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Carver amp, pre-amp, tuner - any good?

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Hi folks, long time reader, first time poster. I'd really appreciate some advice.

I have a chance to pick up a Carver amp, control center (pre-amp), and tuner. It's all in good used but not museum condition, and it's basically free.

I've got way more 2 channel stuff than I need, so I'm not sure if this is worth accepting or not, yea I know, it's free, but if I take it and it sits in a closet someplace there is no point.

So anyway, I'm running a pair of Klipsch Chorus as my main set of two channel, with additional speaker sets in additional rooms. I'm pushing them with a Pioneer SA9500II/TX9500II.

I know, old school for sure, but I like warmth of the old Pioneer stuff, and the wattage (80wpc) has never left me wanting more.

So this Carver stuff, I never owned Carver anything previously so I have zero experience with it. The amp is model M1.5t, the control center is model C1, and the tuner is model TX-2. I know the wattage is quite a bit higher than my Pioneer - something in the range of 300wpc? So theoretically more power, more headroom, etc etc.

I've heard Carver has a good reputation, but like I say, I'm clueless on these units . . .

Does anyone have any experience with these units form Carver? Are they any good?

Thanks in advance

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Bob Carver had a long career and not all his products are equal. So the recommendations need to be specific about the models involved.

So let me take a crack and violate what I just said. I have a Carver TX tuner (similar) model. I think it is fine and on the used market they are a pretty good deal.

As far as the amp goes, I have not had extended listneing with the m1.5. IIRC, it sounded pretty good. I did have extended listening with the m1.0t and I thought it as great (the later version with the bridging switch is the more desirable one). Not all the m series amps were good IMO, the later, bigger ones were okay but not great.

BTW, these are older amps and may need some re-freshing.

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Good place to start. I have some even older Phase gear and I got some good advice from them. The forum isn't nearly as busy as this site so you may not get replies right away.

I know little about the gear, but that amp is fairly highly regarded by some. I'd love to have one. I have an older Phase Tuner and it's a bit of a toad. Looks cool as hell, but there's more to audio than looks....I think.

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I would pick it up and try it, it sounds fine on Klipsch (I was a dealer for both Carver and Klipsch when these were current).

I would install an in-line fuseholder for protection, the M1.5T can put out 600W/4R continuous, 1.2KW on program material (per channel).

Down the road, you might be able to trade a M1.5T for a M1.0T (with switch). If I could, I would; eventually the M1.5 will need new filter caps on the two lower rails and they will require some work to fit new types (original ones not available).

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