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Everything posted by scott0527

  1. ---------------- On 12/11/2004 11:11:41 AM m00n wrote: Yes as Dodger said, there was a thread here on the Klipsch forum... Was real stinkfest. I remember it well... Here is an interesting thread about Wallmart. Very interesting read if your business included, take the 10~15 minutes to read it. Mike Stehr brought it to my attention, thanks Mike. It details the business practices of wallmart and how they operate with suppliers. One of the things I find most interesting is how it solitifies something I've always felt and thats that we as consumers are doing more harm to ourselves than we realize. It points out that as we are always searching for that cheaper price, it forces companies to start taking drastic measures to stay competitive. sometimes that means outsourcing. What does that mean? Layoffs when companies such as Klipsch are forced to move overseas. On the flipside, I have on doubt that there are companies out there that have outsourced when they didn't need too because of greed. Outsourcing is a subject that is very close to home. Being a software engineer I've seen too much of my industry going over to India. While it may be too late to keep Klipch from going to china on some products, WE CAN HELP by not dicker-and-dealing to death our ma and pa type stores when we try to buy our next set of American made Klipsch speakers. If you try to pinch out every penny when you buy them, don't ***** when you find out your next set of Klipsch speakers were made in china. But it does not end with just Klipsch..---------------- I sure agree we you and Mike on this. I'm sorry, but we can't all expect to make more money, more benefits etc. and expect to buy things for lower and lower prices. Everybody want to be paid more and as well they should, but everybody wants things cheaper and cheaper and now that's just bad math. We are "low pricing" ourselves out of all these so called "good manufacturing jobs". I am a part owner of a hand tool manufacturer. On a very small scale, we had to deal with a perfect example. We have been manufacturing a particular hand tool for about 40 years. Home Depot picked it up a few years ago and began selling it. Overall we weren't really selling that many more of this tool, HD was more than likely taking sales from some of the smaller distributors we sold too. Of course they start hammering away for price cuts, rebates and co-ops. We resisted all along. Well then some small little distributor takes our tool to China, has it copied in China and starts bringing it over here for about 1/3 the price of our US made tool. NOW Home Depot has their wedge, cut our price or lose the business to the guy who is importing the copy. Ultimately we were able to keep the business by finding the guy making it in China and working with him to make the tool exclusively for us. But we lost 3 US manufacturing jobs in the process. We are still selling just as many as we ever were which I guess shows that the average guy doesn't care where it's made. People complain about outsourcing yet, go out and buy all the cheap Chinese goods they can get there hands on. Not sure we can have it both ways. On a positive note, since we are pretty close to a lot of this, our Chinese supplier is not delivering as soon as promised, has raised his price twice and doesn't seem nearly as interested in our business as he was only just a year ago. I sincerely hope that their standard of living will rise fast enough to start to level the playing field a bit. Many of those people there working for peanuts have cell phones, intenet access, TVs. How long can a well educated Chinese engineer stand to make 1/5 of what his US counterpart is making? I hope not long. Of course this would mean the end of $29.99 microwave ovens! Final note, we still have about 80 US manufacturing jobs and do everything possible to manufacture and market tools that we can make here in our own plant.
  2. Tom, You shouldn't be looking at the Klipsch site at work knowwhatimean? What's that women doing looking over your shoulder at work while you're "not working". Anyway, I didn't think it was offensive but I will add a hint to the post and any future posts like like it. That women must be an extreme prude. Here is truly my La Scala and I was just struck that the flash sort of flashes right through the black stain much the same way the flashes went right through Kerry's dress at Cannes. I mean these speakers are so very black with just the slightest hint of wood grain and color coming though. But when I photographed with a flash, well you can see below. I can understand now how A. Kerry could have worn that dress in the first place as I'm sure nothing was showing to the average eye in attendence at the event.
  3. Attached is a picture of my beautiful Black Walnut La Scalas. Darn flash! WARNING: this kind of ruins the joke but don't look at the picture if you're offended by partially see through blouses.
  4. ---------------- On 12/7/2004 1:45:26 PM emmet2u wrote: Final view. This shows the ALK in all its glory. Al, you did a GREAT JOB on this xover. My friends that have heard it say this is the best sounding Klipsch they have ever heard. --------------- If your friends are like my friends, those are the ONLY Klipsch they have ever heard So what's up? Al says he didn't build those?
  5. I'm starting to doubt any of those MC240 are actually for sale. They never used to sell for more that $1500 to $1800 bucks, now that Gilbert's scammer has come along, seems they're all selling for $2500 to $4000. Gilbret, which one did you just lose? Hideharu0919 seems to have overpaid for a couple of them in the last few days. Won't WU help set this clown up with you? Close the deal with the guy, tell him you'll send him the money and send some piddly amount. Tell WU about it ahead of time so they can stop him when he comes in to pick up his money?OF course I'm assuming someone actually has to come in and pick up money. I don't know how WU works as I've never used the service.
