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"___ and i said , hey stop and think for a second ."


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OOhh sorry flamers this threads not about you !

Last night i was admiring a freinds huge record collection as we were moving his possesions to another house. When we stop'ed for a break his wife sat down with us and went over there columbia house CD selections for the month.

I piped up and ask why the heck was he buying CD's with this massive record collection ? His response was " my record player crapped out years ago and there fairly expensive to replace today "

So i said hey stop and think about this for a minute , even a half decent used record player can be had for less than 1k but look at what your going to spend on CD's at $15 or $20 bucks each, by the time you re-buy everything already have .

I suggested trying to find a used rega or the likes . Anyone have a decent suggestion for a ( non- techy ) table for under 1k . We'll be looking used and i have " no " clue as to the price points in this market , any help would be great .

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I think a used Rega 3 with the RB300 arm is a great place to start. It is a very good sounding table and arm combination, which purchased used will not break the bank. They are also not complicated to set up and maintain.

hKlipsch out.

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Thanks so far guy's , something plug and play would be right up his alley.

I guess one more question ( if buying from E-bay or other auction places ) would be the safty factor of shipping . Being a kind of fragile beast would a player need to be packaged like a tank ?

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Buying a TT from ebay is risky to say the least. They need to be taken apart in many cases and packaged very, very well. Better to buy new or find one local. I got lucky with my thorens. The guy was a TT expert, took the thing apart and packaged it so well it took 20 minutes to unpack. I paid someone to put it back together and set it up properly.

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