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Everything posted by BigStewMan

  1. Don't look like me, but if you want something to crush up and smell try the California state plant. It's so popular they even look for them with helicopters and when they find them they send in special people to bring them out the woods, they say they grow like weeds ! As Sgt Schultz would say, "I know nothing!"
  2. don't be embarrassed about that--some of the worms out there are particularly fierce. And, if former President Carter were a member of this forum, he could post about being attacked by a rabbit. Personally, I was viciously attacked once after drinking the last beer.
  3. Ace--we must be brothers. I very rarely eat dessert. No candy, no donuts, no cake--i've been chocolate free since '83. Put some beef jerky or almonds out there and i don't know when to stop. Or a big hunk of beef or pork on a toothpick (toothpick optional)--now THAT's dessert! Steve
  4. Geez, this was my very first time being in a locked thread--i thought it was a rite of passage after all these years; and i ended up helping to ruin your vacation. definitely wasn't my intent. I apologize. i knew i should have been working instead of checking the forum! Steve
  5. Not until you start drawing up plans for a tree house.
  6. I'm driving to the office after lunch and the guy in the vehicle next to me starts waving to get my attention. I don't have power windows and with my shoulder injured, it really hurts to lean over and roll down the window. Since we're in a gang filled area, I figure the guy is lost and needs some directions; and sometimes it's better not to leave your vehicle to ask. So, i bear the pain and roll down the window. The guy says, "hey, do you want a home theatre system for your house--I got two of them in the back, i got them from my work?" I'm thinking, you got to be kidding me. I wish i would have acted interested and had him pull over into a parking lot and then I would have kept driving. I guess hitting people up in parking lots isn't good enough anymore.
  7. Are you calling me a "sassafras"? BTW, dtel says he doesn't smell so great and he isn't even crushed up like oldtimer suggests! I meant no disrespect to the dtel name. what i meant was that if she crushed up those leaves and snorted them, that she might have a, let's say a...psychedelic experience and then the tree might look like a dtel.
  8. since this thread isn't locked yet...the poster definitely shorted obama's response, it was over 17 minutes long WITHOUT ever answering her question. Gotta love politicians.
  9. sorry amy, i don't think it looks like a dtel. but it might after you crush it up and smell it like oldtimer suggests
  10. yeah, i always wanted to see a launch. i saw the first night landing of the shuttle at edwards air force base. very underwhelming from my vantage point--looked like a large plane landing; but, it is awesome when i put it in perspective of where it just returned from.
  11. Been through quite a few of them. Can't recall which year the Whittier quake hit; but, I was late for work. Tried to convince my boss that I was in the parking lot when the quake hit and it knocked me all the way back home and that was why i was so late. he didn't buy it. like it was said before, some really jolt you pretty hard and others feel like a giant rolling pin is under the floor. most of them lately, i don't even notice at all.
  12. I agree. Attended a very moving Good Friday service also. He is Risen.
  13. i didn't feel it in huntington beach.
  14. now that's one i've never heard before, "dude, you should have bought logitech." I found both the Promedia AND the GMX to be very nice computer speakers--more than able to handle the job.
