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V For Vendetta (DVD release)

Audible Nectar

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Out on DVD Tuesday, August 1 (bumped up from the original planned October release). I missed this when in theaters, and have been awaiting this DVD release ever since. Looking forward to this one.....

Gosh, what a tease, I thought you were doing a review................will have to wait I guess...

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"Gets my vote for the best use of the 1812 in a movie. [:)]"

OH YEAH[:D] V has very exquisite musical taste.

I haven't enjoyed a film this much since the original "Matrix". Given that the Wachowski brothers made this film (along with Joel Silver, who brought us "Demolition Man"), I figured it was "up my alley", but this exceeded my high expectations and hopes.

The director/producer trio has that "Fascism" thing down pat. If you have ever wanted to know what a fascist government/society smells and feels like, this film portrays one quite well....in this case, a future fascist Britain.....complete with state run BS peddling TV networks, jackbooted thugs, orwellian messages and billboards, and state officials invested in every state-contracted business in the land.......

It is very topical and applicable to events of today.....it will challenge the notion that a "terrorist" is inherently evil....and it is impossible to view this film without understanding that the directors are sending a broader message. I have always wanted some entrepreneuring young directors to redo George Orwell's "1984" - but this just about replaces that need. The lessons are the same.

I won't spoil the rest of this for you. I'll simply urge you to rent or buy this film, and find out the rest for yourself. Best movie this decade, IMO.

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This was only offered in Dolby Digital, and while it was good audio quality, it was not as good as many of the DTS tracks I've heard (like The Matrix). I've seen three different versions of this release (single disc, double disc, and double disc with mask and art) and none are DTS.

I do wonder a bit if this was due to this film not being a "pushed blockbuster" - IOW, a film that was not heavily promoted, and therefore not seen by large audiences in theaters. Then again, if the DVD sales take off (and it looks like they have), then a DTS release might be forthcoming later - but I wouldn't count on it.

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Excellent! I've been wanting to see this movie myself, but missed it at the theater (well, actually did not want to put up with the usual theater going nonsense, such as people talking, cell phones ringing, etc).

I'll definitly have to pick this one up, probably this weekend.

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"I've been wanting to see this movie myself......"

You and apparently a whoooooooooole lotta other people - this is the current #1 selling DVD at amazon.com (double disc widescreen version). The single disc widescreen is #4, and the single disc fullscreen is at #39. I figured this would be a better DVD seller than it was at the theaters (lack of promo didn't help the theater release), but the word has apparently spread since the theatrical release. I was also told that sales at Best Buy were very brisk - the cashier said that better than one of every two customers she serviced that day bought a copy.

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I was expecting more action, was mildly disappointed. The concept of the movie was OK, and V had enough of a plot to hold my interest, but I thought the movie was a extremely abbrievated version of the comic book saga. From a comic book action movie standpoint this one is luke warm, I could see why the Wachowski Brothers hadn't released it earlier. Picture and Sound quality was excellent though. Good Explosions!

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Hmmm...I just watched it, and I too was mildly dissappointed -

First I have always like Hugo Weaving - since his "Priscilla, Queen of

the Desert" days to the inimitable Agent Smith in the Matrix...HE is a

good actor - even with a mask...BUT...

I don't get the whole Natalie Portman thing...she was awful in the Star

Wars movies, just unbeleivable - and while she is more so here, her

accent is shaky at best, and she just doesn't have the chops, she is

cute in a tiny slip of a girl sort of way, but just doesn't work for me

- I liked her best and last in "The Professional" - and "Jersey State"

she was ok, but she did not blow me away - in a manner of speaking...

I thought the premise of V was decent...but I expected more...more plot

development, more back story about the plague, more development with

the police inspector, the friend who disappeared for having a copy of

the Koran, more ties to mid-twentieth century fascism, and I expected

at least a nod to PF's "The Wall", who did a better job I thought

depicting the exact same atmosphere that V was trying to go for and


was a glorified music video...(The Wall still screws with my head

sometimes, even now...for what it is, I thought the Wall was a fatally

imperfect but fantastic and influential piece of film-making, IMHO).

V ended too abruptly, got there too quickly, left too many threads, and

the story was too easy to figure out - I cannot beleive that (given the

conspiracy theorists that we have grown used to today) that there

wouldn't have been a massive underground movement, a (more) brutal

oppression of that underground, and a more fanatical ruling class...I

didn't get that here...Portman was just too cute and too "normal" and

her indignation too minimal for having gone through what she did, given

she saw her mother bashed and removed with a bag before her eyes, and

she was sent to a "camp" for reprogramming....Also, why did her hair

stay short for months after she was shaved? Just a cool look, or

what? She leaves V, gets and apartment and her short hair just

somehow makes her invisible? In a society like they were trying

to convice you existed, wouldn't she have to do a crapload more to

"fall off the grid"? AND V just happens to pull a working subway

car out of his , um, fanny filled with fertilizer based

explosives? Now THAT would be a good stage trick...Just didn't

buy it..sorry...I bought the

first Matrix far far more than this....

I appreciated the Shakespeare references, but without context, they

were just so much filler, I spent more time stopping the disc and going

back to hear the monologues and trying to place the play then watching

the movie...

This was one of those where everyone in the room was saying, "I bet you

the government was the one that gassed its own people", and "I bet she

is going to get caught and cleansed, but it will be V that does it",

and "I bet he is going to use that armored statue in some interesting

way before the end"...and most of the predictions were true...Just

dissappointed with this one - I was expecting better.

Lastly, had I heard that Larry Wachowski was undergoing a "gender

reassignment" and that he was calling himself Linda...does that mean

that they are the "Family Wachowski" and not the "Wachowski Brothers"

anymore? (Not that I have the least bit of problem with the

"gender variable", I was just curious - and more so about this than the

movie, if that tells you anything).

Good sound though, explosions woke the baby...


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A gal I know bought it the other day and asked to come over and see it

at my place (yeah Michael!). Or was she just using that as an excuse to

get close to me???

Great movie, I had to crank the dialog channel a bit and found the DTS

to be very low in the center channel. There is some very fast dialog on

the part of the main character and he's wearing mask so you can't see

his lips move. I had some trouble with hearing it on my KLFC7.

That being said, I'm usually not a fan of horror/ terror movies because

my dreams are bad enough as is. However, I'd classify this as more

drama/suspense becasue there's not that much blood and gore (ok except

for that ONE scene).

Some terrifically good sound effects and the explosions from my THX

really made Sarah sit up and take notice. Except she wouldn't let me

talk during the movie! LOL

Maybe I have a new movie buddy? Root for me fellas!


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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great movie--so many disparate elements that work well together. The action scenes are toned down Matrix style but just as lethal, and the political and romance aspects add alot of mystery and tension.

Its a futuristic thriller about a mad bomber who wants to blow up Parliament and show all of Orwellian England that their government deserves to be destroyed. Or is he really mad? He recruits a young woman during a TV station takeover to help him-- to sympathize with him? -- he tests her to dramatic effect, and she more than survives it--

The movie has elements that provoke you. The blowing up of Parliament is seen as heroic. The story seeks to justify why a terrorist should follow his dream of destruction for his cause--he is seen strapped in bombs like a suicide bomber, so its very timely. And creepy I was bothered that the government was denigrated as"conservative". But all that makes it that much more disturbing--

Natalie Portman overcomes an inconsistent English accent by playing a victim turning into a heroine--sorry, I have a hard time not enjoying every one of her scenes. She's a soulful, sympathetic little minx--God bless her. Hugo Weaving acts right through his mask and is captivating throughout.

Lots of blood and knife fights--V is a force.

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