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NEW! Fleetwood Mac - Live in Boston DVD - Released 6/17/2004


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This post is identical to one that I made in the "Home Theater" topic section under the thread "Good concert DVDs":

BTW: Happy Father's Day all of you other dads out there!

My son and daughter in-law gave me the new Fleetwood Mac DVD 'Live in Boston' for father's day yesterday. It was just released on June 17th. I was excited to see this DVD as it's the band's first concert DVD since 'The Dance' which was released in 1997.

The new DVD contains 3 discs. The first two are DVDs that contain the concert. The third disc is like a bonus music CD. I was able to view most of the first DVD yesterday. I am using a Pioneer Elite DV-47Ai DVD player. I immediately noticed artifacts and horizontal lines at times, especially around the brightly-lit faces of the performers. I do not fault my disc player for this as it is the only DVD I own that seems to do this. I looked at the DVD packaging and it claims the tape was originally filmed in HDTV. So, I am wondering if the artifacts are the result of poor compression, or simply poor processing. The DVD is still hightly watchable, but I felt it important to bring up this fact to you all.

As for the performance, my wife and I have always enjoyed Fleetwood Mac ever since we saw them in concert back in the mid-1970's in Reno, Nevada during their 'Rumours' Tour (1977). This performance is marred somewhat by the fact that Christine McVie had decided not to tour with the group any more back in 2001. I feel that, although the band has retained the remainder of its members from the mid-70's era, and dispite the fact that they have been successful in adding some very talented new backing members, the absence of Ms. McVie leaves a noticable hole in the the groups overall sound and presence. Stevie Nicks still sings very well, yet she seems very uninspired in her performance. She does not seem to be relating much to the audience and at one point on the first disc, she paused between two songs to say, "This is the point at which we thank the audience for supporting this group throughout the years". Although kind, it's not the sort of usual excitment that stirs one to want to reach for the Zippo and thrust it into the air while "Woo-hooing!". In all fairness, Nicks has always been somewhat reserved in her performances, as she seems to slip into the gypsy-mode. But she seems stoic in this performance, rarely even smiling.

Lindsey Buckinham is his usual intense self. The man is a perfectionist, as is Mick Fleetwood behind the drum kit. His strange facial expressions have always reminded me of the Jim Henson character "Animal" who also plays the drums wildy and with passion.

I played the DVD in Dolby Digtal 5.1 mode and the sound seems somewhat lacking. For instance, on the song 'The Chain' when John McVie is shown plucking his well-know solo bass notes, only the bottom end seems to come across, while the very important attack on the bass strings is totally lost! Also, there are moments when you see Mick Fleetwood playing the bell portion of his cymbals, yet you hear nothing! I'm lead to believe that either the mix is terrible, or someone did a very poor job of miking the instruments.

I am looking forward to watching the second DVD and listening to the CD. And, despite everything I have mentioned thus far, this is still a wonderful set. It is simply my opinion that this band is known for spectacular performances and thus far it has been just a bit disappointing to me.


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I agree somewhat. It seems odd without Christie, and Stevie does seem a little uninspired. After a couple of playthroughs though, I actually prefer the audio on this one to The Dance. I find it a little more raw and more to what you'd expect from being at a concert. Don't get me wrong, The Dance is great and what I consider to be reference quality. It's just nice to see something that's very good while not being as produced as the first. BTW, It amazes me to see how 30 years later how damned good this band still is. I seriosly doubt that there will be as many of today's new acts putting out concert dvds 30 years from today.

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The performance livens up on the second disk. Lindsey is great and he does phenomenal guitar solo on the second disk. The sound was OK but I agree the mixing could have been much better. I thought the vocals were week at points due to the poor mixing. I agree that even with the shortcomings; the DVD is worth getting.

Just my 2¢.

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Agreed: I watched the second disc last night and it does get more lively, save for Nicks, who appears to "awaken" only for the performance of one of the songs formerly featured on one of her solo albums, 'Stand Back' from the album 'Wild Heart'. She then seems to digress a bit, but not into the stoic figure she was prior to that. I say this with some passion as I have always been a "Stevie Nicks fan". I'm afraid I was a bit disappointed by this, even though I do think it is fantastic that this group has come back. It's too back Christine McVie is not among them.


-Early Nicks

On the other hand, Lindsey Buckingham and Mick Fleetwood turn into a couple of "Wildmen from Borneo" on the second disc! I've always loved to see how empassioned these two get about their music during their concerts, especially Mick Fleetwood, as he jumps out front of his drum kit, first to play the African drum, and then to play "himself" (his electronic vest)! It was very difficult for me (and probably the audience) to make out everything he was shouting during this phase of the show and I don't think the audience was completely "with him", but they did show apprciation after it was over. Buckingham went "simply crazy" on his guitar. I was amazed he didn't break all the strings! The audience ate it up!

Still, in my opinion, with video compression, miking and mixing problems aside, if you are a "Mac fan", this DVD is a "must-have"!


And, as Mick Fleetwood says himself on this DVD: "The Mac is Back!"


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Great review, and I'm glad to have it. Huge Stevie Knicks fan, she always gives me goosebumps when she sings. Given all the other holes I have to fill I think I'll pass on this one because I have the last Mac and also have her Wild Heart(great cd IMO).

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wheelman: Sorry, dude! I haven't seen 'The Dance' DVD yet, so I can't comment on it. I hope to acquire it in the near future.

Christine McVie is sadly missed on 'Live in Boston'. However it was her choice to stop touring with the band back in 2001 as she had begun to find things were becoming difficult for her to endure on the road. Therefore, I cannot blame her for making the best decision for herself and her personal situation. She was an asset to this band's performances, and I do miss her. 15.gif

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I will wait until I can rent it or see someone else's before I purchase it. I have "The Dance" and play it at least once a month if not more. This new one would have to be awful good for me to purchase it especially since I am in love with Christie!

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