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RIP Beloved Klipsch General


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Last year we who treasure nearly all that's Klipsch united to mourn the passing of Paul W. Klipsch... the man with an open mind and a yellow "bs" button to pin on opinions he found unworthy. And while the company he kept still has "Preguntas Generales" and "General Questions" in every other category... the old, mainstream "General" Questions seems to have been done in by a hot foot applied by the "thought terrorists" that have done in so many worthwhile attempts at flameless Internet dialogue.

The old General was an icon of freedom of expression where patent ignorance could grow into international tolerance. It was a place where someone who was a little "over the top" could get his bottom trimmed and his attitude adjusted... without benefit of gutter humor or mindless flames. It was a place to grow on because the Klipsch web tenders hoped that the sage among us could flavor the "general opinion stew" to offset the occasional bitter root... and spare the Webmaster to thankless chore of yanking noxious weeds growing between sincere posts.

Exploring the "General" led to understanding more about the kind of folks that buy Klipsch and take the time to share their views in the finest PWK tradition. Every once in awhile, there is a hue and cry to bring back one "Klipsch Heritage" or another... but we, the market, might not be mature for a PWK-style "General" Renaissance. I pray that the spirit of Mr. Paul will prevail and not fall prey to the flatulent flamers too naive to objectively contribute to do their part in support of person-worthy free speech.

Clearly, when one person's "free" speech is another person's right to be free of unjustifiable slurs... a cancer becomes imbedded in our primary artery of sound advice beyond the audio sphere. It was a faucet of the Klipsch Gem in a "cyberbin" of lesser stones, cool rock and hot pebbles. It was a place where mindful folks could prepare comfort food for thought... and get seasoned contributions from the world over.

It was a place where people of widely different views could meet and find merit in each other's stance. It was a mini-theater of diversity that grew a more peaceful human condition in a little corner of the Klipsch World Market Bazaar. It was a place that could only survive with self-restraint and mutual respect as cornerstones of free expression. In other times, some of us were able to speak to moderation... and flaming rhetoric receded as new Forum Friendships grew from the opportunity of understanding.

Who killed the General? Why maybe it was HornEd! Yeah, the HornEd that believes in Klipsch loudspeakers... and the spirit of the greatest Klipsch Loud Speaker of all time... Mr. Paul... who must be turning in his grave to see what we, collectively, have wrought. We "No Life's" (and above) who have invested so many words... only to have our "market" collapse in flames.

In other years I felt the pride of a "fireman" squirting the fiery rhetoric from the un-Klipsch-ly among us... and, now, I feel the shame of being just another "drip" offering too little to late.

No, my Forum friends and detractors, I cannot blame the "BobG" establishment for the task of being the "censoring ladle" in an open stewpot bubbling over with "salsa de vitriol" and chunks of rotten "rudie-beggers"... that would be a no-win for Klipsch proposition.

World togetherness just lost another noble champion. If only the living could Rest in Peace... =HornED 15.gif

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Oh, I don't think it's dead, Ed. The remote control has been taken away from us all, until we can get along. Don't worry...it'll be back up: our folks aren't that cruel!!


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On 5/25/2003 11:27:30 AM HornEd wrote:

It was a place where people of widely different views could meet and find merit in each other's stance. It was a mini-theater of diversity that grew a more peaceful human condition in a little corner of the Klipsch World Market Bazaar. It was a place that could only survive with self-restraint and mutual respect as cornerstones of free expression. In other times, some of us were able to speak to moderation... and flaming rhetoric receded as new Forum Friendships grew from the opportunity of understanding.


I don't think I could have written it better myself.

Here is the way I looked at it - using your marketplace analogy - the General section was like the Tavern there at the corner of the Bazaar. One could pull up a stool next to a fellow Klipscher and have a friendly discussion over a drink or too. Unfortunatly, thier was the occasional scoffle that may occur, but were usually settled down by the equivalent of other patrons saying "yo - dudes, no need to get into a fight over it - knock it off before the police arrives". Than a bar-room fight had to break out over a disagreement in opinions on the war. That ended up with the police having to come and a few folks being uncerimonously being thrown out of the whole Bazaar and the Tavern being closed for a couple days. Now, somebody came in and completely upsetted the place and as a result, the whole damn bar had now been torn down.

So here we stand across the street at the Home Theater store looking at the smoking wreckage that was once "Klub Klipsch".

I hope that the "owners" of the Bazaar will eventually build us another Tavern.