  15. hey guys, i'm doing alright--no change regarding the pain; but, trying to enjoy life nonetheless. cool day actually. talked to my four year old granddaughter right before lunch, she had been asking her mom for me all morning. so i called her to say hi; and she said "grandpa, i want to come and eat with you." told her i'd take her dinner and she said she wanted to come and eat right now. ended up meeting them after work and bought her an easter basket. she was happy, so right now, life is good for me. therapist stopped therapy again--sending me back to the doctor. they took measurements and after seven sessions and the cortisone shot, i've only gained 15 degrees in range of motion--with zero improvement in some directions. oh well, looks like surgery after all--yeah, some days off work! going to my brothers this weekend, he'll drink his molson keg that he has--i'd be drinking soda or vitamin water; but, we'll be playing the heck out of his cornwalls! hope you all are well. heading for a canada dry ginger ale--ben, this one's for you. later guys, steve
  16. I'd be interested in both a polo and a nice, long-sleeve shirt (that I can wear to work). definitely prefer black with bronze lettering over the pocket; for polo--I like black-n-white (either way black shirt, white lettering or white shirt, black lettering) as well as the bronze lettering. i'm in for two shirts (one polo and one long sleeve) and i'm sure my brother (also a forum member; but, not as active) would buy at least one also. i'd prefer to have you order the shirts, so that i don't buy something and send it to you only to find out it won't work in your machine for some reason (hey, i'm a guy--i can screw up anything). i'm sure that the amount of responses that you get will be overwhelming--i hope this is able to be done. A very nice offer that you've made. You get an additional 25,000 points. []
  17. thanks for tip ben--i'll check around and see if any stores out here carry it. i've never heard of it till now; but, i do like something with a little kick. I can pretend it's a bottle of tequila.
  18. hey ben, believe it or not, i'm drinking a diet ginger ale too. enjoy. Steve
  19. Germerikan & Fini--thanks for the thoughts. Yeah, I've been taking Protonix for the past year; just doesn't give me the results that I'd hoped for. That's why I just had the recent endoscopy. Moderate Erosive Gastritis and small hiatal hernia. The gastritis is what forced me to stop drinking beer. I'd feel lousy the day after drinking, so I finally just gave it up. I meet with the stomach specialist again next week. He was blaming it on the Motrin I've been taking since my accident; but, I haven't had any Motrin for five weeks and am not feeling much different. It's been a long time since I was called "thin" but the lady at the donut store (I get a diet coke there each morning; but no donuts) asked me how I stay so thin. Hope everyone is doing good today. Talking to a co-worker today, he was bummed because he owes $6K in taxes. As we talked, another co-worker walked by and asked us what we were talking about. We said taxes and she moaned, saying that she owes too. I know more people that owe than are getting refunds.
  20. Ah, such signage does exist, it's nicely displayed when I show up (at airport, train station, whatever) - it says 'Welcome Rock Star' ( I belive you qualify for this title too mang). tee hee Michael Well Brother, like buddy holly said, "the sky was made for the stars." You got the hair my friend--the sign of a true Rock Star! sadly, i don't see those signs much in my aging years (turning 50 this summer--yikes!); but, i'm not giving up--there's got to be a College for Blind Girls out there somewhere that i can find a date. --Steve--
  21. Christy--are you sure? I paid a lot of money, and went to all the meetings, and I was promised that i'd be rift raft by now. Never met you; but, i'm sure you are geniunely a very good person. I wish you all the best. Steve
  22. Christy, congratulations on your Girl Cave. Always imagined a girl cave full of attractive, single women holding signs that said Welcome Steve (you know us bachelor types); but, you have a nice room there. Also, you have the equipment to crank out some nice Raider gear. Enjoy the room! Regards, Steve
  23. i hope it doesn't translate to "do not place device near small tomatoes." Thebes, you are my hero--always living on the edge!
  24. Hello Everyone: Been a while, a hope you are all doing well. Hanging out alone watching the Fender Strat Pack on the Palladia channel. Been feeling like crap lately--this acid reflux/erosive gastritis is just out of control. i've been eating more sensibly, have lost 16 pounds (first time I've been under 200 in over 20 years), been taking my medicine regularly--yet feeling worse. Sure hope it runs it course soon--this is getting real old. Alright, enough whinning from SoCal. Fini glad to hear you are feeling better. Chuck--hope the wife is doing well and I hated watching Duke winning against Purdue (finally changed the channel). Ace, Winchester, Ben, JB--always good to read from you guys. Have a fun and safe weekend my friends, and may this bar never close! Regards, Steve.
  25. i agree. when i bought my first pair of klipsch speakers in 1984 (Heresys), a brochure came in the box that showed the reference line. I took one look at those Belles and fell in love with them.
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