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Everything posted by skonopa

  1. Where was that the last time I got a speeding ticket. [6] BTW, I love the comments on that article (some of the best ones that I saw through my quick scan): "I'm sending an invisible car payment to the loan company" "My invisible Mercedes is sitting in my invisible McMansion's garage next to my invisible super-model wife's invisible Porsche.", which somebody else replied with "What? The wife's not wearing invisible clothes?" and somebody else replied with "Paid for by your invisible bank account." "a person with no insurance would still hit it"
  2. That is exactly, how I felt! Yes, it was sad, but I have no symphathy at all. I was never a fan, and she did not impact my life in any way at all. Yes, how the mighty have fallen..... I may had some symphathy if it was due to some tragic circumstance, such as what happened to John Lennon and even Darrell 'Dimebag' Abbott. Espcially with Darrell as being a fellow heavy metaller and having been in that club myself when I lived in Columbus, OH. But as it was with Witney, she pretty much brought it on herself. Yes, tragic as that may be, but I just have no symphathy for her. As for Gilbert's comment - A-FRIGGEN-MEN! I was making the same comment to the guys I was with in Aspen (as that was where I was when this whole Witney Houston thing went down) - "They go on and on about Witney in the news, but what about all the guys that gave thier live over the past couple of months over in Afghanistan and Iraq?". To be honost, I was way more choked up over the three ski patrolmen that gave thier lives there at Aspen Highlands when I saw that mounment that was dedicated to them then I could ever be over Witney Houston. I guess being a ski patrolman myself, I have a far more connection with those guys than I could ever have with Witney.
  3. If I am ever Texas-way, I'll have to look you up. [] Would not mind sharing a drink or two over some music with you. Would love to hear your Palladium/Mac setup you go there.
  4. I was going to stay out of this (and keep my comments to myself) since I don't smoke, nor have any desire to begin. Every once in a great while, I may pour myself something to drink, though, but that is very rare (as I really don't drink either). With that being said, I have to agree with this. Why can't a guy sit in front of his stereo rig, listening to music and at the same time, perhaps enjoy a fine cigar and/or a fine Scotch? As far as second-hand smoke, it is not like these guys on here are doing it on the train or in a restaurant or other place with crowds (plus just about every train I've been on or restaurant I've been in these days would not allow it anymore). They are doing it in the privacy of their homes/listening areas. At the same time, I do recall there used to be a bar with a tabacco shop attached in downtown Fredericksburg, but I don't think it is there anymore. I've been in there once a while ago, looking for cigar boxes to get for my mother (as she used to collect them). As far as I am concerned, enjoy your cigars and your drinks. Seems to go hand in hand with the fine music on the fine systems everybody here seems to have.
  5. Okay, I'll play... Band - Dimension Act Album - Manifestation of Progress Genre - Progressive Metal I've only found out about this incredibly talented Norwegian outfit this last month, plus this album is brand-new. Only came out last month as well. I really like it for the complex rythms and melodies used throughout. There are some seriously crunchy/heavy riffing as well (in typical metal fasion). The singer has an incredible voice. In addition, the lyrical content is quite poignent with the dangers of to much progress just for the sake of progress (i.e, no care for the environment and so forth).
  6. Me, I am very heavy into the underground power/progressive music scene. Things like Symphony X, Sonota Arctica, Kamelot, Dream Theater, Nightwish, Epica, Voyager, Aryeon, Stratovarious, Fates Warning, Arch/Mateos, and so forth. Was checking out Tetrafusion, Dimension Act, Beyond the Bridge, Silent Voices, and Soul Secret just in the past day or so. I personally cannot stand rap at all, not even in small doses. I would rather listen to my neighbor's dog barking instead of any rap "music". I also pretty much all but gave up on the current mainstream as well and pretty much entirely ignore it now (did not even bother watching the Grammys a couple weeks ago, for example). However, that being said, I do find it interesting that some of my favorite artists, such as Nightwish and Dream Theater are actually starting to get some mainstream appeal. Hell, Dream Theater even got a Grammy nomination for thier last album (only for Foo Fighters to ultimatly take the prize). One thing you can try is Pandora Radio. Setup a station and plug in Steely Dan as your artist and start listening and see what else comes up. Instead of listening to Steely Dan proper, have you checked out any of Donald Fagan's albums, such as Kamakiriad? I would assume you have if you've been checking out the "Right This Minute" thread over in the two-channel section. My experience for discovering music is checking out some of the on-line streaming services such as Pandora or Spotify as well forums such as this one. I am also fairly regular in the Ultimate Metal forums, where I find out about many of the artists and music that I am interested in (the aforementioned power/progressive metal). Good luck in your music discovery - there is quite a bit out there beyond what is just played on the radio, if you are willing to search for it.