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The only thing I have to add is that I hope people can start using restraint in the future. Also I admit, I have tossed a log on a fire that occures in the general section from time to time. But some of you guys were throwing entire trees soaked in gas on this last one.

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On 5/25/2003 12:06:54 PM m00n wrote:

But some of you guys were throwing entire trees soaked in gas on this last one.


You got that right. And to think that Me, Griffinator, and somebody else nearly had that whole thread derailed into a topic about recording studios, equilization, and room-treatments. But somebody else and to go throw a whole gallon of nitro-glycerin back on it. Which really sucked, because Griff had an excellent post on there about how to use an equilizer correctly.

Ah well - like I said - lessons (hopefully) learned and time to move on.

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I curse the ingrates who fanned the flames of the thread that wrought the General Forum's demise.

Do you realize that some of my best material resided in that forum? I laid out my whole Tornado Story for the world to marvel at (off-topic though it may have been). What prompts the less adult among you to argue these petty points back and forth, past the point of distraction, and into the arena of frustration, and eventually, damnation?

I am mentally and emotionally incapable of arguing even the most salient and dearly-held audio opinions (cables make a difference, The Beatles are the greatest rock and roll group ever, etc.) to the levels of the petty bickering in the Thread of Doom... I can't even remember now what the whole ruckus was about! (No, please don't remind us... we surely don't want this forum removed, HT now being roughly 75 percent of my system's usage, not to mention all the Academy-less potentials who are awaiting enlightenment).

Can we agree that, as much as we might disagree, that we will not allow any topics or threads to evolve into the kind of ridiculus repartee that we saw in the last 36 hours? How about it?

BTW, TheEar... over 4200 posts? Are all of these sitting in the Klipsch server? It's a wonder the thing doesn't crash!

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I think one take away from all this may be that in the exchange of ideas, the truly intelligent should not be drawn in by the rants of the idiotic. When we are, we give them the ability to make us more like them, and in the end only hurt ourselves....in the future we would be better served by ignoring the ignorant rather than trying to argue with them....

You can't argue a stupid person into understanding they are stupid, they haven't evolved yet to a point at which they'd get it. I like this forum, and look forward to having the General back and healthy...

My two cents...peace.

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I think we all got caught up in our patriotism and our love for Klipsch. This forum has become my 2nd home over the last 1 1/2 years and I have enjoyed the insight and thoughtfulness that has ensued. Sometimes we have the tendencies to try and right the ship even though we know that the ship is already righted. There will always be those for what ever reason that think they can bestow their beliefs upon all that reside in our corner of the universe. I tip my hat to Mr. PWK in his vision and the outlet he provided all of us. Without this we would never be able to exchange our thoughts and kindness towards one another. There will always be a bad apple or to that fall from the tree, but there are many more that will stay together.

My 2 cents.


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What? It was about patriotism? I thought it was at least about something semi-important, like differences between speakers!

This neo-patriotism...

Well, I refuse to get started on this, only to say that if humanity does not unite, and soon, we are all doomed. And if anyone disagrees, they need to do some rough math with exponential population growth and available resources. Our tendency to gather in groups, and blindly follow the apparent leader, has gotten us into a lot of trouble since before recorded history; and the challenges we face as a species are far greater and more important to our future than...

Oops, sorry; I forgot that I refused to get started.

ONE WORLD, y'all. Good night.

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Well spoken Ed, truely eloquent.

The problem IMO is that some cannot engage in sane discussions without resorting to name calling and character slurs. It takes more than one person to wage a battle, and a ****load more to wage a war. There will always be dectractors and trolls, but home audio/theater should not be a subject of rants and flames. It should be about a shared common interest that brings joy and loads of fun into our lives.

I'm just glad the giraffes got out in time.


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Great points everyone! However ...

I dunno ... I feel the moderator, for quite a while now, has been a bit heavy handed in this blunt trauma approach to forum maintenance. You don't treat a finger cut by chopping off the hand. A lot of people are now penalized for the actions of a few. A simple deletion of the thread and banishment/suspension of the flamer(s) would have been more than sufficient.

This condescending behaviour toward forum visitors is ridiculous, but hey, it's your play ground. (No need to ban me, I'm on my way out the door).

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Wow! This is one rabbit whos glad his head wasnt peeping out of a hole in General Forum yard when it received the Daisy Cutter treatment. If it was me I wudda applied a little selective silencer action using duh Poppagalluchi brothers outta Toledo before burying the whole gang. Speakin of last resorts, I was stuck in a No-Tell Motel on the outskirts of the Nevercandancer city limits for a week one day when all of a sudden this giant ,25 foot , purple and green

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