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Decorator Heresy Re-Veneer almost complete!

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I was pricing veneer at local shops. Damn!! they want $160 for a 4x8 of zebra wood. was a single 4x8 enough?

I am currently building a mahogany granite rack. There is a granite shop in the building next to mine and they finally started cutting my pieces today. once that project is done and paid for the heresy will be next.


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Gee, I am just looking at my Heresy right now. The bug may have just bitten me too (as soon as I finish installing my kitchen cabinets etc).

It sounds like you are going to veneer the front face. My question is how are you going to cut the material since the front is slightly recessed? Are you going to let the grill cloth hide any gaps or is it possible to get the material in tight and then slice it with a blade?

I am curious about the technique.

Anyway it looks they are coming along nicely. With some finish on them they will be fantastic!

Good Luck,


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These are decorators, so the faces are not recessed and there was no grill or cloth covering the drivers, thus it's just another lap of veneer. The glue has set up, so I'm going to get the iron on it, right now... I've got new Klipsch badges in both the pie wedge 2 pair and also the straight bar type.


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if it was raw veneer i have acess to just the raw veneer im sitting on figured aniger and zebra wood and a lithe sycamore and acess to a lots of cherry but its just plain veneer no backing kinda like a raw book of wood dont know if many ppl are interested in the raw unbacked veneer for a good deal

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Todd, are you going to mask off the veneer and spray the interiors and cutout edges nice and black before you put the guts in? Please make sure to use beautious black screws as they will be showing on the final project.

5-way binding posts?

3/4" back rabbeted? (is your original the resonant 3/8" board?

(these are just some of the niceties I've seen in remodeled Heresies)

Then bring them round to my place and sell them to me okay? Insert smilie <img src='http://forums.klipsch.com/idealbb/images/smilies/3.gif'>


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