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As long as you don't feel both hands on your back at the same time. [:o]

Reminds me a joke

Went for my routine check-up today and everything seemed to be going fine... until he stuck his index finger up my butt! Do you think its time to change dentists?

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well, you guys convinced me....I have been ducking the proceedure for a few years....now age 53....main reason for ducking it is I'm one of theose folks that pass out at the smell of a band aid or the rubbing alcohol used to prep an area for blood work.

Good for you!

Just remember.... when it's all over & done you will wake up in a REAL comfortable state of stupor.... you won't know everything that's going on as the drugs slowly wear off. Who knows...you might even laugh at some of the sounds you hear in the recovery room.

Realize that some of those sounds you might hear in the recovery room might be sounds created by the air they gently inflate you with....working its way back out in a horn loaded sort of way.

Seems when I had mine I was giggling at 'the sounds' until I realized what it was. When my wife had hers, she became embarassed.


Now, of all people, if my WIFE can get one.... a big lug like you can!


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I am glad you were able to get potential problem cells out of your body.

Last year I had to spend a night in the hospital to get 6 bags of IV fluids put back in me following 3 days of food poisoning. In the morning My roommate got a visit from his doctor. The results from his tests/procedure were in. I got to hear a 70+ year old, very frail sounding man be told that he had advanced stage cancer in his colon. The doctor told him that it had already moved into other organs. The doctor was there for probably 2 minutes tops. After the patient was told it wasn't operable he asked the doctor what he should do. Doc kinda stuttered and said to stay in good spirits and left. At that moment I was pretty horrified for that guy. Then I got listen to the old man call his wife. He told her that he wanted her to come in to see him that day, he had his phone up so loud that I could hear his wife on the other end. She made it pretty obvious to him that she was being interrupted by having to go down to the hospital to see him. This too made me feel pretty horrible. I was released before his wife made it to see him.

That was one of the saddest moments in my life and I had no idea who that guy was, I never talked to him before or after he got the bad news.

Congradulations on actually going through with your 100,000 mile maintenance.

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As long as you don't feel both hands on your back at the same time

OK, well if we're going there...

The first time I had "the checkup", I was NOT expecting it. My wife made an appointment for me to get a physical with her doc. Was a female. All was fine & dandy until she said "take your clothes off, put that gown on and bend over"

She did wait until her (attractive) nurse came back in.... oh, the humility. I felt it was a bit ironic that she was going to have a witness in the room so that I could not accuse her of violating me.....as she was preparing to do just that.

During the process though, I did turn around and say something similar to "ya know Doc.... when I take a girl out on a first date I always buy dinner.... the least you could have done was have some wine & cheese waiting...."


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