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Everything posted by Schu

  1. never heard of it... and not really sure I want to. [] now if you can get me a copy of Dave Drubeck playing Jimi Hendrix we'll talk.
  2. just a quick question about two subs... there isa guy locally that has a rw10 and a rpw10 for sale... which is a better sub and why please? I've never run a sub in my system, and I would rather have it geared towards music than movies. I've read the technical specs, and they appear to be quite different. I prefer a very tight sound versus a booming sound thanks
  3. tell me where they are... i will goover and get them and sell them to you if they are good if not I will keep them
  4. damn... I just started a new thread in general... my bad. anyone have any other used audio sources?
  5. tried to view audiogon website... nothing. is anyone else having issues?
  6. I'd say give 'em a try each way and let your ears decide. that's the one thing about the mid/upper Onkyo's, listening settings can be so daunting because they the choices are vast
  7. TY sir... I to love matched components.
  8. May I ask why you/anyone suggests a Onkyo over a pioneer elite? the 3008 is about 200 bucks more than a sc35. so they are both about the same in pricing. is there something worng with the sc35 that I should know about?
  9. Thanks you guys... I was toying with the idea of getting the new Onkyo m-5000r when it hits our shores. I would be combing this with either a Pioneer sc35 or a onkyo nr3008, I am justr aboutto purchase one or the other. I would assume they both have pre outs.
  10. Can anyone tell me how you would use(or if you would even use) an amplifier inline with a integrated reciever? Iunderstand that you would use a pre amp to control an amplifier, but can you use a IR to do the same? howwould you wire/hook it up?
  11. Things like this ACQUISITION always end up being ruined by the bean counters... those little fellows are always under pressure to increase margins. what is the first thing to go when increasing margins? Quality.It starts out, well this won't hurt the product very much... then it's this little bit here doesn't seem to effect the sales... next thing you know, it is a completely different item based simply on costing. I try to be positive, but the track record for such business decisions does not bode well for the end users that have come to know and love a brand. Branding is really a difficult thing to build... what klipsch has can not be bought. UNLESS you are Audiovox. this is take years, and there will be some positives that come out of it, but slowly the juice will be squeezed out... the lemon will run dry and the rind will be tossed out with the trash, or sold off once again... in name only. In name only is all we will have left after this purchase goes through.
  12. I am just curious... Where is the Audiovox/Klipsch Aquasition Discussion? anyone with any knowledge on this subject, please post up.
  13. I dont read any reason to stop buying Klipsch in any of those posts above... maybe just stop buying custom 3's
  14. because it would be pretty obscene for this to happen at the levels normal earnphones produce. I would suggest that its NOT the ear phones, but your unit that is sending to much electricity... either that or your ears are somply tickling from the excellence of audio reproduction... :-P
  15. interesting stuff... subscribed. I can lend some credence to the flash vs HD topic. I just got a new ipod touch and compared to an old gen ipod with an HD it's night and day difference. My touch with headphones is uber quite and sounds wonderful
  16. Schu

    Image One...

    agreed.... is this discomfort from pressure of wearing or from listening to? Mine are a few weeks old now I I did have to experiment with positions and settings/spacing, but I have my just where I like them... tight on my head so little sound can leak in or out. I think the sound stage has changed on them slightly also... for the better. when I first got them they sounded slightly thin, but now I relly really like them a lot. best buy of 2010 for me.
  17. I found it to be a nice balance without being thin or over powering.
  18. yes sir... I wont receive my touch until monday, but I have been lsitening to different versions of teh same source material on my computer via my Image Ones. Through myexternal speakers(heritage) the sound difference is extremely noticable... through the head phones it is not as much so... but being a stickler for quality, I will still and try to rip and save as in the highest quality format so that
  19. funny... I went through all my computer music and looked at the bit rates... most of it was 128(I can re rip those), a good portion was 256... and one album was digitized at 1141 bits(pagini 24 Caprices)... lol. I do like a good high def recording.
  20. I found this... http://www.klipsch.com/na-en/support/how-to-buy-audio/digital-dish-details/
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