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New Toys! and a story about a heart of gold!


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Just to start off, I feel like such a lucky person to be blessed with the gifts below

.- Sony Bravia NX800 46” LED LCD 240hz TV

- Emotiva UMC-1 preamp/processor

- Emotiva UPA-7 7 channel amplifier

I hate to bore people with stories all the time, most people just care about the kool things in these threads but I feel I have a very touching story. I am receiving these gifts just because. I have always been taught that giving gifts results in a great feeling and receiving them feels as equally good. I have done both and I get such joy seeing happiness on others faces and I hope the joy on mine when receiving something did the same for them.My mom recently passed away as I had said in another thread and this one sort of stems from all of that. My mom had a boss that she knew for a time longer than I have been alive, long enough that they were able to take care of each other’s kids as their own. My mom’s boss is a wealthy man and earned his pennies from nothing, he also has a heart of gold. It is one thing to be wealthy but it’s also to be one who shares his time and wealth on those around him who deserve it. I feel that I am one of those lucky few. Throughout my mom’s illness and prior to, I have always received gifts and money from her boss, small to what I consider lavish gifts, all because he gets joy from giving to those who appreciate. The most lavish and absorbanant gifts I have received are the ones I listed above. Needless to say, I told him that I am old enough now that I cannot accept such a gift where I wouldn’t be able to repay him in the future. I recently graduated college in December and with my mom’s illness have only managed to work about a month and I work on commission since I do commercial leasing. He says he won’t accept my repayment but I want to do it for myself, I want to be able to go to him and say here it what is rightfully due to you, whether or not he accepts my offer, it is something that I have to do for myself and will come in time.

My parents brought me up in a cushy lifestyle, one that I may have taken advantage of in the past but I have never taken it for granted. I know what is in store for me getting into this world and I don’t think I would be as good of a man had I just been dumped into real life at age 18. My parents know, as many of you in here do that life is a ***** to start and my parents wanted my sister and I to get off on the best foot possible. I don’t think I could have started any better off if I tried. I thank my parents and everyone aroun me for all that they have given me.

None the less, whatcha guys think? Those 3 things coupled with my rf-10 surround sound? I can't wait to watch avatar on this thing and transformers and uhhh paranormal activity!

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My husband, "kdagain", and I discussed your story, as we sometimes do on the "human interest" stuff on the internet. I had a few comments, which he suggested I pass along. First of all, how gracious is your benefactor in his gifts to you. Secondly, how admirable is your wishing to repay him for these three recent gifts. So often we take for granted those things that are given to us, and you are obviously an honourable guy wanting to do the right thing. All in all, good will all around, with years of kind history with your Mother and this man.

The one thing I would caution you is to beware of insulting this good man with the kind heart. He meant these items as gifts, not a loan. It is obviously giving him pleasure to be able to benefit you in this way and you wouldn't want to take that away from him. Perhaps, if he continues to insist on not receiving payment in funds, you could consider either doing some kindness back to him, or even "paying it forward" to some other deserving person who hasn't had the advantages you have had. It is truly a blessing to give and to receive. I have had to learn myself, in impoverished times in the past, to receive graciously, and to pass on good things when my life circumstances improved.

So that's my input, for whatever it's worth. In this world with its problems, it's heart-warming to hear of this goodness. Thanks for sharing it.


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The one thing I would caution you is to beware of insulting this good man with the kind heart. He meant these items as gifts, not a loan. It is obviously giving him pleasure to be able to benefit you in this way and you wouldn't want to take that away from him.

I was thinking the same thing, a good idea may be to set an appointment with him and sit down and explain how you feel and how much you appreciate what he has done for you and your family, kind of like your post but in person and personally to him, let him know how you feel.

I would think if he is the man you talk of, that would mean alot more than anything you could do to repay him.

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the caveot of the whole thing though is that the tv is a confirmed purchase, i have to wait until july 14th to get it since im out in NJ until i fly back out to az where it waiting for me at bestbuy and the emotiva gear hasnt been ordered yet since we were still discussing them and i have been on vacation down at the jersey sure for the past few days. Now the UMC-1 is current out of stock, i have to call emotiva and see whatthe deal is with them, if i can nab the deals they have now, thatd be really good.

I wish my mom's boss was more into the whole HT thing, its difficult to buy someone something when you have no idea about them, but in the end, its the joy of giving to others that is the reason and wanting to help and what not. I am going to play it coy with him as far as "repaying" goes and will ride things out until such a time that is proper for me to do something arises.

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ahahaahahaha, well a gold tooth is good too!

I made a decision change, i am getting the XPA-5 5 x 200 watt amp. I decided that in most cases, i am really not going to use the 6th and 7th channel and if i do i can always buy a 2 channel amp down the line. I also decided that i'd like to have headroom and this amp would allow me to really juice up some RF-7's in the future. The amp is def overkill for the system that i have but i am looking down the lines into the future. A well maintained digital amp should last a reasonable about of time, about 10 years at minimum im hoping to get out of it.

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"Just to start off, I feel like such a lucky person to be blessed with the gifts below..."

Thank you for that sweet post. You are a younger person and I don't know if you are familiar with the writings of Ayn Rand ("Atlas Shrugged" and much more). Rand is a controversial authoress with her uncompromising advocacy of libertarianism and the free market and scorn for governmental intervention in such. She is flawed in that her uncompromising libertarian ideal does postulate a completely HONEST free market, and we imperfect humans fall short of that in the real world.

Still, Rand got some things right. One is her distinction between "altruism" and "benevolence." Altruism entails a duty to sacrifice for others. Benevolence, by contrast, entails a donor's WANTING to help someone because so doing gives pleasure to the donor. The donor sees qualities on the recipient (or the recipient's family, in your case, your mom) that the donor wants to encourage and reward.

It follows that for a recipient to resist or refuse such benevolence would be grievously to wound the well-intended donor. Rather, you should want to respect and treasure that person and live up to the standards that he or she is seeking to reward. In so doing you would be a completely moral person in accepting and earning that benevolence.

Thank you again for your post, a breath of fresh air in these times. Good luck. - Tom Longo

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Well, things have been cleared up and the XPA-5 and UPA-1 have officially been ordered, emotiva has been great so far on the customer service end, i can count down the days, about 3 weeks until i get to use all my new gear, im so excited

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