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ow High is Up?

Ray Garrison

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I thought I read once that the giant wooden box was a subwoofer of sorts... capable of 20Hz at -0.5dB or something. Used 8-12 woofers or thereabouts, if I remember right.

Anyway, I thought ion/plasma tweeters produced ozone as they played and extended exposure could harm you. Have I missed something yet again?

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Thoughts, let's see:

Propels some sort of diaphram, not touching that one.

They actually don't work, it's only some modern art that the trumpet player owns.

It would give new meaning to K-Horns are not that big, sweetheart.

You buy K-Horns, order those and have to return them then mope about having to settle.

I wonder about sound projection, time alignment.

The one looks like the basin in my Dentist's Office.

Take 2, they're small.

How long before someone with too much money (athlete) has them fitted into his Hummer?

I would love to hear Bach on them - pipe organ or some good Hendrix, Clapton, Foghat.

What would the Surrounds and rears be?

The guy from Jeopardy bought them for viewing his appearances.

I WOULD love to hear them.


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