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Any Nu-Metal or Emo fans out there?

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Just curious if anyone on these forums likes nu-metal, emo, or a related genra. If so, what's ur fav band and so on? What kinda system do u listen to ur music on? Man..I could only imagine listenin to my fav band (System of a Down) on a pair of RF-7's or khorns..I'd die lol. Anyway, just curious..and bored lol. =P

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just my opinion, i think nu-metal sucks hardcore and has ruined a lot of really amazing old school metal bands who can't make it anymore because of radio friendly crap like Linkin Park. And i think emo is just a bunch of high school kids who never got girlfriends or understood why they got dumped. Get over it, everyone gets dumped. Onto the point....

On that note, a lot of awesome metal isn't the greatest recordings, so they won't sound amazing on a sick system. The big studios and sound engineers who make the popular stuff, and orchestra stuff, that's where you'll see a difference on a big system.

Underground bands like In Flames (old In Flames, not Nu-Flames we suck a lot and have weird effects and ruined all of our old solos and play no songs from our best 2 albums when we play live), At The Gates, Arch Enemy, etc etc. These recordings aren't done really really well, they're all European underground bands, so you can't expect to be blown away like you would with a 5 channel SACD or DVD-Audio of Beethoven.

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On 6/20/2004 11:08:29 AM schwock5 wrote:

On that note, a lot of awesome metal isn't the greatest recordings, so they won't sound amazing on a sick system. The big studios and sound engineers who make the popular stuff, and orchestra stuff, that's where you'll see a difference on a big system.


I don't listen to much "nu-metal" or "emo", but I do listen to a lot of power/prog metal, such as Dream Theater, Stratovarious, Kamelot, and so forth. These do sound friggan awesome on the RF-7s. Some of the recordings are not the best, but many are actually quite good. It almost seems like as though the RF-7s were made for this kind of music. Refined enough to render the vocalists and the orchestral parts with beautiful detail and clarity, but aggressive enough to put the hard-hitting guitars and drums right into your face 9.gif.

Now, I've heard Linkin Park and System of a Down as well as a couple others on my system, mostly through the Music Choice channels that comes with my DirecTV service (since I don't have any of thier albums), and I'll admit, they do sound awesome on these RF-7s.

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I was just generalizing how more popular bands with record label backing and funding will get much better sound enginnering on their recordings than the "do-it-yourself" undergrounds. I don't think that point is very arguable either, but yes, on any great sound system, any recording will inherently sound better than on crappy speakers.

But old Boy Sets Fire, new "American Metal" like Agony Scene and As I Lay Dying, and Shai Hulud, have muffled recordings. The big metal bands like Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom, and Insomnium will have better recordings since in their respective countries, and even here, they are very big.

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On 6/20/2004 11:58:01 AM schwock5 wrote:

I was just generalizing how more popular bands with record label backing and funding will get much better sound enginnering on their recordings than the "do-it-yourself" undergrounds. I don't think that point is very arguable either, but yes, on any great sound system, any recording will inherently sound better than on crappy speakers.


That same logic can be applied to why newer recording might sound bad. The recording companies do not care as much about the music, therefore streamlining it for the masses and not taking as much time with it. People who record their own music care more about what it sounds like, and therefore can alter it to their tastes which in the end, usually sounds much better.

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Skonopa, I too listen to some power metal and such. Wow, that's pretty cool, I'd love to crank those RF-7's up and just headbang until I pass out hahaha.

schwock5, I enjoy a variety of music. Nu-Metal, Metalcore, Metal, Heavy Metal, Emo, Screemo, Nu-Emo, etc. I agree, most band's old stuff does kick ***. Such as In Flames and Boy Sets Fire. Alot of European bands are getting picked up by labels quickly which is both good and bad. My cd collection is around 300 cds all from various generas of Metal, Emo, etc. Unforuntantly, I think Nu-Metal is turning into pop..bands such as Linkin Park, Trapt, Three Days Grace, etc. Older Nu-Metal bands such as Slipknot are dying, they might not even make a 3rd cd, which is a shame IMO. Although, VOL 3 the subliminal verses was their best.

Anyway, yeah keep the comments commin! 12.gif

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Although the music business is that, a business, it doesn't function exactly like other businesses. What i mean by that is, when a band has a contract with a label, it's for a set number of CDs before that band can transfer labels, but i don't think there's a time limit of new material to be written. When a band records an album through a label, the sound engineers take a lot of time and have a vast knowledge of what they are doing. The "do-it-yourself" bands rent out a studio, record it, quickly mix it and release it. Those bands that have a small backing by a label get slightly better recording, but no where near that of a high followed RCA label band and such.

I never liked slipknot, my best friend does, he always tries to get me into Nu-metal, i can't stand it. It all sounds the same, and like crap. Every song he sends me, slipknot, Korn, whatever, just doesn't rub me right. And linkin park, although they have catchy tunes, that's all it is, catchy pop, radio friendly hourse singin mixed with the ever so soft catchy melody vocals and emo lyrics. What a nice formula.

I'll stick to sick guitar riffs and double bass, that's the only formula i need. My bands don't need a "record player player" like linkin park as Rollins would say.

To each his own, everyone is entitled to their opinions and what they like. Whatever makes you happy 1.gif even if it's someone screaming with barbaric noise in the background 3.gif

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Metallica and ozzy was metal.

The swedish / norweigian heavier stuff, with double bass, and dual melody guitars, is heavy metal.

Nu-metal is the american no talent rip-off, with weird guitar effects, not sick riffs, and a DJ.

Metalcore is metal and hardcore, like shai hulud, the perfect band in existance. (That point is unarguable, try if you might, it cannot be done.)

Like any genre, there's different "types" with blurred lines. Like ska, skacore, ska punk, etc etc. Bands have different songs on a CD, with different tastes, so you cna't label a band. Everything's blurred, but there's definately a difference between old in flames heavy metal and new in flames nu-metal, it's CRYSTAL CLEAR, and i don't like it.

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On 6/20/2004 4:18:18 PM TheEliteOne wrote:

...such as Slipknot are dying, they might not even make a 3rd cd, which is a shame IMO. Although, VOL 3 the subliminal verses was their best.


ummmm.... vol 3 IS their 3rd "major label" release... but is technically their 4th album. 6.gif (they also have one older independant one). BTW, Korn's Take a Look in the Mirror features an excellent dynamic recording for those interested in the style. It really comes alive on a heritage system with a good sub.


On 6/20/2004 11:08:29 AM schwock5 wrote:

just my opinion, i think nu-metal sucks hardcore and has ruined a lot of really amazing old school metal bands who can't make it anymore because of radio friendly crap like Linkin Park....


I'd agree that it's "just your opinion" 2.gif ... bands (and producers) dictate what they produce... no one can RUIN IT for you. Bands evolve, fans evolve, and some bands loose the initial creativity. Turntables, drum machines, samplers, and even empty barrels can be used as instruments by musicians as much as cellos or electric guitars.

I can't criticize Justin Timberlake for his input to the music scene as he caters a public with music tastes entirely different than mine... so I don't know if his stuff is good for his fans.

Music is a very personal thing... and there are as many types, as there are people... 16.gif


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