  7. Proves my point. They got into toys because they were not allowed to expand in the PC market. I personally don't consider mobile or tablets to be "toys". We are finding some real-world, actual use for these and why my company is looking seriously into expanding into that direction as well (thus a lot of Android development going on here within the past year or so). My ASUS tablet has far more computing power than my desktop PC does (yeah, I know - I need to get a new deskop PC). Also, the reason why we are also seriously looking into the iOS front as well - like I said before, there is no ignoring the millions of iPads and iPhones out there (seems like darn near everybody I know has an iPhone these days) Where did I say I didn't like it? I don't like or dislike it anymore than Windows. Frankly, I don't see any difference except much higher costs with Apple and I almost never see one except on TV. The way you go off on Apple sometimes, I get the impression that you don't like them. As far as never actually seen any other than on TV, you apparently, you don't get out very much then. I've seen quite a few MacBooks and iPads out there. On my recent flight out to Colorado, I've seen quite a few of them in the airport and on the plane. Several of the guys in my ski club has Macs and iPads (was awesome for sharing pictures and videos we took out on the slopes - was really impressed how good the video I recorded with my GoPro camera looked on the iPad). I have a MacBook and iPad myself. I have seen differences, and my personal experiences says that I just found the Apple stuff to be generally better built than most of the typical PC/MS stuff that is out there. You can go on and on about "overpriced" and all that other nonesense about Apple gear, but to me, I actually find it to be worth it to me to spend a little bit more to get what I found to be actually better build-quality hardware and I do happen to like OS X as well (with the UNIX underpinnings - yes, under the hood of OS X is actually a UNIX kernal - based on NeXTStep operationg system from NeXT. And yes, it does have true pre-emptive multi-tasking and memory protection and such). Have you ever actually used a modern OS X based Mac? Not really. Windows has an iron boot on the neck of corporate America...and pretty much the world. I managed to get a single Linux server installed for some experiments...and that caused quite a stir in IT! Anyway, when all the available platforms still do not perform as well in a number of respects...notably preemptive multitasking...as those of years past I don't have any interest in rooting for one POS (pitiful operating system) over another. Again, maybe 15 or so years ago, that was the case, but I am not seeing as much as now. I think it is more that many larger enterprises are so entrenched with MS that they don't want to spend the time and money to move to something else. I am no here to root for any particular platform over another either, but I am still holding by my original idea that people will ultimately use what they feel will do the best to get the job done for thier particular needs. Graphics and simulations are not my area of expertise, even though years ago, I was involved (actually lead) a project in developing an OpenGL-based 3D rendering tool for rendering missile tracks as returned from the SPY radar system on Aegis ships. Currently, I am very heavy into cellular technologies, which is also why I am very interested in the mobile and tablet space. Still, with that said, my guess is that many of the consumer grade GPUs that are out there now are geared very heavily towards the gaming community, which relies heavily on 3D rendering performance (thus the vector-based GPUs). I am gessing that you would have to go with one of the "professional grade" cards, such as the NVIDA Quadro's or ATI Fireball GL type cards. Even professional redendering (i.e, AutoCAD) is pretty much 3D based nowadays as well. There was no denying that the Amiga was a really nice machine. In the mid-90's, I just graduated college and just getting started in my projessional career. I would be lying if I did not say how much I lusted over an Amiga 4000 rig, fully tricked out, back in the day. However (and using the same argument that the anti-Apple crowd seems to use today), the Amiga was too darn expensive compared to getting a PC back in the day (and just starting out, I really did not have much money to spend on cool, expensive, toys back then), plus even then, it looked like Commodore was well on its way into running that platform into the ground. Thus, ended up with a 486DX/2-based PC running good ol' Win 3.1 and DOS 6.0 at the time. Added a SoundBlaster-16 ASP card and CD-ROM drive as well.
