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Would you sign up to demo Heritage line?


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If most Klipsch dealers do not stock the Heritage line, that leaves Klipsch with a means to sell, but not demonstrate the mighty line. Yet many high-end audio salons are not much more than converted garage side businesses. I heard $110K Nearfield Pipedreams in such a setting, with Joule OTL amplifiers (and the owner). Did more critical listening in a group there than any Sound Advice/Tweeter store.

What if Klipsch created a Listening Room network of authorized representatives? Would you sign up? How many of us would love to show off our system to interested people? I know I would.

Klipsch could register us, make us sign a policy manual and list us and our loudspeakers on their web site (by appointment only). The list could be sent to their dealer ear network annually. Our street addresses would not listed, for security, but contact information would.

We would agree to demonstrate the system and adhere to certain policies (like not sell any other audio/visual equipment). This would be particularly useful for over seas sales. Tweeter could still get the sale, we do the work. Registrations would renew annually.

Policies would include:

Let listener bring and play their own music

Do not feel as if you have to provide refreshments (but hey, that is only polite)

Feel free to set a comfortable time limit (not less than three songs)

It is up to you whether you want to swap or re-arrange equipment

Do not disparage or bad-mouth competition or local Klipsch dealer

Arrange demonstration with two weeks of contact

Be available 3 out of 4 weeks or weekends per month

Do not smoke if customer does not

Do not discuss politics or religion

Provide a self-addressed, stamped feedback response card for customer to send back to Klipsch

Feel free to provide follow-up visits, if contacted by customer

Contact local Klipsch dealer personally and introduce yourself

Provide Heritage brochure and order form to each customer

Obviously, there are legal ramifications, like personal liability and what not. It might have to formally organized as the Klipsch Heritage Society, with Klipsch donating administrative support only, like an audio club supported by a local dealer. But if Klipsch created a Listening Room network, would you sign up?


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I'd do it, I never get the chance to show off. In fact there was an ad on AudioGon for a guy looking for Khorn's and according to the zip code he is only one town over from me so I extended him an invitation to come look and hear if he so desired.

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Why the heck would I want to help Klipsch sell their speakers?

Heck, they don't even pre-manufacture the Khorns anymore. I understand they're made upon order.

Is it my fault Klipsch is abandoning some of its heritage line and not trying very hard to sell the rest of the models???

Klipsch could sell the heritage line like crazy if they focused on it. Unfortunately, they're a bit busy counting the profits from all the outsourced klipsch speakers made in China and sold here.

So, my answer would be NO.

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yes, I've owned 1992 heresys II's, 1979 CWs.

I currently own 1979 WO khorns, an 01 KLF-C7 and an 01 KSW-15.

I like klipsch but if they're giving up on the heritage line it's not my fault or problem.

Also, If heritage production continues to slow and eventually stop... our used heritage speakers will be worth more.

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actually not true, if you look at the used sports car market, the most popular antiques are the ones still promoted by existing compnaies, take Farreri (sp), their old models still sell so well becuse the new ones are hot, go like hell and cost a ton, while the Joe Podunk model from Illionis sells for dirt cheap because nobody has heard of it, a listening network would help promote the quality sound of big ole horns...

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This was brought up before, & the main problem would be letting many unknown strangers into your home. I would do it for almost anyone here on the forum etc, but not just random people.

However, I have already done this on an uncommon basis. I can say that almost every student that comes through this school will hear the Klipsch Heratage sound in some way, with band or chorus members getting a personal demo daily, sometimes with their own voice!

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colin if klipsch was pushing the heritage line with all their mite, marketing the heck out of it and the speakers still weren't selling I'd be more inclined to sign on to your idea. The fact is they appear to be doing just the opposite.

I do think your idea is a good one. Klipsch should have thought of it long ago. The could offer to pay participants a small fee or give a credit toward a klipsch purchase each time the participant promoted the klipsch products.

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On 3/10/2005 12:38:04 PM jpm wrote:

My prediction - death of the Heritage line within 5 years if not less. Even on a special order basis.


I completely agree.

