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Everything posted by BigStewMan

  1. i used to think that way about speakers until i noticed a stack of H1s and H2s sitting in the corner of my living room collecting dust. I'm not using them and i can't bring myself to sell them. Don't think I'll sell any guitars ever either, or my slot machine, or my traffic light... Oh man, i need help. Where's Mr. Wizard when you need him?
  2. I'm really sorry, but you are making me laugh. that's okay bruce...i'd love to hold a woman at night instead of my guitars. By the way, what kind of axe is that you're holding? I've got a Gretsch Duo Jet and an old Yamaha; but, I've got my eye on a Taylor T5--played one a few months ago, and it is the most comfortable electric/acoustic that i've ever played. Love the Gretsch and it plays easy; but, as far as electrics go, the most comfortable that i've seen is a musicman, honorable mention to a good ole strat; but, they're awfully heavy.
  3. i think it's time for me to meet more.
  4. BigStewMan

    for Fini

    sadly, i fear there is some truth to that joke.
  5. somebody was just trying to sell me a 10 foot pole, said it would come in handy someday. i didn't believe them.
  6. i liked casey and james. guess that was their downfall--i rarely pick the winner. what i really could do without is some of those "stars" that they're including in the shows. I just don't get some of it, all these dancers and performers not playing an instrument.
  7. well said bruce. i knew guy's in the coast guard that said they loved sea duty because it got them away from their wives for awhile. very sad.
  8. i'm surprised nobody has said Woody Allen's Sleeper yet.
  9. my 60s-70s classic rock never goes out of style...i think it's magic. in fact, i've just had a resurgence of love for CCR's Have You Ever Seen the Rain--what a simple; but, fantastic song. Give it another listen if you haven't heard it lately.
  10. sorry to hear that Carl. My sincere condolences. I know how you feel. i've lost two sets of parents (biological parents when i was 8, then the folks that adopted me). Take care.
  11. The Legend of 1900 (excellent story)... also loved the world's fastest indian.
  12. found the bar is still open; but, had to go to page 2 to find it. quite the drive, so i'd better have just one. Got my abdominal ultrasound and bloodwork results...all normal. not sure what's causing the discomfort; but, at least the vital organs appear normal. Hope everyone is doing well. Steve
  13. welcome polk, or do you prefer to be called mr. owner?
  14. FINI'S IN IT TO WIN IT (and the crowd goes wild)
  15. since you're splitting things up...better send those big speakers out west for a vacation.
  16. that's tough luck for the wife bruce--i hope she recovers quickly; and you hang in there too. Steve
  17. tough time for you all bruce--i pray for a wonderful outcome. hang in there. steve
  18. Stopped in to say hi. Looks like Steve forgot to turn off the lights when he left... or is our virtual hangout in a dangerous neighborhood where we need to leave the lights on to keep out the vandals? Doesn't matter so much. Our virtual Rottweiller just loves chewin on bad guys. I think I need to trademark or patent Virtual Rottweiller... Hi Ben--I'm forgetting a lot of stuff these days. A week or so ago, i washed my hands in the kitchen sink at about 11pm and turned off the water the next morning at 7:45. My hearing is really getting bad and when i turned off the kitchen light (about two feet from the sink) i couldn't hear the water running full blast. Hate to see my water bill next month. Hearing loss causes a few problems at work, so i've got a referral back to the ear specialist for another examination. Was told four years ago, that i needed hearing aids in both ears in order to have "serviceable hearing" so since my divorce and moving into a one-bedroom apartment, i've been using those darned klipsch over the ear headphones every night--although they sound great, i'm sure it is speeding my hearing loss.
  19. BigStewMan

    for Fini

    $3 a year for a million years..that's a pretty sweet deal.
  20. nothing to report. just sitting down at the end of the bar for a few minutes before turning in for the night. Regards. Steve
  21. vey sad that she was dead for nearly a year without being found.
  22. a very good cause indeed. i hope we represent well. I, too, wish Bailey the time of her life. ......Steve
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