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My new 1976 LaScalas


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On 2/28/2004 12:51:17 AM IndyKlipschFan wrote:

ok we want a report...

Heresey vs Cornwall vs La Scala.. and the winner is???

and important is WHY you feel this way too!!----------------

Is this a trick question? Obviously there is absolutely no comparison between the Heresy and the big ole horns. Don't get me wrong here, the Heresy is a fine speaker for it's price point. But, it is not in the same league as the larger horns.

I think the CW's have more and deeper bass than the LaScala. But the LaScala is a much larger sounding speaker, and it has much clearer, crisper, and more detailed mids and highs.

I am presuming that the BIG sound of the LS's is due to their effeciency rating (104db vs. 98db for the CW). I like both speakers a lot. It would be very hard for me to chose which one I like better at this stage. They are both excellent speakers. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. Both do certain things well. I say, pick your poison.11.gif I like them both.

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Great pictures. Nice speakers, now all you need are some Khorns in there.

Nice to see those all together in one picture, sure helps to give perspective to the size of these speakers.

I have been thinking about some Las to replace the Heresy's I am using in my home theater as surronds. Have khorn mains and belle center (with another belle in reserve if I ever go 6.1). The surronds get drowned out, imagine that, even though I have adjusted my receiver to deamphasize the fronts and center and emphasize the surrounds. The little heresy's just can't keep up. After seeing the picture of the corns, Las, and heresy together I dont think I have enough room to use LAS as surrounds. Perhaps I should buy 3-4 more heresy's and use those for all positions in the HT. (yea I would still keep the big horns for stereo listeningin that room and put the belles back in the den for stereo listeneing there).

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On 2/28/2004 12:21:24 PM Tom Mobley wrote:

Yes, the LS cabinet is deep, it's the K-400 horn in there that makes it that way. But, it pays off.

That a very nice looking pair of LS, that's just what the ones here looked like.

Yeah that K-400 is HUGE! 9.gif

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Man O Man, these LaScala's sound awesome with SS! They have huge sound there's no denying that. I am still hard very pressed to say that they blow the Cornwall away, but I really do like them a lot. And the price was right.

I think something is wrong with my Scott 272 though. The left channel is real weak compared to the right?? Thanks FedEx!!!!


I'd like to thank rf3iicrazy for introducing me to "Blue Man Group", The Complex, and to Craig for reintroducing me to "Dire Straits", self titled, while at Smilin's home in Chicago.

I still want to pick up a copy of that rare Sgt. Pepper's LP that MarkBK's friend Dan brought to Smilin's.

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On 2/28/2004 8:58:32 AM White01L wrote:

I have been thinking about some Las to replace the Heresy's I am using in my home theater as surronds. Have khorn mains and belle center (with another belle in reserve if I ever go 6.1). The surronds get drowned out, imagine that, even though I have adjusted my receiver to deamphasize the fronts and center and emphasize the surrounds. The little heresy's just can't keep up. After seeing the picture of the corns, Las, and heresy together I dont think I have enough room to use LAS as surrounds. Perhaps I should buy 3-4 more heresy's and use those for all positions in the HT. (yea I would still keep the big horns for stereo listeningin that room and put the belles back in the den for stereo listeneing there).


Mixing Heresies with the Khorns and Belle is a compromise, true. If you don't have room for surround La Scalas, do you have room for surround Belles?

Otherwise, your idea of going with an all-Heresy HT is excellent.

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