  8. That may have been the case 15 years ago, but not any more today. Nowadays, if anything, Apple could easily shut MS out, and practially already have in the mobile and tablet space. Apple does not need MS anymore than GM needs Ford or Pepsi needs Coke. That being said, I have quite the collection of Apple, MS and Linux boxes. Being a senior developer, I pretty much need familiarity with all of these platforms. I have both an iPad and Android-based ASUS Transformer Prime tablets (especially since we are getting into Android development at my company). Also dabbling in iOS development. As much as you and others on here may not like Apple (I refuse to get into those utterly childish platform holy wars), there is no ignoring the millions of iPads and iPhones out there, thus find it a very viable platform to develop on. People are going to use whatever they like to use and are comfortable with and will get thier job done. Yes, I'd love to continue to develop on more open platforms such as Linux (technically am with the Android stuff), especially since much of my original experience came from the VAX/VMS days and then Unix (mostly Sun Solaris and HP-UX). My company is still primarily a Windows shop, though, so that is were my current bread and butter is (and yes, I do plan on playing with Windows 8 when it becomes available, even though I really do not care for that Brady Bunch looking 'Metro" interface they are now pushing). Much like the musical tastes and audio equipment choices here, whatever floats your boat when it comes to your choice of computing platform.
  9. Double check that you did not accidently hook up your speakers "out of phase" or "backwards" from each other. That is, all the '+'s to the '+'s and '-'s to the '-'s as well as all the reds to reds and blacks to blacks on both sides. I don't have any experience with the HK 3490, but the specs should indicate that this thing should have no trouble driving a pair of RF-3s and do it with authority. Wish I knew about that unit as it would've been excellent to drive my outdoor rig, but quite happy with the Denon DRA-397 that I am using for such purposes, albight a bit more expenive at $500 than the HK unit.
  10. WILCO? You wish! I have a feeling you will be just as likely to see Wilco perform as I would be likely to see Nightwish perform there. I am afraid it will probably be something like Justin Beiber or another sickly saccarhin Disney production. Hey, maybe we will see a return of Up With People! [6] If that is the case, I hope I won't be stuck somewhere that I'd be forced to sit through it like last year when I was in Park City, UT and was forced to sit through the Black Eyed Peas (I KNEW I should've brought my iPod and headphones!). At least this year, I was at home and the source-selection button plus my CDs were close at hand to not have to suffer through this last halftime show.
  11. Not in my book! She is not even CLOSE to being the "best there ever was". I'll put something like Nightwish up against Madonna any day of the week! Maybe compared to the likes of Briteny Spears or Justin Bieber, she is. I'll give you that. I'am sorry, but the real truth is that compared to many, much better artists, with REAL talent, Madonna just plain sucks these days. To bad the Superbowl had to sit through such dreck as was shown last night. The game itself was far more entertaining this time around, as far as I am concerned. It was getting to the point that I wish she would just "shut the F' up" and lets get back to the football action. But then again, look what we had to sit through last year as well (and talk about $#!++y half-time shows!). Yeah, it was kinda fun to watch the visuals, even though I had the music muted out (actually was playing a CD of music that I much prefer over Madonna), but I am with the others on here. Why can't we just have a good, quality band get up there and play a kick-*** mini 4-song set? My only guess is that the typical viewer wants to see all the flash and pomp.
  12. No 'dumb' stereos around here! [] Either that, it just only wants to play "good" music! [6]
  13. Boy, that one came right down to the wire! Hernandez darn near came up with that Hail Mary pass during that last 5 seconds of the game! I was pretty certain that the Patriots were gong to take this one, but holy crap, this one basically ended pretty being a near re-play of Superbowl 42! Congrats on the Giants indeed!
