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Everything posted by oscarsear

  1. I have crafted many a post and decided not to initiate the topic here. It is unfortunate. I value the opinions of my fellow forum members and welcome their input on any subject. But it has been made succinctly clear that this is now a very limited venue. Consider the facts. The country and the world are customarily places of many controversies. This is nothing new. What makes a tightly woven and interactive community can be found in the taverns of old and on todays digital forums where boisterous debates are allowed to flow. The critical discourse here is gone, taboo, moderated out of existence............. and it shows. When you place limits on thinking, you limit interest and you lose participation. This place is stagnant......... not a place for growth or for the sharing of cultural differences. Can't discuss stuff - period.
  2. Last time I got pulled over was for doing 25 in a 20 (seriously). The posted speed limit was 35 and I'd just turned onto this street from a side street and had not gotten up any speed. The LEO was hidden and knew exactly where he'd placed himself relative to one of those modifier lights that get switched on during school hours. This was one of those street lights they turn on for about 2 hours per day when schools are receiving students by foot. It reduced the normal speed limit from 35 to 20. He wrote the ticket. Took it to court. Demonstrated that I'd come onto the street where this light could not possible have been visible........ and that the LEO knew this and should never have written the citation. Ticket got tossed.
  3. Here in the pacific northwest............ the earth heaved with a collective deep sigh of relief. Egads.
  4. Welcome......... people resonate better when nekked IMHO.
  5. The mods noted are good. Be better to know what drivers are used for the midrange and tweeter. I use these same mods on Khorns with vintage JBL 2482 mids and 2404 JBL tweets. My Khorns are not going anywhere until I am pushing up daisies. Come to think of it I may take these with me (somehow).
  6. I recommended these new speakers to a friend this morning. She is a cosmetic surgeon and very tech oriented. She enjoys music but has no 'system' and does not desire to obtain any new source product and was sadly satisfied with poor quality sound reproduction......... until she heard my corner horns. Now these will work perfect for her........ plug - link and play. She gets her techy toys and a grand improvement in her listening enjoyment. They are a simple but sophisticated solution that will deliver (I assume).
  7. The Zero 1 is a very beautiful speaker indeed, and one I wish to hear one day. That said, what I posted is in fact the measured frequency response of the system shown at CES, not just a proposed goal.
  8. The Avantgarde Zero - 1 is a comparable horn loaded speaker product already on the market. Avantgarde has offered self amplified speakers for some time and they are highly regarded in audiophlle circles. They're expensive too. The Zero - 1.......... up to $15K to $18K per pair. BTW - the proposed frequency range of these Klipsch speakers exceeds the Zero - 1 on both ends.
  9. Inadequate fuel to bring it back from downrange, which is over the Atlantic. Remember, it was a working mission and this is just a "tack on." Besides, major good press in hitting that postage stamp. They will eventually being doing it on land and this will minimize public concerns. Dave Mmkay........ If I read this correctly they launched from a location that did not allow for a land based landing site given the fuel capacity and other factors.
  10. Can understand the need to improve landing precision............. but why on the open ocean????? Does it have to land at sea for some special reason?
  11. I know they have conducted a successful soft landing on a terrestrial platform. If they can do this on land why even attempt it on a ocean based platform? If they need to be around water why not use a manmade lake that would be free from tidal fluctuations?
  12. OMG................. Just got here. No words will do. This place will never be quite the same. No place Boxx was part of will ever be the same. Sincere condolences to the family.............. and to all of us here too. Very sad.
  13. Dear Donna Douglas slipped away today. She was 81. Guess she's hanging out by that great cement pond in the sky. Lucky them, eh?
  14. That is Montana Oscarears? Now that is mighty cold. It is 35 in Austin at noon which is very cold for us. Travis Nope........ Idaho....... Tater country..........
  15. Cold outdoors here and in many places............ everyone be safe and stay warm. Drinking hits ya hard when it is extra cold out and there is less margin for errors. Adios 2014......... Happy new year.
  16. Lung cancer............... RIP.
  17. Here's another card I ran across last week........................ http://www.chonday.com/Videos/crismacartever2
  18. I use the 2 inch vintage JBL 2482 drivers on the same horns. I am using AlK's steep slope crossovers, not stock crossovers.
  19. Literature talks as though they could somehow flush mount. 'under eaves', etc.............
  20. How do these wall mount?? Do they have to be screwed to the wall from behind?
  21. Everybody.......... thnx for the feedback. It is always helpful to gain insights from others and the diversity here is incomparable.
  22. Yeah, google up - Jeanetta Riley........ Sandpoint, Idaho
  23. Yes, you are missing something; the knowledge and training of a skilled police officer. I don't say that flippantly, as you are obviously intelligent and thoughtful, but I want to make the point, there are things about police training you don't know. The police don't just show up to a call and then try to figure out what to do, they 1) show up with the idea of resolving the situation peacefully, but are capable of responding to a show of force according to their training, and 2) they have a professional goal to safeguard the public, not just the perpetrator, and 3) they have a personal goal of going home safely at the end of the shift. As to your second question, you ask "why wasn't taser used?" There is an effective range in which a taser can be used with I think is within 5-10 feet feet, as there is an effective range police know a knife wielding person can attack, which is I think around 30 feet. The bottom line is you don't bring a taser to a knife fight. Tasers do NOT always incapacitate, and tactically they are not the appropriate response to a knife wielding person. A knife can be lethal @ 30 feet? Okay...... not trying to grind a point, but .......... if this was a 10 y/o girl with a knife just as unruly, do they shoot? A 4 y/o? Sometime common sense has got to prevail. A buffed, skin head wielding a serious blade as opposed to a maniacal lady with a filet knife. They were expecting her. Why not attempt the taser and if that fails use the bullets? The decision to shoot seems to come all too easily and they know they''ll not be held to civilian standards. Regarding the 12 y/o with the airfsoft pistol....... I feel bad for the police who did shoot the boy. I've seen the video too and the little guy just did the wrong move at the worst time. Why the little guy had that thing in the 1st place amazes me.
  24. In my life I've not had many dealings with police. When I was 18 I was at a party with a friend, in the not best part of Los Angeles. We got separated and I'd gone out front for some unrelated reason and found him being overwhelmed in a fist fight with 2 other guys. It was not pretty. At the same time I came upon the scene 2 uniformed officers we running to the melee. The 2 guys saw the approaching police and fled. They were Long Beach City Sheriffs and they did not stop to check on us. They pursued these guys and we heard that altercation take place in the dark. After a short while all 4 of them returned and the lumps and bruises were clearly evident on the cuffed assailants. Done deal........ bruised egos or maybe a little worse but nothing more. These days I'm not so sure this would have the same outcome.
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