  6. I took my ugly black La Scalas and had them stripped and restained in Black Walnut. I'd post a picture but just like when Kerry's daughter's nipples showed through that black dress as Cannes, when you photgraph these, the flash cuts right through the black and they just look like dirty birch La Scalas. What was the question again?
  7. Yes, Grado's are wonderful. But you'll get an annoying hum with some turntables and I think the Thorens 160/145 might be one of them. I've had Grado Reds on a Project(similar to Music Hall) that sound really great. Typically you can't hear the hum until you get the arm over the platter. Now you've peaked my interest, I've got a Grado Red sitting around and I just pulled my 160 out of storage, I'll mount it tonight and see if it has the dreaded Grado hum.
  8. ---------------- On 12/8/2004 10:24:06 PM 3dzapper wrote: Scott, Did you reverse polarity on the squaker driver to your xovers as mentioned in "The Dope From Hope"? Rick ---------------- Rick, Yep, sure did. Saw that little tidbit somewhere in the archives. The C used different taps on the T2A also. Took me a lot of archive searching to get it right!
  9. Triceratops, I also like those AT 440ML which are about $100.00 I have really liked this oddball Audio Technica cartridge that i'm not even sure if it's still in production. AT 331LP . I bought one from one of the Ebay cartridge sellers, good guy, www.edsaunders.com. He still has them on his website. About $79.00 Other than that, I've never put anything very expensive on these tables. I always see them with the old Pickering XV-15 on them when they're for sale.
  10. $.25 cent condoms? Damn, where's Fini's bar again? I'm running a little low and dirty these day.
  11. What crossovers do you have in those Heresys? I just bought a pair of 1971 that had a C network that should have been updated to an E when someone long ago changed the woofer to the 8 ohm woofer from the 16 ohm woofer. I couldn't figure out why they didn't sound that great until I did some investigating and questioning here on the forum. I updated the caps and rewired the crossovers to the E and they sound awesome now. I haven't done any damping yet, but that dynamat stuff certainly is pretty easy to use.
  12. ---------------- On 12/8/2004 1:29:46 PM mdeneen wrote: "For a technology/business plan that's only been prevalent for 6 or 7 years they do pretty well. They are providing a fantastic service to millions of happy buyers and sellers." ============= This is true excccept for one glaring change with the introduction of "mass produced services" which Ebay, PayPal, and AOL represent. It's true that millions are happy. But if your satisfaction rate is 90%, let's say, then it's also true that a million or two or three are also very UNHAPPY. And, that's the new twist - how do you handle a million unhappy people? You don't. Try getting a Ebay or PayPal "person" on the phone. If you can be satisfied by the generic automated solutions, you're fine, otherwise you're just twisting in the wind. (i.e. ever notice that NONE of the voice tree choices are specific to why YOU are calling?) If you go back to say, AT&T in the '70s - when surely they were serving the same millions of customers with phone service, the difference is glaring. You could ALWAYS get a real person on the phone (in a minute or less) to address your complaint, issue, or dissatisfaction and get some sort of actual resolution. Now, that had a cost, for sure, but you weren't generally left adrift. All those service "costs" in today's mass-service industrys like ISP, banking, auctions, have been totally stripped out. They love reporting "95% customer satisfaction" but when the numbers are so high, that leaves millions of valid complaints unaddressed. This is not to say junk these offerings, but I think there is a lot of progress to be made in consumer affairs. mdeneen ---------------- Well, in the 70's AT&T had had about 60 years under their belt to perfect their service. And again, I'm not saying Ebay can't improve, of course they've got things that they need to do better. I was saying I disagreed with others who said "serious action needs to be taken against Ebay". Far as I can tell, Gilbert LOVES Ebay so I'm not sure why he said that. He's always got his eye on something .
  13. I have both of those tables and the Thorens definitely sounds better than the Dual. It might need a bit more tweaking than the Dual. The Duals will play upside down I think. My Thorens TD160 and TD145 have also always been very prone to skipping from footfall so be careful if you're on a wood floor or not using a wall mount rack. This link has all you ever wanted to know about tweaking these turntables. http://www.theanalogdept.com/index.html
  14. ---------------- On 12/7/2004 11:20:34 PM Gilbert wrote: I agree that some serious action needs to be take against ebay. There are far too many loop holes in the system. The only thing that out numbers their loop holes is the number of potential victims. Who know's what these scumbags will think up next. I predict a self-impolding future for the monster money maker called ebay. If they don't do something, they will kill themself's off. And that would be a bad thing for the majority that use ebay. ---------------- I don't think "serious action must be taken against ebay". For a technology/business plan that's only been prevalent for 6 or 7 years they do pretty well. They are providing a fantastic service to millions of happy buyers and sellers. I don't think it's all that hard to figure out when a scam is being attempted. Even Tim admits he got overly excited and acted a little foolishly. Scammers have been scamming people out of their money long before Ebay. People need to be somewhat responsible for their own actions. BTW, I haven't heard from the seller I contacted about this guy. He probably thinks I'm some kind of scammer Wonder what would happen if you agree to send a WU to one of your scammers, only make it for $5.00 or whatever the minimum is, alert WU and/or police to when you're sending it, then they nab the guy the minute he picks it up! Probably a lot of holes in that plan but... just brainstorming!
