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Should I get a Mac or PC for my next computer?


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On 1/25/2003 9:58:44 PM mace wrote:

This board is really something... the above verbiage is by far the kindest, gentlest Mac/PC debate I've
witnessed...especially considering it involved an employee from Intel!



LOL!!! Yeah.. Well there is no reason to be a jerk. All that would do is make Intel look bad when their employees get involved in some nasty flame war. Trying to help paint a positive mature business like discussion is always better for company image.1.gif

That said however, I reserve the right to be less than positive on other topics which have nothing to do with the computing industry9.gif2.gif

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"And, the mac is useless as a programming platform, if you do that sort of work. "

I do that sort of work, and would never say osx is useless as a programming platform. All of the programs I work on need to be compatible with several flavors of unix and then windows. When you are working in vanilla c/c++ and other cross platform languages (I use a lot of tcl for gui work) macs are just as capable as any other system. If I had the choice Id be doing all of my c/c++,tcl work on a nice G4 laptop, or a dual g4 with a 22" cinema display :) But alas, I'm working on one windows box, and one linux box.


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Have you done any C# work? It's my new found love. I love the ease of VB, but the syntax of C++, however hate the syntax of VB... C# gives the best of both worlds.. =) Of course it's windows only but hey... Thats the only platform I develope for anyway.

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Nope, no C# work at all yet. I'm sure at some point in the future I'll check it out...probably on personal time though, everything at work always needs the unix support as well.

I have heard good things about c# and xml integration, and since XML is the current buzzword, I've been doing a lot of stuff involvng xml.

Guess I need to buy Visual Studio .net now:)


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yeah.. .Net has a lot of good XML support for both VB.NET as well as C#. They both talk to the same framework underneith so any language that is .NET able has access to the framework.

Microsft really did a good job with VS.NET and the .NET framework.

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You may be surprised in terms of price when you compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges (oops, apple reference was unintentional1.gif). I'm currently shopping for a new desktop system to use at home. I've always had a Mac at home and a PC at work. Both work fine, but I've always enjoyed the Mac a little more and never found it frustrating the way a PC can be. However, recently I was tempted by the TV commercials showing a PC with printer, flat panel monitor, keyboard, etc. for $699. You sure can't find a new Mac for that. Turns out you can't find a new PC with decent hardware for that either. Once you add a decent size harddrive, a CD burner and/or DVD drive (recordable or not) and a current processor, you're right up to the price range of the new iMacs. I don't mean that you're close to even on the prices, they are really the same. That being the case, I have settled on the iMac with the 17 inch screen. I'm just going to wait several months since the line hasn't been updated in a while. The 17 inch laptop, however, is brand new and beautifiul. Go for it!

Please note that my discussion of price comparisons only applies to the desktop systems. I just remembered that Kain was specifically looking at the new laptop. I'm not really up on what cutting edge laptops cost, but $3500 seems like a heck of a lot! Do you really need a laptop? You can save about $1500 by getting the iMac with what seems to be equal capabilities.

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When I was shopping for a Mac laptop for my daughter, I was looking at the PowerBook, which is very cool and very sexy. However, in HER environment ("student who would be tossing it in the car" sort of thing), I was concerned about the durability of the PBook. Open up the screen, turn it on, and run your thumbnail across the outside of the case top (IOW, across the back of the display). You'll be able to see the path your thumb takes across the screen while looking at it. It's a mighty thin piece of metal protecting it!

We opted for the new-design i-book with the hard plastic cover. Still cool, but less fragile.


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On 1/27/2003 10:16:56 AM KAiN64 wrote:

Thanks for all the info!

I am deciding between a PowerBook G4 or Power Mac G4.

If you don't absolutely need the portability of a laptop, go for the PowerMac or iMac. Most people with laptops (myself included) leave them sitting on a desk the majority of the time. If you do that, you're spending extra money on portability that you really don't need. You also tend to end up with a smaller harddrive and fewer ports. just my 2 cents. 1.gif

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Here is my take on the whole Mac vs. PC thing. During the ealier days of Mac, I flat out could not stand them. I absolutly hated the older MacOS. I also swore off the older iMacs as just simple playthings. Give me a friggan command line and leave the WIMP (Windows, Icons, Mouse Pointer) environment out!

However, that being said, I had the oppurtunity to play with the newer OS X based Macs and I'll admit that I am impressed. I also like the fact that they are based on Unix, which is what I do 99% of my development work in (no C# or .NOT here! - any Winblows development I did was with Visual Studio 6.0 using C++ and the MFC). If I was in the market for a laptop, I would give the new powerbooks a serious consideration.

Now, I do disagree with PC being "a hodgepodge of junk" put together by the lowest bidder. That may be the case with those cheapy $499 e-machines, but I build my own PCs. I use the most top-of-the-line quality gear I can find and I have never had the stability issues that some people complain about, especially using the newer MS OSes. The lastest version of Winblows I use is Win2K. I have no desire to go to Win eXPloit until I absolutly need it. Of course, if MS continues down its current road, I may very well jump ship there! I absolutly will not get a PC equiped with PallaDRM. Trustworthy computing my fat @$$! Sounds like MS and the RIAA/MPAA just wanting to find a new way to control what goes onto your machine. I'll get the most powerful thing available before PallaDRM and use that for as long as I can.

For the cost between Mac and PC, you can certainly get a more powerful machine in the PC in sheer performance, but consider all the extra goodies that Apple tends to throw in on their machines, as well as other have mention, there are a lot of nice design touches on the Macs. Alot of those "i" applications, such as iDVD, iPhoto, etc are also very nice - better than the equilvalent type of things included with Windows.

In the past it was a no-brainer, in this debate - go PC, but now, the modern, OS X equipped, Macs are definitly worth checking out, especially if you plan doing most typical things, such as surfing the net, using the office productivitly tools, listening to MP3s, and such. The PC still definitly has the edge as far as games go and if you are a hardcore gamer, the PC is still the way to go. For everything else, it is an either/or debate, whatever you feel more comfortable on and in some case, whether you really do like MS or not.

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I guess the question is....what are you going to use it for? If you are going to use it for more graphic work and what not then you should get a mac. Although...there have been some very nice advances in graphics on the PC side. Personally I don't run mac and trash and most business applications are run using windows PC's. I also think that PC's are more user friendly where as mac are somewhat hard to figure out. They are the best thing for graphics though....

Like I said, you need to ask yourself what you are going to use it for. Then make your choice according to that.


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YUP!!! I met with my accountant this morning and discovered that my tax return will more than cover a new machine. I went home, logged onto the Apple site and discovered that they had announced the new machines this morning and dropped the price $200! Now I have the agony of waiting for my tax return before I can actually make the purchase. I have the order set up and saved through the online Apple Store, just one click away.

I'm getting the 1GHz, 17" iMac with 80 GB harddrive, 512MB RAM, and Superdrive for $1849. With the extra RAM, tax and MS Office it'll be around $2100 total. Quite a step up from my 6-year-old PowerMac that I use now.1.gif

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I'm definitely not trying to start a war of words.

BUT, I have to say that you're the first person I've ever heard describe Windows as easier to use than the Mac OS. If anything, I've heard people argue the opposite. I guess it's just a case of what a person started on being the most familiar.

New topic.

I went to an Apple store this afternoon to play with an iMac and torture myself since I can't buy one yet. The iTunes application is VERY slick and the best audio program I have encountered. Effortless transition between MP3's and streaming content, nice visuals. All very clearly organized and easy to manage. I don't know if Apple has won awards for this program, but they sure should. I didn't have time to play with the iPhoto application, but I've heard similarly good things about it.

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