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Everything posted by homemadeheresy

  1. I'd put my $107.50 speakers up against them[]
  2. Sorry to hear the news. Larry and his family are in our prayers, wishing him a speedy and complete recovery.
  3. Fritz you are probably right, shouldn't flick a mad dog on the nose. I let them go, but was really tempted to jump on them. The guy that won them sure got a deal. if they sound anything like the Forte, they are an awesome speaker. I wish the timing would have been better.
  4. They look nice just wondered what the going price was??? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=010&item=200031521057&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
  5. Ah, now I see, it must be the 2dB greater sensitivity that I am hearing. It sounds much more fluid than the K-55-Vs I've got. They are the pushpin design. The Ms were quite a snag for $81.00 including shipping. Although I had to put up with a week of silence from the better half. If I would have known that I would have paid 181 for them.. just kidding. Fritz the crossovers I'm using are modified type Es. With the crossover frequencies changed to 466 and 4000. Letting those tweets sing through the part where the k-55s are supposed to dip. Is this problem prevalent with both the v and m versions? Thanks for the input guys[]
  6. The basement where I am aloud to put all my equipment is unfinished, soon to change. I just can't get the better half to go down and watch a movie. So maybe by this time next year, I can say she's on my side. But for now I keep getting put in the dog house, ebay is not my friend. I think that I'll have to put any speaker purchased on hold. Its getting quite cold outside in the dog house.
  7. We were thinking more like Jimmy Page.....
  8. Recently acquired a set of k-55-m mids from ebay, was a bit of luck, though. The guy said he didn't know whether they worked or not, had three sets he found in a box and I toyed around with the 2 sets of k-55-vs he was auctioning. Then jumped on the k-55-ms toward the end of the auction. Got them the other day and placed them in the homemade Belles. The mids seem so much more alive and present. The k-55-vs that these replaced sounded good, but just didn't have the presence as the Ms. My question is do they have the same sensitivity? Are is the difference in perhaps a stronger magnet? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  9. Couldn't remember Dave's name, but he has to rank up there with the top 10 guitarist of all time. He tore up, literally shredded the Dark Side of the Moon. Everything about the show was studio quality. Would love to grab one of his Cds and take a listen...
  10. The Roger Waters show in Burgettstown Pa, was one of the best I've seen. The sound was powerful, and the huge screen behind the band was crisp and had visuals you would expect. Battery charger for my camera got misplaced with my camping equipment so I'll have to track it down before I can post any pictures.
  11. Just came across this thread and found it rather amusing. It is funny how a topic can get so twisted on someones interpretation of what somebody else said. I like the photos posted after he left. Hopefully, he'll calm down and come back and if not, no big loss.
  12. Well, did he buy them? I picked up a set this summer and simply love them. They definately are good rock and roll speakers. I don't have mine hooked up presently, but will occasionally throw a few watts threw them. I have to say that I do love the how low they dig, also the thump in the chest when you give them little volume.
  13. I believe they work on the same concept as the exit signs in buildings now a days. I have noticed these before and am too apprehensive of a 1 in 12 crap shoot. They don't call me lucky Sam for nothing[]
  14. I believe they work on the same concept as the exit signs in buildings now a days. I have noticed these before and am too apprehensive of a 1 in 12 crap shoot. They don't call me lucky Sam for nothing[]
  15. He definately does some quality work. The Rosewood Khorns are a masterpiece. Would love to find some rosewood veneer. Although I think I am going to stay with the Walnut theme. Could easily be persuaded to try rosewood though[]
  16. Still no word from Maxell on my poster. May just have to grab a large fan, borrow a dog, find an old recliner that I can sink into, set up the homemade Heresy(s), throw up a lamp and take my own picture. Doctor it up a little bit in photoshop and print it out, hang in the hole until I can finish it this winter:) By the way they look stunning, the unframed one on the Jubilee looks like it could use a new frame. LOL
  17. It starts every morning at about 10 o'clock, telemarketers trying to sell you something or some service. This evening I had a brilliant idea. Looked at the caller ID and noticed it was from Oregon. I don't know anyone in Oregon, anyhow answered the phone only to hear that all too familiar pause. Then the came the pre-recorded message telling me what they were about to give me. Nothing that I wanted, so I noticed that Frankenstein covered by Phish was playing down stairs. So I went down pressed the back button on the cd player, so they could experience the beginning right in your face bust into that wonderful jam. Cranked up the volume to give them a steady 15 watts through the homemade Belle(s). After about 10 seconds turned down the volume to see if anyone was there. Unfortunately there wasn't anyone on the other side anymore. I am hoping that this will get me on the do not call list. I'll keep you posted..................................
  18. Put some new caps in the old crossover and lowered the transition points to 466 and 4000Hz. They are sounding pretty sweet this evening. Was listening to Norah Jones and it sounded like I was sitting about 10 feet from the stage in a lounge somewhere. Only thing missing was a cool, refreshing beverage. The soundstage of these are simply amazing. Granted these are not stock Belle(s) by any means. The woofers I sacrificed from an old pair of speaker, sentivity was the same, Mid-ranges are the infamous K-55/K-400 combo, and the tweets are the eminence apt-50s. This combo will last until I gather the rest of the parts for the Homemade Khorn project. Then the K-400s must come out. Which leads me to the quest for some k-600s, anyone have an extra pair lying around?? Let me know if you do and possibly we could work something out. Back to the basement for some more tunes[]
  19. Six day to Roger Waters......... tic toc.....
  20. Very nice score. If you ever to decide to get rid of it I'll give ya $50 for it.....[] Just joking, hope you get tons of enjoyment out of it.
  21. Makes me wanted to relocate. Wasn't really crazy about the color scheme at first, mainly the cane grills. But after looking at these 20some odd times. I think these are just down right gorgeous. I am thinking of leaving the better half and relocating before the auction is up. [] Just kidding.
  22. Hey Phil, If and when you need bail money, let me know what you want for your Cornwalls[]. I think I may have shot him too, just kidding. Although he probably would have had his jaw wired shut.
  23. I've staged outdoor events with both my Tangent T-3000s and Heresys. Both sounded good, but the Heresys sounded fuller. Most likely due switching in the horns at a lower crossover point.
  24. Its been a month and nothing yet. [] Was hoping to snag one of these before they ran out. Looks like the addage... Day Late and a Dollar short. But I'll keep checking the mail.[]
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