  15. ---------------- On 12/7/2004 9:23:03 PM Champagne taste beer budget wrote: I just had a thought... What if the link that Gilbert found was somehow modified by the sender to reflect niha13, when that person isn't the actual person in question? I'd hate to be making false accusations against an innocent person. ---------------- That's a good thought. I'd find it hard to beleive that the scammer would use a real Ebay username. I have heard of people hijacking ebay usernames. I emailed one of the sellers(the world phone) that sold this guy something. We'll see if I get a response.
  16. I'll take the one for $19.99. But wait, the other guy's is in my hometown of Canton, OH. Hmmmm... I could save a bundle on shipping.
  17. ---------------- On 12/6/2004 6:58:59 PM meuge wrote: right? Firstly, here's something from Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Main Entry: 1lib·er·al Pronunciation: 'li-b(&-)r&l Function: adjective 5 : BROAD-MINDED; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms 6 : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism. Main Entry: lib·er·al·ism Pronunciation: 'li-b(&-)r&-"li-z&m Function: noun 1 : the quality or state of being liberal 2 a: often capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity b : a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard c : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties ---------------- Based on that definition, I guess we need to quit calling liberals "liberals". The words "free competition" and "autonomy of the individual" seem a bit at odds with current Democratic Party thinking.
  18. ---------------- On 12/4/2004 11:19:57 PM Fyberwire wrote: Subwoofer, subwoofer, subwoofer. Depending on price, I might do this. I'm curious though, my friend has 2 6" bass cups on each of his F2s, and I have 1 12" base cup on each of my heresys. Wouldn't they be comparable bass wise? I'm really new to sound systems, so I don't really know the difference in Freq. response or any of that, but supposedly larger cups are less accurate? you would think so given the big 12" woofer in the Hersey but they don't usually have the big thumpin' bass that typcial rap and hip hop fan might appreciate. I've got some bookshelf Triangle speakers with one 6" woofer that have more bass. Hook up the Heresys and see, you may or may not feel like you want a subwoofer. The Heresys will rock louder than you can stand with a great "Live" sound. Thirdly, what cables should I use? I hear good things about MonsterCable, so I'm thinking about using those. Also, it seems like the cables use sort of a screw hookup at the back (you tighten the screw down around the end of the cable), if that's any help. Any good 14 to 16 guage speaker wire should work well for you at this point. And yes, hook the + speaker wire to the red terminal screw and the - speaker wire to the black terminal screw. Don't get this crossed between your amp and speaker or you'll be out of polarity which won't make them sound as good. Scott
  19. Hmmmmmm. Seems like a steal at $14,000.00 ! I could use him around my 5 year old.
  20. My 1971 Herseys are H700. How come you ask? I was wondering a bit about that too.
  21. I bought an average condition 240 a couple of years ago for $1100.00. It didn't sound that great but after sending it to AudioClassics for a $250.00 rebuild the things sounds amazing. I also bought a perfect condition 240 for $1500 around the same time. It is so perfect, I don't even use it. Just wrapped it up and stored it. I haven't wathced them lately... I can't beleive what some of them are going for. When I bought mine, $1500 to $2000 was top dollar.
  22. ---------------- On 12/2/2004 11:56:04 AM Allan Songer wrote: Never owned or heard of this record. Is it good? I know I've heard the "money for nothing" song before and thought it was pretty witty. ---------------- It's actually my least favorite Dire Starits album. Probably becuase radio and MTV played Money For Nothing and So Far Away so much I want to shoot myself when I hear them. I think all of Dire Straits albums are really well recorded. Try the first album called Dire Straits, Love Over Gold or Making Movies. Good stuff.
  23. ---------------- On 12/2/2004 12:19:39 PM dodger wrote: I have not heard both so my commet does not matter in that sense. My point is wondering why the length of song difference. Thanks Edwin! dodger ---------------- A single CD can be longer than a single album. My guess is they would have had to make it a double album to make it the same length as the CD.
  24. Wow, beautiful Gary. Greg is amazing, I followed a thread about some LaScalas he did. I think it was Greg. I need some turkey soon, I can't remember anything.
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