  14. I will admit, it was fun to WATCH, but the music? ugh [+o(] It just seemed like my rig during that time decided it needed to go to the CD output and play the CETi Perfecto Mundo album instead. Amazing how that happened! [6] I guess I'll take obscure Russian power metal over over-produced banal top-40 pop instead. []
  15. All I can do is pretty much parrot what was already said. Last night's performance was awesome! The 1812 Overture, to me, was the highlight of the evening. Still, that pianist was incredible. He looks like my teenage nephew, but holy crap, can he play! I only wish I could play keyboards half as good as he was. Also was a real treat to hear the Romeo & Juliet suite being performed. Whenever I hear that, I can only think of that joke that I've heard years ago.. "Mother calls son in college. Hey son, I did not know you were into classical music! No, Mom, I was only watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon." [] Not only that, but dinner at that Black Market Bistro place was really good. Basically this restaurant next to the tracks back in the middle of this historic residential neighborhood. Thanks, Larry for organizing this and Marty for finding the performance and suggesting it. Also, was cool to get to meet some of you (Thanks 'Colonel Hoo' for giving me a lift to dinner, to the music center and back to Larry's). I hope we get to do this again sometime soon (Anything interesting coming up in the spring/summer?). The only bummer is that I injured my knee last week while skiing. It has gotten much better than it was just a few days ago. Still never thought I'd see the day that I'd need to take their little tram from the parking garage to the hall and back. [:$] It is nice that Strathmore does an excellent job of catering to the handicap. I only hope my knee recovers well enough that I can still enjoy some skiing at Aspen next week. But I digress.....
  16. I hope to get there at a decent time. Turns out I have a doctor's appointment at 9:30 tomorrow, as I've injured my knee this past Sunday while skiing (go figure - just two weeks before leaving for Aspen [:@] ). I don't know how long that is going to take, but immediatly afterwards, I plan on heading up your way (may stop for lunch along the way). I am looking forward to this! It has been awhile since I've gotten to see a good performance up there at the Strathmore. Will be fun to got to see some of you guys that will be there as well.
  17. Amen to that. A few years back when I was thinking about getting a SACD player, all I could find for source material was rereleased old stuff like Dark Side of the Moon. I just concluded that the music I want to hear wasn't available on SACD. Same issue I got - the music that I want to listen to is just simply not available on SACD for me either. In fact, the ONLY SACD that I have in my entire collection happens to be The Dark Side of the Moon. How I wish some the music that I do listen to was on SACD. That new Nightwish album, Imaginearum, would be incredible on SACD, for example. Even both of the Haken albums I have would be awesome as well! Now, admittedly, I would not mind finding a copy of that Holst, The Planets SACD that I've heard before at a Pilgramage a few years ago.
  18. I've read a lot of all this going on and on about MP3s and crappy recordings in general. The thing is that excellent recordings are still around and can be found. However, you pretty much have to go to the small independent labels and artists to find them. That is, the ones that still really care about thier recordings and not just making something "radio friendly". I've got some really incredible recordings in my collection, such as the newest Haken album, that sound absolutely phenomenal. Hell, this brand-new Nightwish album is just incredible, and that only just became available last month in the US. I have plenty of MP3s in my collection (some 12,000 of them actually), and very much enjoy listening to them as much as listening to the CD as well. Not only that, there is no denying the convenience, plus many of them actually sound really good on my rig. Certainly helps that I am playing them through a $3,800 music server with some pretty hefty DACs and built-in interpolation algorithms that actually do an excellent job of "filling in the missing parts" yeilding a very good sound in the end. With 320 kbps MP3s played through thing thing, people will be very hard to tell it apart from the full resolution CD. Also, a lot of the music that I do like to listen to, I can sometimes only get it via MP3 unless I am willing to spend a consideral sum to get it imported from overseas. Lets see, $6 for the MP3 off of eMusic, or $40 to import the CD? Not only that, there are sites around were full-res/lossless formats are available. In my chosen genres of prog rock and metal, I've found a lot of awesome music at Mindawn.com, which offers albums in FLAC. Bandcamp also is a good source. The aforementioned HD Tracks is another good place as well. Yeah, there will be the anal retentive types (and there are few of those on here) that think the only good quality recording is a vinyl LP played through tubes on big corner-horn speakers, but I am not such a format snop to deny myself a lot of my favorite music just because I can only find it as an MP3 download.
