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The next afternoon was our first visit to JMalotky's fabulous music and theater room. This part of the country is truly the home of spacious homes and yards (and 3-car garages, pace Gary), and John's and Scott's places are no exception. This shows only the business end of John's theater, with the K-horn pair on the flanks and a K-horn top end (tweet and K-400 MR) suspended over the screen in the center with a couple of Heresy woofs in cabinets sitting below. A couple of rows of super-comfy sofa seats (with leg rests in front) are behind the camera.


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Colter, how about e-mailing me how you do that in PE 4.0? I used to be able to until I upgraded!

This is the same scene from farther back in the room. Note the recessed equipment shelving on the left. John has remotes that can dim the room lighting as well as adjust and change whatever's going on in his system.


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This is the Saturday Afternoon group at John's -- L to R, Damon, Who, Gil, and John.

We watched and listened to music and movie selections. I put on the first movement of Gary's DVD of the Beethoven Triple Concerto for Violin, Cello, and Piano and orchestra -- Itzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma, and Daniel Barenboim piano and conductor, with the very great Berlin Philharmonic. I believe the group was very interested in watching the close-ups of the performers as well as hearing these outstanding players and seeing how they produced those sounds. Following that, Gil led us through a very special introduction and playing of a beautiful sequence from the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey.


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Not to interrupt but GREAT PICTURES LARRY!!!

I too am thrilled that you guys got the Well-Tempered running! I know Scott was on the brink of ditching vinyl altogether. Way to go Larry!!![Y]

Now please continue and I apologize for the interruption.[:D]

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After that session, Scott invited the growing crowd back to his place for a cookout. (Incidentally, since this was the land of cheese, everyone had a slice of cheese on their hamburger.) Rather than take shots of everyone socializing and eating at once, I grabbed this shot of Scott's super-trained dog, Scout, chasing a ball. No one should think this is a photographer's masterpiece -- I had NO idea that ball was in the pic until today!


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After scarfing down the fixins', we trekked back to John's theater. Scott brought his BAT pre and amp, and Art added his Shanling CD/SACD player. We had heard that player at Scott's the night before and I thought it had that special notes-in-their-proper-space that tube equipment has (MHO, of course). It and the BAT equipment sounded terrific on John's setup, although to me the synergy was best within John's carefully built up system.

I have to express special thanks to Scott's good-as-gold son Kyle, who carried that heavy amplifier up and down stairs, and slipped behind the upstairs cabinet through a space barely wide enough for a kitty in order to transplant cables and move things around. Nice work!


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The group spent the evening listening to music only they can describe (and I prefer they do it). L to R are Scott, Damon, John flanked by his son Al and the lovely Leslie, Artto, and Who. Two SVS subs are behind Damon (I originally thought they were bass traps!). They are powerful and shook the concrete floor and the couches.


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This is rather late the next morning -- Scott had bought an Eastern Electric tube CD player after carefully comparing it to others, and we took it out for the first time at John's, where it suffered at first from not being broken in (I discovered on this trip that not everyone believes in break-in!). Now back at Scott's, the BAT and Sony are back in place on the right of the upstairs cabinet, and Scott and I have worked the EE into the left side. By now sounding very fine and linear, I believe Scott was very happy with it.


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Curly maple shots were requested, and this seems to be the best I could do. The grain is not raised -- that's how it reflected the light.

Thanks Larry - DROOL, [sigh] [:P]

And thanks for the write up and all the pics. Now the rest of you guys on the trip- What did you listen to and what did you enjoy about the various systems?

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I had a great time too. Special thanks to Scott and his wife Sue, and to John & his wife Leslie for their extreme hospitality. Great pictures Larry. Thanks for the documentation! This was my second visit to Johns place. Its always great to watch movies on Johns system. My vote for best moment goes to Dr. Who for later asking John, after watching a scene from War of the Worlds, Do you have your subs, or some kind of vibrator, somehow connected to the seats? I just smiled because I knew what John was going to say (because I had been through this before). It was a pretty impressive shaking. This is home theater as it should be.
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That was Scott who asked if I had seat vibrators.

If FlyingV has his theater done next year, wait till you see what he does.... he build his own seat risers that are working subwoofers. Now that shakes your chair. In his last house my wife turned to me and said "If you want to improve your sex life, get one of these"[:)]

Thanks for the complements. If any of you are ever in the area and want to see the theater first hand, drop me an email.

Nice pics Larry, thanks for documenting our fun weekend.

Will also be fun to see you guys in Hope in a few weeks.


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