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Me Loves Khorns

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Everything posted by Me Loves Khorns

  1. I found a site on the web called Audio Web. Has anyone heard of it or had experience with them. They have a lot of good looking gear on it for very good prices. Some of the people listed are from other countries, and obviously they would be foolish to try to buy from. Others are from the US and seem to have physical addresses and such. How are they able to offer such better prices than on Audioclassics, Audiogon, eBay and others. Is the gear messed up? Are they hoaxes. If some type of escrow type service could be used, would it be stupid to buy the stuff? Let me know if anyone has bought or heard of them. Thanks, Paul.
  2. I agree. I've about decided that I am tired of being the early adopter type. I got a $1200 Yammy DVD player that was top of the line with Dolby Digital. Soon, all the players came out with DTS, darn, missed it. I then got a 65 in Mitsu big screen. I still like it, but it came out just months before DVI OR HDMI, darn, missed it again. I always seem to have bought something rather early, just could'nt wait to get it. Then the prices drop big time, and they figure out a slightly better formula or format, and I'm stuck with the first generation of reallly expensive stuff. I figure I'll wait until they get the formula right on the HD DVD stuff, keep watchin my hi def cable (which looks awesome to me) and my "regular" dvds ( which also look pretty good to me) In a couple of years, someone will come out with the mother ship of all players that will cost a resonable amount and support DVD, CD, DVD-A, SACD, DOLBY DIGITAL 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5,6, ETC, DTS 1-9, PRO LOGIC 1-7, HD-DVD, BLUE RAY, PURPLE RAY, RED RAY, DVD + - R, RW, RRW, RRRW, MP3, HDCD, Man, have I forgotten anything@#$%^ Yeah, I think I'm gonna sit tite on this one for a while. Plus, my goofy Mitsu wouldn't support it yet, remember, I'm the sucker who bought the HDTV just before DVI, HDMI came out.... Currently satisfied with my current video set, Paul
  3. You would also need to conisider whether to buy used or new. In my experience, DVD players seem to break down within 1-2 years. I've had 1000-1200 players from Pioneer, Yamaha, and Onkyo that have all quit working after 1-3 years. My last one is the Samsung, only had for about a month. I guess it's ok, will have to see. If it does die, I did only pay 130 for it, so not so much of a loss. It at least is universal and will play DVD AUDIO, SACD, CD DVD, etc and has a DVI output (although my Mitsu TV came out just before they were putting those in it). I suppose it would be best to figure out how many formats you really use and then pay for the best one that has only those options on it. And, from my reading, it seems like many of the players actually get the same or similar transport systems from the same company (Phillips of Holland?), and I believe that the lasers prob come from only a few select places also. I'm not sure how different some of the players really are from one another at the end of the day in as much as their ability to give good picture and sound. What experience have others had with Denon and Sony? I have not had one of theirs. I have read a ton of good things about the Cambridge stuff. I have heard their CD players and was very impressed. I'm not sure what their price point is. Good luck. Place a post here once you decide and let us know your opinion on what you get. Paul
  4. You know, I think almost every player I've had have eventually broke down on me in 2-3 years. I've had some rather good Yammy, Onkyo, Pioneer, etc. Some were upper range some were lower range players. I personally think that they build them to break after a short time period to get me to buy a new one. I am going to either get a really good one (Mac maybe??), or spend not much on a good universal player and chunk them when they fry. Seems scary to me to buy a cheaper used one, they don't seem to last so long. My last one is a Samsung universal, paid 129 for it. It seems ok. Not high end, but not the end of the world when if dies off. IMHO, I would get a new one that has all the features that you need and then be able to replace it when it kicks the ole bucket. Paul
  5. I too am trying to figure out a change in my system. Have any of you had experience with how the Nad or Outlaw type gear sounds in 2 channel analog audio situations? Do they present a good sound with vinyl, cds, etc. I am wanting to get tube amps for 2 channel and then ss for the rest of the surround sound uses and am wondering how clean and so forth these units sound. I've been told that the NAD is rather musical in 2 channel. Is it much more so than my Yammy that I am currently using. Thanks for comments, Paul
  6. I agree. Whenever I see a tube amp or preamp that has the amps inside of the box, I think, o man, I want to see those tubes. Otherwise, it looks like what I already have. Of couse, the sound thing may be a bit different....
