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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. M.E.262: Two minutes/fighting, Five minute major, instigation. Dale W: Two minutes/fighting, misconduct, retaliation.
  2. I can hear Butthead already: "Huh-huh, huh-huh; Tool!"
  3. I don't think it is illegal until you are asked to stop filming(we have the right to refuse service blah blah blah). Some things similar are illegal however, because there are laws or federal regulations regarding a federally regulated situation. At BB, this is clearly not the case. One unfortunate outcome that I see possible is more ridiculous uniforms instead of something so easy to fake (flash to Fast Times at Ridgemont High). While having no sympathy for the managers of the big box in general, in these times think about how much funnier it would be if the participants were all of middle eastern extraction? Wouldn't you freak out if it seemed as if a store full of potential suicide bombers were posted at every aisle?
  4. Good article. I haven't even picked up a paper to read an analysis of the Stars. Their demise was similar. No key saves in goal, lackluster effort until too late, and giving up late period goals when they had the game won. Someone needs to step up on these teams.
  5. I'll start with Brian Eno--Music for Airports. LP, maybe CD. This is ambient music designed to be almost subliminal. Only once have I heard it in an airport, and it was perfect--very soothing. Designed to be played at any speed you desire, I usually play it as slowly as my TT will allow.
  6. JB, your flyers are playing like they forgot everything Hitchcock taught them....More like Alfred than Ken. My condolences, may the Sabres die a peasant's death.
  7. You always pictured that type of bustle.....must be an expert on ladies undergarments, I tip my hat. So why would it be in the hedgerow? Of course! It's just a spring clean for the May queen...... ___________________ It's ok, there's still time for me to change the road i'm on.
  8. Puberty Love from Attack of the Killer Tomatos
  9. First of all: Bustle(n):excited activity, noisy stir, fuss. But we know it's not a bustle exactly, but just the sound of the whispering wind..... Lots of us have chimed in with Stairway to Heaven, and I agree if it is not through my Forte II's with my Japanese pressing lp. But at home, listening closely, I still admire the tune despite all the overplay.
  10. Not that I would vote for either, but your stats point out that lots of people are uninformed voters.
  11. Yep, I'm glad that some people are able to see this issue for it's face value. It's all about Democrats expanding their voter base, although non-citizens with drivers lisences cannot vote legally in state or federal elections. That's why the media is pressing so hard for amnesty in their reporting because they would desperately like to see millions of Mexicans become legal voters in the US. The whole point is to get them on the path towards citizenship and voting rights so they can cast their vote for the Democratic ticket. However, some of the more liberal municipalities in the NE already offer voting rights to non-citizen aliens for local elections. Most notably, NYC democrats are pressing to change their laws at this very moment. Non citizen alien is a different category than illegal alien. Hispanics actually align much better with the republican party than the democratic party when issues such as "family values" and the non-obliteration of religion in daily life are considered. Immigration should be done through correct channels without a doubt, porous borders are a security threat. It is a sad commentary on today's businessmen that they prefer to save costs through hiring illegals so that they can boost profits and thus their perks and bonuses, while creating a massive threat to the security of our country. This during a time of so-called heightened awareness after a massive attack has already occured. Edit: Bankrupt airlines such as Northwest have the gall to ask the court to allow it to hire foreign nationals as cabin crew so it can cut costs to the bone, unthinkable to the less greedy after an event like 9/11.
  12. Great stuff Colter, I like your kick drum point especially. I used a wooden beater on my pedal, combined with a pad which had a solid disk behind a lightly padded foam cover. The cover would wear out really fast so over that I put traditional moleskin to avoid a "knock knock" sound. This gave me definition to the max yet with a low thud, exactly as you describe.
  13. Looks like a nice Academy there. Bd, I noticed in the one photo showing the Forte's that they seem too close to the wall and could use some toe in. Do you move them out when you use them? Nice looking projector image by the way.
  14. Yeah Diz, lots of bad calls have been made so far, but that's hockey. For some reason it is way less cool to moan about the refs in hockey than in other sports.
  15. I've heard'em all dtel. You are right, Cajun is pert near impossible to decipher, kind of like the old man in the movie waterboy. Colter, if you listen to the end of the song, I think they got it all in there, stuff like the internet, super bowl, etc. (theme song from Team America-World Police, music by Trey Parker) Plus, please get back to me about Matching Tie and Handkerchief, thanks.
  16. OK, now the top two teams in the west are gone. The east must be licking their chops for another cup win.
  17. Turco has the same rep as Legace. His stats are way wrong in the playoffs compared to the regular season. When we had Belfour and won the cup, Belfour had the rep that he would never win a cup. Well, he out dueled Hasek, who proved he could not win without an amazing red wings team in front of him. You have to have a goalie playing up to his full potential (standing on his head to block shots) plus a great defense in front of that goalie. Winning the cup is so difficult because of this. That is why there are a few back to back cup winners, but how many three peats? Not many. ____________________________________________ Nice panties by the way gonzp.
