Club, but he is busy and can't talk right now. He's busting a gut trying to sneak those little Oiled Oak Khorns into the house without his wife noticing Way to go, Deano!
  20. Champagne, you'll love it as an introduction into tubes. It is a great value and will give you a solid foundation to judge where you want to go in the future. You really can't go wrong with a good rebuilt Scott or Dynaco. Don't worry about the stuff outside your budget, with this you have 85% of a $3,000 tube setup. Seeing how Smilin went to Mexico with the wife for Christmas, did he throw you on the Tijuana payment plan
  21. Steve, not only did he, but I believe his icon might be the very one(of two) he reviewed
  22. Fini, way to go! Now you almost have enough bail money for the trip to N'oleans I had a Fini moment the other day, as the local Goodwil had a beautiful teak console. When I opened the side door, the original owner still had the receipts from the tube gear in the console - two MC30s, a C20, a Mac tuner, and a Dynaco ST70. The top was locked and without a key, so I deadlifted one end a grunted from the weight. A screwdriver took care of the hinge screws, and I lifted the top to find...drumroll, please...a Dynaco solid state tuner, and a 14 watt solid state Dynaco amp. The custom shelving had been built to house the Mac stuff, and was redwood. I was so bummed I didn't even buy the two Leslie speakers with the console.
  23. Russ, could you change the title of the topic to "Quicksilvers and 1812," or "Dynaco ST70 and 1812," because neither of my tube amplifiers can hit 150 watts peak with a million dollars laid on the table. The only tube amp I've ever listened to that could was a set of Mac MI200s, and they sounded nasty to me. If you threw Paul's tube amp in the title, I don't think he would be happy to be included in the conversation on the short end of the discussion. Just a thought.
  24. Paul, I love to load my listening room, tho right now I've been more successful with speakers than high volume listening Russ, I'm sorry I made the comment about Depends. It was inappropriate and of poor taste. I lashed out because I did not enjoy visiting the forum in the two weeks leading up to the holidays, and this thread looked distinctly like a harbinger of threads past. My comment was in very poor taste and I will expunge it. As with all posts, we need to be sensitive of areas that have produced contention in the past, lest history repeat itself.
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