  7. My 2 boys who went to Hope this year keep asking about the trip for next year. They too are very excited about going back to Hope. ************************** WARNING**************************************************[6] A SHAMELESS ATTEMPT TO USE ONE'S KIDS TO GET SOMETHING OUT OF SOMEONE ELSE IS ABOUT TO APPEAR. BE FOREWARNED..............[] Surely, the good people of Klipsch would not want to break the hearts of those two innocent yet audio addicted boys. My eyes water up each time they ask. I tell them that I certainly Hope so...[] I tell them that Klipsch has brought joy and wonderfulness (is that a word?) to our ears for years, and that in my heart and soul I just know that they will come through for us in the end....[] We can only Hope and pray for now.....[A] A comforting parent, Paul. [H]
  8. Wow, nice looking. OK, I can't stand it any more. The huge speakers on the prev. page are certainly unique in appearance. Strangely familiar looking in appearance though...
  9. Just noted the thread. These two amps are indeed beautiful both visually and aurally. They have been responsible for me being absolutely consumed with the pursuit of all things tubal. So please be very carefull with these amps, they appear to have pushed me off of a large crevace into the black hole of endless audio perfection pursuit. How was it that my Yammy sounded ok to me several months back???[*-)] I brought my Khorns to Hope with me. These two amps were hooked up to them. I have never heard my Khorns sound like this before. I thought they were somehow someone elses. I am literally now trying to figure out how to gently ease myself into the tubal world myself. I would absolutely get these if I had the spare change at this time. My trouble is, I would need these, plus a good preamp that would do them justice, then a decent CD player to feed them some tunes, plus a phono stage for my Thorens... See what I mean about them being somewhat evil....[] Man, I am so glad I figured out how to use that color changin thingey device....[] Good luck on selling them. I am going to try to figure out the child labor laws for my 5 year old, see if I can get him a job at some factory doing some welding or heavy machine operations ( SARCASM ALLERT************ ) so I can swing the mulah.[G] Paul
  11. Thanks for the offer to come listen to them. I had a ton of family in this weekend and could not leave on the second. Thanks again though. Hey Marvel, let me know how they sound. Paul.
  12. I'm looking for some tube gear and possibly some McIntosh or vintage, redone McIntosh or others.
  13. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I used to live in Tulsa, but I was so broke, I was using my LaScala's in the front, a small Bose in the front and back. Now I Live down in Texas. Does the Tulsa shop have a web site or contact info?
  14. Is anyone aware of any stores in Austin or Dallas that carries tube gear, new or used? Would love to go there to hear different gear. Waco has a Best Buy. I asked them and they said that they do not sell intertubes there... (sarcastic humor allert!!! ) Any suggestions would be appreciated. Paul
