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Palladium P37f


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P/U only in NYC metro area.

Need money for my new passion and will have good 5.2 Palladium system without.


When these sell will also have a pair of XPA-1 that will be up and could make package deal. Believe me these are monster combo and no hint of distortion.

Please make PM deal.


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As always good to hear from you. As for your visit, you might just hear them. I put them up on Agon for what I thought was a saleable price and haven't heard a thing in all of about three hours. I expected to be inundated by now! As to my present money woes, for all its worth, I've taken to motorcyling much worse than when I was young enough for it to make the slightest bit of sense for me to be on one. What can I say? Late mid-life crisis. Remember, by the way, as much as these are not in your locale, you get a discount just for grins. All the best and look for a PM please.

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As for your visit, you might just hear them.

I would thoroughly enjoy that. [;)] But I'm quite sure you will be able to sell them soon.

Remember, by the way, as much as these are not in your locale, you get a discount just for grins.

Nice. Thanks

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Hey Nic, it's been a while. I'm not sure if you have the most supportive wife, or if she's finally had enough of you shaking the whole house that she's wanting you to invest more into that rocket you've got.

To anyone interested in these speakers, I'll gladly vouch for their performance. I heard them in Nic's home when they were his mains and they were absolutely amazing. Well beyond anything in the reference level.

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How very kind W-27, We certainly had a time of it listening to music and shooting the breeze. My dear wife has long since stopped complaining about things since my attitude improved with the aquision of my new Hayabusa, I'm like a kid again and can't stay off it. I've put over eight thosand miles on it in less than nine months. I'm planning on pumping it up to about 235hp, all motor, no juice or turbo. Just mostly head and piston work with the most important thing at this level...better brakes! Its good to hear from you and send good thoughts and all my way so this gets done. I'm thinking I'll get into at least the mid eights in the quarter with my motor work even if I miss a shift. All the Best!

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