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Computer Virus?


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Someone I work with says he's getting computer viruses embedded in MP3 files.

My question - if I convert an infected MP3 to analog, run it through a 35 year old preamp, and dub it off onto a digital audio tape, take the tape downstairs and dub it into a digital playback system through another analog stage or two (take a deep breath here) what are the chances of a virus surviving all of that and contaminating the digital playback system?

This may be an obvious question, but I haven't been able to get a definitive answer around here, and I'm not computer savvy enough on my own to figure it out with out help.


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Has there been documented proof of a virus spread via mp3? I haven't come across any but if they are that is a new attachment I will have to start blocking.

I would say the chances of a virus surviving that are slim but you could always open it on a mac no chances of a virus infecting that but I suppose the last thing this forum needs is another flame war topic pc vs. mac : ).

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Hello Bob -

Probably (I came close to saying absolutely) not.

Viruses are generally specific to an operating system and most of the viruses circulated via internet are aimed at windows and ancilliary windows applications. The virus searches for specific files or file locations to embed and start their weasily activities. This would not apply to most standalone audio playback devices that rely on firmware that is quite different than PC environments.

That said some are being aimed at MP3 devices. This would also generally be well outside of anything you are looking to do. If it was me I wouldn't hesitate. Since it isn't me I disclaim this as advice and you proceed at your own risk....

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On 7/26/2004 2:43:57 PM CaptnBob wrote:

Someone I work with says he's getting computer viruses embedded in MP3 files.

My question - if I convert an infected MP3 to analog, run it through a 35 year old preamp, and dub it off onto a digital audio tape, take the tape downstairs and dub it into a digital playback system through another analog stage or two (take a deep breath here) what are the chances of a virus surviving all of that and contaminating the digital playback system?

This may be an obvious question, but I haven't been able to get a definitive answer around here, and I'm not computer savvy enough on my own to figure it out with out help.



Nope no way a virus can survive that trip, and if it did, 6.gif holy assimilation batman, better call for backup cause the borg just arrived!2.gif

Now Im not into the MP3 stuff, but if the mp3 players are using a windows CE version OS then technically yes its possable for a standalone mp3 player to become infected. BUT... The virus would most likly have to be written to target that enviroment and I've not heard of any virus targeting them yet.

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Even if someone figured out a virus that would be embedded into .mp3 files (entirely possible), when you convert it to analog it will become just a little bit of noise. When you convert the sound back to digital the conversion is nowhere even close to bit-perfect precision, so the virus would be lost.

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