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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. Then there is it's nefarious cousin: disinformation definition at DuckDuckGo
  2. In English, however: misinformation definition at DuckDuckGo
  3. oldtimer

    Food Porn

    It doesn't qualify without pics...
  4. oldtimer


    You forgot, avoid feeding the trolls.
  5. Ah yes! Alternative facts. I have heard that somewhere, I believe it was coined by an inveterate liar. Because, right wait, I remember another saying that the truth isn't the truth. Relativism at its logical extreme leads the ignorant down the path of total confusion resulting in the complete maleability of their minds. Critical thinking is the first casualty, and studies have shown that one cannot change others opinions through the exposition of facts. We are living Orwell's nightmare of mind control through the bastardization of language.
  6. And it always needs hot sauce. Hot sauce is like cowbell. Needs more.
  7. oldtimer

    Hot Hot Hot

    To those who put orders in, expect delivery on Monday. Thanks.
  8. Good question, but knowing non factual information seems a lot easier.
  9. Disregarding the anti trust lawsuit brought against google by the gov, but thats not important right now.
  10. Every song I hear with cowbell needs more. There should be songs that are nothing but cowbell. In my youth i set up an array of actual (not pro grade music cowbells but real life cowbells that i derusted and painted black) along with a latin percussion brand ridged cowbell along side my drum set. This was of course way before snl had their skit. Lots of us already knew the cowbell mantra.
  11. oldtimer

    Food Porn

    You want fries with that?
  12. Alright then. I watch extremely little youtube. Back on topic....
  13. Agreed but the line blurs when delineating between official and "unofficial." Only true (official) state censorship is guaranteed to be protected against by the constitution. Nothing good follows censorship, yet corporations and businesses as private entities have been granted unlimited censorship regarding its employees and their conditions of employment. Concurrently, the same private entities are also allowed to censor anything that is attached to their property (see Klipsch Forum and moderation policy). But you have experience with that as I recall.
  14. I'm not so sure it's that far off. I toured a house being lived in with good insulation and solar panels in the DFW area and it was comfortable. I was looking into the builder as a possible builder at the time. On the other hand, I'm keeping our house this summer at 75 and 72 sounds way too extreme. Personally, I would go warmer than 75 but the wife, well, you know what swmbo means.
  15. oldtimer

    Hot Hot Hot

    It is a personal thing. Medium to some is quite hot for others. If you don't know, then you need more experience. As a long time chili head, my hot is pretty dang hot. I order my food at Thai restaurants "Thai hot." If you know what that means, then you can get an idea.
  16. oldtimer

    Hot Hot Hot

    The scorpion will be called Inferno. The death spiral will be called Devil's Furnace, And the yellow 7 pot will be called Mama's Magma.
  17. oldtimer

    Hot Hot Hot

    They compare around the same. The yellow I would call a medium hot, and the death spiral and scorpion are in the pretty dang hot range, and the scorpion has that long linger to not let you forget how hot it is.
  18. oldtimer

    Hot Hot Hot

    I can currently offer some hot sauce for the chili heads on the forum. There is a scorpion based, a death spiral based, and a small amount of yellow 7 pot based sauces. Still at the price of $7 per 5oz bottle, or $15 for an 11.2 oz flip top, plus shipping. They will be ready soon and I am still considering appropriate names for the label. Pm for transaction details. Bon apetit.
  19. He's put together a fast team.
  20. oldtimer

    Fires ...

    Manny, Moe, and Jack? Or Larry, Moe, and Curly?
  21. oldtimer

    Fires ...

    Maui kalo farmers defend water deputy accused of withholding water during Lahaina fire | Devastation in Lahaina | kitv.com Local news, giving a more detailed story about the circumstances. No mention of "environmentalist."
  22. oldtimer

    Fires ...

    The problem as with many places is corruption. Developers pay off the government. Gee. Think about it if you have the skills. It takes a special kind of idiot to look the other way.
  23. oldtimer

    Fires ...

    Headline of honolulu paper today Maui emergency chief resigns Refreshing right? And if there is to be a prosecution for any crimes then the justice system works, right? I mean if a prosecutor has tons of evidence then the indicted should be brought to trial. It is what the country was designed for. The rule of law.
  24. oldtimer

    Fires ...

    Population of Maui? 165,000 people island wide. Smallish town usa. So how much investment would you think would be approved from available funds?
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