  19. We don't have a single record store in this area anymore. When I first moved to the area some 19 years ago, there were FOUR of them! Today - nada! Yeah, you could go to Best Buy or Walmart or Target to get albums, but they typically only carry the big mainstream labels. No longer going and checking out albums from small independent artists and/or small independent labels. Now, I pretty much have to mail order such records from the internet or wait until I go to ProgPower and raid the merchant area for a bunch of albums.
  20. I was one of the ones originally concerned about what this aquisition was going to do to the "Klipsch" name and the company itself. I am glad that my worries where proven to be for naught. Heck, I thought it was actually pretty cool that I saw an Klipsch banner ad on the Ultimate Metal forum that I also like to frequent! Believe me, I was pushing the "Klipsch" name pretty hard myself over there whenever audio discussions came up (and believe me, on a music-oriented forum, they do come up).
  21. I beg to differ. The Reference Series is not anywhere near the quality of the Heritage Series. No speaker in the Reference Series can be compared to the Klipschorn, period! And I have to beg to differ on this. Much to your consternation, the Heritage is NOT the "end-all, be all" of speakers. I've listened to some pretty darn nice Heritage rigs, but I am still amazed at what my RF-7s with B&K gear is capable of. Oh yes, indeed, Reference speakers CAN be compared to the Klipschhorn (and as already stated, there are some that actually PREFER the RF-7s (and equivalent) to the Klipschorns!) Ultimately, it comes down to personal preferences. As much as I really like the sound of the Klipschorns, I am still very happy about how good my RF-7s also sound.
  22. Very sad to hear of JoePa's passing. Quite possibly the last man of real integrity in D1-A college football. But I think you mean Miami, not Florida. Penn State is 0-3 against UF. Lou Yes, you were correct, it was the Miami Hurricanes. I guess I should've checked my facts before posting, but did remember it was a Florida-based team. Turns out it was the 1987 Fiesta Bowl game, where (I did not realize at the time) that Penn State was going into this thing undefeated (11-0), but Miami was the #1 seeded team and the big favorites. But, yes, I remember all the hype and the spouting off from Miami. I think I remember much of the sports media at the time hyping it up as the "Testeverde Bowl". My parents were also having a "bowl party" with much of the local Penn State fans in the area in attendence that night to watch that game. I remember going to the ski hill the next day as there was awesome skiing that weekend. Ahh, those memories..... Indeed, RIP Joe Paterno.
  23. skonopa


    I figured that was what you meant. After watching that game, it just felt like that that Giants lucked into this one. Anyway, as an aside, seems the action at a local bar during the Patriots/Ravens game got a bit more exciting than anticipated.
  24. skonopa


    Oh hell, that one muffed kick-off return was not even a fumble! The ball barely grazed the guy's knee! He probably did not even realize that the ball did touch his knee! And as for the Ravens, how in the heck did he managed to miss a what? 33-Yard field goal attempt? You should've seen the shots of the Ravens' sideline with all the players and coaches just standing there, with mouths agape, completely stunned at that! I was actually really hoping for the Ravens to win it. Amen to that. This ought to be an interesting game. To honest, it could go either way, but I am still going to be rooting for the Pats on this one. This year, I'll be watching back at home (the last three Superbowls, I was having to find a bar in a ski town to watch it - did find one hell of a party in Park City, UT for last year's! Did eat my share of wings and drank my share of beer during that one! GO PACKS!!!!)
  25. skonopa


    Giants won it on a field goal in overtime! That means I am going for the Patriots to win the Superbowl (for two reasons! The Pats were the ones to shut down "Tebomania" and plus the Giants beat my Packers.) Plus, love to see the Pats vindicate themselves from the 2008 Superbowl loss (where they were going in with a perfect season up to that point, and what probably went down as the NFL upset of the centuary!).
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