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Everything posted by seti

  1. Yeah there are some cool ones out there I have HP, Tektronix, and a sencore. The sencore is cool because it can measure voltage at the same time but you wouldn't want to tie up that scope for one purpose. I really like the tektronix scopes. There are lots of them and they are affordable. I am rebuilding my workbench from scratch which should be fun.... lol scary.....
  2. I'm using a late 1940's HP Scope and it is fine for this use. Best diagnostic tool I've ever had.
  3. There are cool build threads somewhere on this forum. Snailhorn curve I found inside corner-3feet-micoffgroundon onaxis-K31-smoothed. Also a mid construction pic.
  4. Sent you a PM. Rent a truck come on down 8-)
  5. These would be the ultimate DIY horn play set. No kidding. I 've had them in so many combos and they are so much fun. Selling as a group. If i don't sell I won't be sad.
  6. This is a tough one to post. I need some space and some funds for a project. JC built all these and they are all amazing I have tons of hours on these and have had them for many years in multiple configurations. I don't want to part with them but they need to sing and I need a little cash. Pair Tractrix horns 60hz-600hz straight. Black needs a fresh coat of paint and some clean up. There is a crushed corner on the dog house but it came like that I never fixed it. These come with four Eminence Delta Pro-12A 12" Cast Frame drivers. These horns sound amazing..... Pair Snail Horns you can load these with anything from 12" to 18" woofers. These come with four Klipsch K31 drivers. Pretty low up to about 300-350hz Pair of mid Tractrix Horns no drivers and need to do your own mounting plate. I have 4 different mounting adapters you can have two jbl and two not sure but could be helpful. I have a pair of round tractrix tweeters but they are offered to a local diyer for free. If he turns them down I'll offer them for free as well. 6 horns 8 drivers $1000 for all of it and They are dusty and need cleaning up I just didn't have time. Pickup only Little Rock
  7. Thanks guys. I love the look and am going to use it on my next projects. I have 5 or 6 of these ham chassis. Can't wait to do the big one.
  8. This amplifier will only work on the #1 Klipschorn in the museum WE555 on the HF and the first khorn sported a Jensen A12PM in the LF. PWK designed the electronic crossover for this speaker specifically....
  9. Finally 99.6% completed. There are only two things I would change so not too bad. This was a hard learning experience and I will never build exactly like this again 8-) Here is the recap. Built this mono tube amplifier for the Klipsch Museum with the much help from Chris Hornbeck and Intact Audio. It was a found schematic from the Klipsch archives for the #1 Klipschorn from 1945/46. It is a push pull triode 5 watt amp with built in electronic crossover. It is made specifically for the first klipschorn. The first khorn bass horn featured a Jensen A12PM and the HF a prototype horn with a Western Electric 555… Amazing. This is a gift it to the #1 Khorn and Klipsch Museum for PWK's birthday in March so maybe next years birthday we will be able to listen to the #1 khorn as they did at a party to celebrate the end of WW2. Not sure how long this build took but it was worth it. BTW it is a 5wpc and it does go to 11 as did the orginal in 1945/46… Dave Slagle of Intact Audio studied PWK's electronic crossover design and donated all the transformers. The top plate and front plate are from Front Panel Express. Jim Hunter found the an early PWK signature and Matt Sommers made that into a logo. We still have some final adjustments and some testing to do but it is largely done. I love the old HAM chassis and buy them as I see them. A great way to wrap up a project. It is DIY so it ain't perfect. Hope @Chief bonehead approves 8-) Early in the testing process.
  10. For really old gear I use an oscope with a curve tracer to check cap condiiton. It can do this in circuit. A friend who was a tube tech for many years turned me onto this tool and it is the most useful dam tool I have.
  11. You can do that to be on the safe side. I only do it for amps I do not know the history of but ones I know I just power on.
  12. You could literally drive it with miliwatts not watts..... I can't wait to try a pair on some big ole horns.....
  13. Valerie invited us all into her home to take pictures with us and talk PWK several times. Celebrating anything PWK related made her happy. Of the things that would have annoyed her pictures were not on the list. Ask Colter 8-)
  14. I thought I saw a Horn Table Lamp at Valerie's house once... Gonna look through some pics.
  15. I have a hunch most modern tubes especially rectifiers can't hold a candle to originals.
  16. Nice going from modern production to NOS your distortion went down.... Very interesting.....
  17. That is funny. There was an article years ago with the Foxgate tube surround sound he built for his own use. It looked pretty close to that.
  18. That is a crazy rare piece.... More info please. Is that his surround sound piece???
  19. And of course except for the Heritage Wireless....
  20. The Belle looks so cute in there.. Wow.. Talk about dwarfed!!!!! There is some content that can't sound good because it isn't good. I don't think you can fix it with EQ. I have learned to live with it. These things are true to your source material like nothing else. A good problem to have me thinks. Congrats again. Just an amazing setup.
  21. I've had both Scott, Fishers, and Sherwoods but my preference is Fishers. That being said you couldn't go wrong with either choice and that is a good place to be 8-)
  22. I have a massive collection of tube rectifiers so that is what I use. Honestly I love the look of the tubes as well. I like the small MV rectifiers and the GZ34's. I even have some old ST16 bottle shape 81's. If your on a budget or space constraint I could see using SS rectifiers or if ya want dc filaments.
  23. I'm a freak but I prefer Fishers to most vintage gear especially the El84 or EL37 amps.
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