  18. No problem. I have been to one game at Fenway, with great seats close behind first base. That was a real highlight for me concerning the Major Leagues. I was living in Seattle for the Pilots games, and then grew up in Arlington watching the Rangers after they moved from DC. The new park in Arlington is really a nice place to see a game, but Fenway has to be the best, maybe followed by Wrigley. Sorry NY'ers, you can have your so-called stadium.
  19. I love Boston! It is the only east coast city I would consider living in. My best friend ended up there so I visit when I can. It is a great city, easy to get around, the revolutionary history is right there in your face, plus it is an awesome beer town. He used to live on the edge of Jamaica Plain right near the pond, and now he and his wife have a tidy condo in Cambridge right near the river. The concert was a great excuse to enjoy a weekend with them.
  20. I am still a sceptic regarding the oil getting past the first round. They always give the team fits, but never finish them off. So, until they show us the money don't count the wings out.
  21. Someone here give this a good home, the price is definitely right.
  22. This was posted in the entertainment section of the forum also. I went to hear the Chick Corea Trio at the Berklee Performance Theater in Boston last Friday. The trio consists of Corea, Eddie Gomez, and Airto Moreira. They performed a single set lasting about an hour and a half to two hours. The concert was a mix of Return to Forever material revisited, mostly from the first two lps, and other material including a two song Bill Evans segment featuring Gomez, as well as a Richard Rogers homage. Airto also showcased some of his talent and of course all his toys (percussion exotica), almost stealing the show with his playful personality and grace on the stage. A two song encore included the T Monk tune Sweet and Lovely. Most of the concert was straight forward, although there was one cacophonous stretch which threatened to lose the audience until relief came with a segue into familiar ground. Overall the audience was mostly reserved and knowledgeable, and appreciative of their local boy (Corea grew up in Chelsea). The show was dedicated at the beginning to his family. The acoustics from my balcony near the side wall seat were maybe B-plus good. My largest complaint would be that the bass was often difficult to hear clearly, while at other times sounded crystal clear. Corea at the beginning of the show gestured to someone off stage to crank up Gomez bass more than once, so he must have felt the same way. Some of the problem must have been the acoustics of the narrow bandbox, as well as Gomez rig which he was constantly tweaking. I kept thinking of the power that Stanley Clarke would generate from his acoustic bass, but that is not to put down the quality of Gomez performance. All in all, I would recommend seeing this show if you can, and in as small a place as possible. That is almost always the case though isnt it? It was a very pleasant way to spend an evening, listening to giants in their field making it look easy. There were no intentionally wowing displays of virtuosity designed to blow an audience away by musicians with something to prove, just pure competence at a level most will never achieve. $40 well spent on music, combined with time well spent with great friends made for a beautiful weekend in Boston.
  23. I went to hear the Chick Corea Trio at the Berklee Performance Theater in Boston last Friday. The trio consists of Corea, Eddie Gomez, and Airto Moreira. They performed a single set lasting about an hour and a half to two hours. The concert was a mix of Return to Forever material revisited, mostly from the first two lps, and other material including a two song Bill Evans segment featuring Gomez, as well as a Richard Rogers homage. Airto also showcased some of his talent and of course all his toys (percussion exotica), almost stealing the show with his playful personality and grace on the stage. A two song encore included the T Monk tune Sweet and Lovely. Most of the concert was straight forward, although there was one cacophonous stretch which threatened to lose the audience until relief came with a segue into familiar ground. Overall the audience was mostly reserved and knowledgeable, and appreciative of their local boy (Corea grew up in Chelsea). The show was dedicated at the beginning to his family. The acoustics from my balcony near the side wall seat were maybe B-plus good. My largest complaint would be that the bass was often difficult to hear clearly, while at other times sounded crystal clear. Corea at the beginning of the show gestured to someone off stage to crank up Gomez bass more than once, so he must have felt the same way. Some of the problem must have been the acoustics of the narrow bandbox, as well as Gomez rig which he was constantly tweaking. I kept thinking of the power that Stanley Clarke would generate from his acoustic bass, but that is not to put down the quality of Gomez performance. All in all, I would recommend seeing this show if you can, and in as small a place as possible. That is almost always the case though isnt it? It was a very pleasant way to spend an evening, listening to giants in their field making it look easy. There were no intentionally wowing displays of virtuosity designed to blow an audience away by musicians with something to prove, just pure competence at a level most will never achieve. $40 well spent on music, combined with time well spent with great friends made for a beautiful weekend in Boston.
  24. I'm in the same boat as Thereyougobuddy on this one. It was played at practically every party in college, I think one or more of my esteemed pledge class knew all of the words....
  25. Well....It would make a nice rear center.....
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