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Surge protector question:


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Sounds like you have all the bases covered Dodger, good explanation.

I'm suprised nobody's mentioned Leo's recommendation for the Belkin line conditioner. To me it sounds like a lot of bang for the buck, but keep in mind this stuff is a little esoteric to me.

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I believe The Belkin constantly monitors the voltage from 86 or 87 volts to 130 volts and kepps it at an even 120 volts.

It kicks in and supplies stored voltage from Capacitors during brownouts (low voltages) and will resist high voltages and protect from surges along with filtering EMI and RFI.

If I'm not mistaken, they and some others have digital readouts to let you know the volts going to the Equipment along with the Voltage coming in.

I can't remember how long they can continue to provide 120 volts during a brownout so I will defer. They are not a generator.

You will have to figure if and how many brown outs per year you get and how long they last. They can damage equipment also.

But comparing their price versus Iso-Bars just for Surge protection and filtering - you be the Judge.

Just make sure you keep receipts for tubes, equipment, ads for other retail costs, plus the units themselves in case of a problem and you use their Insurance.


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On 8/20/2004 6:51:44 PM dodger wrote:


I believe The Belkin constantly monitors the voltage from 86 or 87 volts to 130 volts and kepps it at an even 120 volts.

It kicks in and supplies stored voltage from Capacitors during brownouts (low voltages) and will resist high voltages and protect from surges along with filtering EMI and RFI.

If I'm not mistaken, they and some others have digital readouts to let you know the volts going to the Equipment along with the Voltage coming in.

I can't remember how long they can continue to provide 120 volts during a brownout so I will defer. They are not a generator.

You will have to figure if and how many brown outs per year you get and how long they last. They can damage equipment also.

But comparing their price versus Iso-Bars just for Surge protection and filtering - you be the Judge.

Just make sure you keep receipts for tubes, equipment, ads for other retail costs, plus the units themselves in case of a problem and you use their Insurance.


line conditioners maintain the voltage by reducing the amperage...... this can cause a problem if you are using it with a large power amp.....

a better solution is to use a large UPS..... a UPS will maintain the voltage and the amperage for a set amount of time even if the power goes out totally......

IMHO.... the ultimate solution is a whole house surge protector at the service panel, a series mode protector, then a large UPS unit to provide for constant voltage and continous power through a brownout or blackout......

i do use a series mode protector and UPS on my computer system...... i do not use a UPS on my audio video system.... if it shuts down due to a brownout or blackout, i can just turn it back on when the power is restored.....

while keeping receipts is always a good idea... a series mode protector will keep your equipment from any damage plus giving you a very high level of piece of mind.....

here in minnesota where we get many thunderstorms, i used to shut all my systems down during a thunderstorm... now i just laugh at it and keep enjoying my sound system and keep the computer up and running!!



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I love it. APC has been a fantastic company!! This was a unit designed from the ground up outside of the APC experience in thecomputer backup and into the HT market. I saw it at the CEDIA show.. Nothing touches it to my mind.

Now the real ? is, 1500 is a lot of money too, and I understand that. You spend say 20k or more on a system.. This might be perfect for you. You spend 3k probably not.

This is more than a surge protector / typical monster power unit.. just pricey IMO.

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On 9/23/2004 11:51:18 PM IndyKlipschFan wrote:


I love it. APC has been a fantastic company!! This was a unit designed from the ground up outside of the APC experience in thecomputer backup and into the HT market. I saw it at the CEDIA show.. Nothing touches it to my mind.

Now the real ? is, 1500 is a lot of money too, and I understand that. You spend say 20k or more on a system.. This might be perfect for you. You spend 3k probably not.

This is more than a surge protector / typical monster power unit.. just pricey IMO.


They do have the "cheaper" ($1300) model though...


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