My guess is that the heritage line can't be outsourced to china due to size and weight. Klipsch can't get the huge profit margins they're used to getting on all the plastic stuff they're selling these days ...so klipsch doesn't want anything to do with em anymore.

PWK's rolling in his grave. 15.gif

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So D0N are you still selling those Khorn's? I may have found you a buyer to take all the worries and headache's associated with them off your hands. If you are in the Albany, NY area it would only be around a 6-7 hour round trip for him. Let me know, who knows maybe I'll buy them and replace my OO Khorns with the WO so I will have all WO Heritage for the most part. This way you won't have to worry about demo'ing anything. 25 Benjamins right.

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haha frzn... I probably sound like a dick but it's how I feel. I feel that klipsch is backing away from the heritage line in the name of profit and it makes me a little sad.

I decided on keeping the khorns. Didn't want to sell em anyway. I was able to secure the funds for a downpayment on a house without selling them.

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"This was brought up before, the main problem would be letting many unknown strangers into your home. I would do it for almost anyone here on the forum etc, but not just random people."

I have to agree, allowing strangers into your home is not a good idea. You never know what can happen.

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How many here actually have current models available for audition? A 30 year old example isn't the same thing as what a person would be buying today.

Not to mention how many people demoing that 30 year old example will give advice like... "used ones are less than half the price - 50% discount" which isn't going to actually help Klipsch sell any speakers.


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I really like your attitude. I, too, love the Heritage line and hate to watch the shameful way its value and potential are being squandered.

However, let's say someone comes into your home to hear your speakers and--clumsy son of a gun that he is--slips on a loose rug or something else, or your dog bites him or licks him too hard, or he slips on the pavement outside. He's going to sue you. Your homeowner's insurance carrier, because their motto is "You're covered 'til you have a claim" will say something like they were insuring a home and not a business, which is what you are running, and they will deny coverage. You are now on your own, legalwise, because Klipsch isn't about to help you. Good-bye $$$$$$! Even if you win the lawsuit, you've spent thousands, or tens of thousands, for attorney's fees. If your insurance carrier decides to defend the claim, you'll still have to pay the deductible amount of the policy--still major $$$$. Remember, "No good deed goes unpunished."

I just don't see folks exposing themselves to that kind of liability for free while the dealer makes a few thousand dollars simply for making a phone call to Klipsch.

I do like your attitude, though, I really do.

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Guest Anonymous


On 3/10/2005 3:50:48 PM ygmn wrote:

Force the dealers to have some on hand.....

Problem solved....and more then likely people will by the ones in stock by the dealer...IMO...

people hate to wait for things they want NOW.


i am one of those people who refuse to wait, when i spend big bucks i shouldn't have to wait

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You'd have to do a nose count. How many reading this stuff have bought new heritage or asked dealers to get some ta listen to?

Security don't want anybody touchin my Belles. 1979 and purty as a Sunday morning. Lawyers can fix there mumbo jumbo. number to call and say I want whatevers whose put em out and who will get them to me ASAP

Open your wallets purses credit cards start going in and buying or work this out prices won't go up much everybodys saying buy used

Talk about China somebody over there just bought IBM computers business whats this USA doing

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Every single high end stereo dealer I visited in the Los Angeles area was home based including Kevin Deal's Upscale Audio. So the business of upper crust music technology for ALL manufacturers follows this "garage" arrangement.

The question is: Do you want to use your home as a business arena for selling stereo gear?? You'll need to deal with strangers and unknowns. Also, if you want to make $ you'll need to carry more than just the Klipsch Heritage line. The purpose of those dealers I visited was to make a living. Their homes were a menagerie of stereo gear (and families lived in these places).

Could someone just use their home for strictly Klispch demo homes? Well absolutely, but, you then become more interested in perpetuating the Klipsch Heritage line than Klipsch is (dangling participle). T'is true that Klipsch is not driving their heritage line.

Klipsch needs to decide what to do, how to do it and If they want to. At this point it's as though they offer the Heritage equip as an accommodation. Does Klipsch want to be a player in the highest end of stereo?? I know exactly what PWK would say. Now lets hear it from todays Klipsch!!!!!!!

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