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Heresy II or III (with sub) vs Reference 63 or 83


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I'm sorry if this has been covered before, but I couldn't find anything on search.

I'm considering the following: Purchasing Heresy II or III, crossing over at 80hz to a high quality musical sub (yet to be identified). How would this compare to an RF63 or 83? I'm not concerned about Heresy's lack of bass, as it will not be sent anything below 80hz. How does the Heresy fiber composite woofer compare at 80-800 hz to the Reference cerametallic cones? I would think it would be no contest 800hz and up (Heresy wins here?)

Thoughts? am I crazy? (I already own the RF-63), they are very refined speakers. I am considering building a seperate Heresy system with used pieces, or replacing outright the RF-63s with Heresy IIIs.

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That's a pretty tough question. I have a pair of practically new HII's and think they sound fabulous, even without a sub.

I think the biggest issue is one which is completely subjective. That is if you enjoy the Heritage sound, Heresy is an excellent choice. Just a matter of preference. ave you had an opportunity to do some listening to Heritage gear? That would likely clarify your sense of options here, which are all good.

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As you can see from my system below, I have RF-63s and Cornwall II's. My Cornwall II's pretty much trounce the RF-63s in midrange and imaging. The RF-63s have a more pronounced, up front, clear treble. I think the Cornwall II's are overall alot more enjoyable to listen to. They both use the DD-12 sub for duties under 100 Hz.

Now you're saying, "I asked about heresys!". Ahh, the moral of my story is that many believe the Cornwall III's sound better than the II's. The Cornwall III's and Heresy III"s have the same tweeter and midrange horns and compression drivers. Therefore, I can confidently deduce, that I'd expect the Heresy III's with a quality sub to further beat the RF-63s with same sub.

The logic is there, a bit drawn out, but my answer is that I would definitely go for either Heresy III's, or Heresy I/IIs.

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Nice thread. As others have known for a while, I have been trying to figure out how to get into the Heritage product. OB loves his Hersey's which to me is enough to go out on a limb and just buy some. I really have not followed the differences between to II's and III's. Interesting.

I have a RF-7 reference system for my theater, and could not imagine ever replacing it, however, for two channel listening in a completely different room I need a smaller set-up. I have toyed with getting Belle's or LaScalla's, but the cost and space needed far outweigh what I have the size and spare wallet for. The Cornwalls are interesting, but the Hersey's seem to be what is yelling at me.

Sorry to go on and on, in your thread. I will say there are alot of people whom love the Hersey's. The cost of these are fairly nominal and I feel you couldn't go wrong. Also, it seems to me resale of the Heritage product is somewhat more steady over time!

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I own the last of the Heresy II's, my buddy has Heresy III's........side by side, Same power amp, NO SUB....the Heresy III has a deeper Bass response, I feel a little smoother overall frequency response, and a SPL of 99.........I really like my H2's, but if given a choice between 2's and 3's.....I would take the H3's............they are both a fine, under-rated speaker that anyone should be proud to own....and with Tubes, OH MY................

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Yes, I have listened to the Heritage quite a bit when it wasn't Heritage (70s - 80s), I owned a pair of Quartets in the 90's. I don't think I like the tractrix sound as well as exponential (they don't sound like horns to me).

I already do crossover my RF63s at 80hz. I think I may buy some H3s just to experiment.

What do you recommend for a musical sub? I would think a sealed design?

Thanks for everyone's responses.

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This may be a silly answer/ question, If you had to buy it all, Heresy lll and a sub ? Would you not be close to the price of Cornwall lll's ?

Same mid and high freq drivers with much more bass ! Just a thought [:D] I really do like the Heresy lll's though .

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For what its worth I went from an RF-7 + SVS sub system to a Forte II + SVS sub system and don't regret it for one minute.

That being said, I did like how the RF-83 system sounded at Ultimate Electronics.

There's just something about a midrange horn though...[8]

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WAF on the CornIII. I was at the Klipsch pilgrimage last year in Hope and heard the Cornwall III, that was the sweetest sound I've ever heard in my life.

I think I could come close with the HIII and a sub, which would not irritate the wife.

To the person about movies/music mix. Probably 80% movies, but I'm willing to sacrifice stellar home theater performance for the 20% music I listen to. I really can only enjoy listening to music when I have the house to myself, which is rare.

Thanks for all the great responses to my thread!! I am going to audition HIIIs tomorrow.

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Well if you heard the Cornwall lll in Hope you heard the new Heresy lll ! The Heresy lll has the same mid and high freq as the Cornwall lll so you are right when you say you could come close with the Heresy lll, I would guess just less bass ! Great speaker, I couldn't belive all that sound was coming from that small cabinet !

You say 80 % movies,but with the new Heresy's I bet music listning goes way up from 20 % ! [;)]

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