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In Memory: Johnny Cash, John Ritter


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Let's remain focussed here folks !

This post is about how many of us feel about the passing of two entertainers whose work many of us have greatly enjoyed over the years.

Those of us who are saddened by today's losses are entitled to feel and express that loss amongst friends.

If Foldedhorn chooses to mock our feelings and our expression of those sentiments then so be it.

His mocking of our expression of those sentiments says more about him than it does about those of us who written to express our sadness.

In time he will hopefully come to understand/accept that good people do not necessarily always assign the same degree of importance to any given event.

Agreement/Disagreement with one's opinions is not a reliable measure of the intelligence and/or maturity of one's collegues.

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I am not a country fan, but I do know Johnny Cash as a legend in that field, so wishes and support to his family.

ritter on the other hand was a big part of my life. When I was younger, I watched three's company all the time and john was just a very funny guy living out almost every guy's dream on TV (which guy wouldn't want 2 single cute female room mates?) the thing that always gets me about his death much like john candy and chris farley, is that its just so sudden. thoughts to his family and to everyone on the board. its just sobering to realize we all are here today and possibly gone tomorrow.

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