  15. Wow, I wonder what the wife acceptance factor on those puppies would be like?
  16. Do integrated amps like that one have phono stages, can you go directly in with the phone, or do you also need another component? By the way, thanks to all for all of your help. Paul
  17. I guess what I'm needing to do is to set up almost 2 parallel systems at the same time. Tubes with tube pre for 2 channel with CD and Phono as inputs, and surround sound using the ss as the processor. Will a tube preamp take the signal from a SS processor, my yamaha, from the preouts and then send that signal on to the tube amps to use for the front 2 channels during surround sound? And, my Thorens has the phono pream in it. All I have to do currently is to go with the RCA's straight into the back of theYamaha into the phono inputs. I don't have a seperate preamp for it like other phono's do. If this is the case, can I go into almost any preamp using the RCA inputs or will I have to have a preamp that specifically is set up for phono. I love vinyl and am growing my collection. I am from the digital generation and some of this is new to me. But I love my good records more than my CD's now. Thanks to all for all of your helpfull opinions. Paul
  18. I went to the Pilgrimige and was amazed how my Khorns sounded with tubes. I have never heard tubes before, not a lot of options in Waco for such a thing. I also love surround sound and movies. What I would love to do is to set up a system by which I could listen to the Khorns in 2 channel with some tubes and then let my Yamaha +/- my Carver 5 channel amp run the rest of the speakers with surround, etc. I have searched nearly every thread here and on Audio-Karma and am now thoroughly confused and bewildered. So, here are my ques: 1. There are numerous options in the 1000-2000 range for tube amps, from Chinese made like LA Audio, Cayin, Yolida, etc. They sure look pretty and the Cayin at the listening room in Hope sounded really nice. Some seem to be integrated. Are there some integrated that simply have a volume control for the amp and others that have an active type amp? 2. Could I use my Yamaha as a preamp of sorts and use the preouts to send the signal to the tube amps, and then someday upgrade with a tube preamp. Or, would it be better to get an integrated and bring my CD, PHONE, straight into the integrated, and cont. to bring the DVD,XBOX, etc. into the Yamaha? 3. There are also vintage options, esp. ones by Craig that look good. How is the reliability with old gear. I assume that it would be wise only to get an old set if it has been redone or at least thoroughly looked over by Craig or someone else. Getting an unaltered older one off ebay, etc, seems like the quality would vary widely. I suppose that if I were to get a new Chinese one, if anything ever went wrong, I have no idea how you would ever get it fixed... 4. What are the differences in simple English between how the SET amps and other types sound and act. I've read the technical differences on numerous threads, but what are the actuall differences in how they sound with my Khorns. I like music kinda loud, but certainly never as loud as the listening rooms in Hope were getting. 5. How much maintenence and upkeep is there on tubes. I have no idea how to bias or other things with them. Is this something that can be learned? 6. How does McIntosh SS sound with Khorns. Do they approach the warmth and sound of tubes? That is a lot of ques. I have read hundreds of threads on all of this and understand that people vary in their opinions. I am starting to get in trouble with the fam for being on the internet so much trying to figure this out. Any help would be great. Thanks, Paul
  19. Man, what a kind offer. I am trying to decide if I can swing the $1200 and if I can take the time off to drive up there. I'll let you know if I can. by the way, were you able to make it up to Hope? Thanks again, Paul
  20. How far is Iowa from central Texas? My wife loves them. I have an older pair now. Would you consider shipping or would that be prohibitively expensive. If you have any ideas, let me know. My wife is currently telling me that "those are the most beautiful speakers I have ever seen" Thanks, Paul
  21. Off the subject, but Bob, my Passives made it to my house safe and sound. I can't wait to put them in. I'll let you know how they sound. The ones in front still amaze me. Thanks once again, Paul and the boys.
  22. I love the WE WANT YOUR CORNERS, my wife loved it too. You could put that on the front, then put our names on the back. could put something like, proudly made by hand in Hope.
  23. Nice letter. T shirts would be cool. something they could have for a long time. If we all pitched in, or essentially committed to 1-2 shirts apiece, we could cover the cost pretty simply. Count me in on helping out with that. Maybe someone could design a shirt with a cool picture or logo on it. Put a list of our names on the back. Find out how many people work there. Print up that many shirts. Should usually cost not too much more than 10-20 bucks per shirt for a run of them somewhere. We would need someone to coordinate that. We could then mail that person a check to cover the cost. The shirts could then be bulk land mailed to the factory and handed out. If that is too much work, another idea might be to find out if there is a local restaraunt that the locals like to eat at there. We could then each pitch in some mula and buy them a gift certificate so they and their family could go eat their sometimes. Paul
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