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New purchase LK-72...how'd I do?


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You did well my young Jedi ! When you get it if you have a Digi cam take a shot of the under chassis wiring and shoot me a picture. They only thing about these Estate sales is there pretty vague about how long ago the amp was used could of been years or days. If you decide to fire it up when you get it keep a close eye on all the exposed tubes to sure there lighting and look fairly the same while it warms up. Ideally a variac is the safe method to fire them up when usage is a unknown factor. Drop me a email if you need any advise or whatever craigostby@comcast.net


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What in the world is a variac?..a special sobbing towel in case the thing self-destructs?

This is my first attempt at owning a Tube since 1983 and I have forgotten everything I knew accept how to hook it up. Therefore, any advise I get I will cherrish. Thanks for the offer....so here goes:

What are the specs. of this dinasaur?



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It's a transformer with a variable pot.

With a old vintage unit that has been sitting for some time, it's wise to use a variac to apply low voltages to the unit using the variac's pot to help form the dielectric material the electolytic capacitors. The material dries out.

Sometimes the 'lytic cap may be to far gone to form back up to the rated charge, and will leak excessive, or just be shorted out.

There will always probably be a little leakage with a 40 year cap, but can be formed to suit the job, it depends on the capacitor.

Some variacs have a meter, or one can attach a meter to monitor the voltage of the unit in question, looking for overcurrent and whatever other anomalies that may occur, bringing the variac's pot up from lower voltages to the units rated voltage.

It's better than slammin' full line current into a dormant 40 year old cap, possibly shorting it out, when more than likely it could have been fine if formed proper.

I can use one, or a nice tube power supply up to 500 volts.

Hell, both.

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Well, I think I got a better buy than you did. I bought an LK-72 integrated amp and LT-110 tuner a coupla weeks ago for $225. Asked the seller to pack it well and advised him that I was willing to pay extra for secure packaging. Also, that I was in no hurry to get them, which I thought your average college grad could understand meant to take the time to package them well. Paid $10 extra for packing materials which was HIS suggested amount to insure their safe arrival. They arrived all right, the output transformers were torn from their mounts on the chassis and the aluminum chassis was bent. My 10 extra dollars bought 2 layers of bubble wrap. I'm sending them back. Someone else will have the opportunity to buy them soon.

I did absolutely everything that I could possibly do to insure that this did not happen and even offered suggestions on how the seller might package the items. This guy is a real clown. If I have ever im my life offered anyone an iota of valuable advice then this advice would have to reach the epitomy of good advice: avoid this turkey. More here later.

I hope you enjoy your LK-72. But first I hope that it arrives in one piece.


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I am really sorry to hear that. If you can believe it, I saw that on eBay at night. Emailed a friend to see what he thought and it was sold in the morning. When I checked the forum I was glad to see that someone here had enough sense to jump on the package. I really wanted to hear about the restoration, listening reviews, etc.

At least the guy is giving a refund.


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Well, I think we all have had our share of shipping nightmares and it's too bad we have been made to suffer at the hands of some uneducated-union-oaf-package-handler!

My own experience goes like this: I paid big money for a pair of JBL L7's to replace a pair that were stolen. Upon sending the guy the money for the speakers plus $150 for air frieght, the idiot shipped them UPS ground and pocketed the rest of the money! If that isn't bad enough, when they arrived the boxes were destroyed and the speakers had all the corners crushed! Being the optimist I hooked them up to find that the four way design had been rendered to a 3 way in one and a 2 way in the other. I took them apart and found both crossover rectifiers had broken off and rattled around inside the boxes. On one of the trips past the crossover board one had even hit and broken a (get this) 90 mic cap! Has anyone out there ever tried to find a 90 mic cap??!! Suffice to say unless you are sitting next to the parts bin at Harmon Audio you are S.O.L.!!

So there I was with speakers that were junk courtesy of UPS and when I tried to turn in the claim I was told that there was no extra insurance on the shipment! UPS was only liable for 100 per box and even that claim had to originate from the shipper--yeah right--who not only pocketed the extra shipping funds; but also kept the money for the insurance!!

Missing the vasaline,


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Well it sound like you have expereinced the pains of stupid sellers. Be carefull with your new toy it really should be fired up on a variac and checked out for its overall health. Scott amps alway's need a rebuild to sound and operate safely. There is one part that is always bad and starving the tubes for there proper voltage. This part has ruins so many valueable tubes its not funny and if it compeltely fails and can destroy the output tranformer also. The heck of it is it can be bought at Radio Shack for $3 LOL !! But you need to know how to put it in and adjust for the newer devices ouput.


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