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Jeff Matthews

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Everything posted by Jeff Matthews

  1. Jeff Matthews


    This is funny, but I don't think it's a joke. https://www.bbc.com/pidgin
  2. No, I see it. They shade the populous areas no matter what. They use data at the county level. So, if you live in a populous county, "Congratulations, you have color!" If not, we will simply cover you up, even though your data is worse according to the methods of measurement upon which we rely. So, they pick a method which doesn't really make sense. "Let's use averages across an entire county." Then, they cover up the flaws, and "Whoalla!" Now, it appears to make sense! Without all that whitewashing, the deserts would all be bloody red! It looks like they took all 11 cases in Dawson County and placed them all at the gas station near Mule Creek. But over here in Houston, we don't care about that kind of error. Why? Because we're smart enough to know Dawson County is in the sticks, where it's safe... or is it? What we city-dwellers tend to believe is that our odds of encountering people with Covid are higher in the cities. Maybe it's more like, "safety in numbers." Using averages, something tells me you wouldn't want to be the average resident in Dawson County. Basically, populous counties are punished by the NYT's method simply for being populous. I think this embeds error into a proper understanding of the facts.
  3. Try to picture what this map would look like if they did not whitewash large geographic areas. It would look like a joke. "Whatever you do, by God, stay away from Dawson County, Texas yuk! yuk!" It would make you think people were running away from the deserts to find safe harbour in the big cities.
  4. Me, too. I'm not laughing at it; that's for sure.
  5. That statistics are interesting in that they distort raw data.
  6. That's not good. It prompted me to see what's going on in Harris County. Our stats make it look like the worst is still behind us.
  7. Look at those hot-spots in many of those very remote areas. Dawson County, Texas sports a whopping 86 cases per 100,000 people... It's population is 12,728. This translates to 11 cases.
  8. Ads finding customers surreptitiously. Just wait until they get really effective at it.
  9. I think it depends on whether the prior owner donated it it. There's nothing to say it was or wasn't. As they say, "Possession is 9/10 of the law." On the morbid notion that these bones came about from a nefarious act, they say all the time that many victims are identified by their teeth and dental records, so...
  10. And they say the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
  11. It's pretty disingenuous, isn't it? Wickard vs Filburn held a federal statute prohibiting growing crops on your own land, to be consumed by livestock on your own land, is a valid exercise of Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce. Once you make that leap, it's pretty clear how it really works.
  12. I recommend you look at endorsements by local bar associations. It's one step closer to people "in the know."
  13. No. What is an "unreasonable" search? What is "interstate commerce?" What is "speech?" Originalists live under a delusion that they aren't making stuff up as they go. Judges are, by definition, activists. They tell us what the legislature failed to express.
  14. I've been in litigation my entire career. I've had to appeal judges several times. I've had a good number of jury trials. Knowledge of the law (or at least the ability to grasp it pretty quickly from legal arguments of counsel) is very important. Also very important is demeanor. Some judges like to intimidate mere mortal attorneys. I dislike that very much when it happens. There is no reason for judges to get huffy and puffy when counsel are all being professional and courteous. All a litigant wants is to be heard by someone who will listen, act fair, and possess a good grasp of the problem. I have had to reverse judges who got it wrong and who I still very much respect. I've had to reverse judges who were jerks. Demeanor is half the game from my perspective. I don't need a jerk stressing me out and trying to ruin my day.
  15. The ones who ordered you to shut down.
  16. Oh, I see. I was under the impression you were saying you were paid-up and all is good. Yeah, this is a historic time, and it has taken a massive toll on a lot of people. I feel for you and wish you all the best.
  17. You are among the lucky. Many business owners are "paycheck to paycheck." Imagine owning a highly leveraged small restaurant chain, or similar. They had to wreck your livelihood literally to save the world.
  18. Is this based on an assumption that real estate owners don't have debts and expenses to pay? Or are you assuming they are all so rich that their debts are insignificant?
  19. Jeff Matthews


    So you're the source of the fake news and election interference!
  20. I don't know how they've lasted this long. The PPP must have been pretty good.
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