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Everything posted by HarryO

  1. I've been doing it for years. Some of the R,W,Y, cables have a larger Y and I'll use a pair of cables using Y only. May be my imagination but they've sounded better than the tiny R & W cables. Maybe? I think? Either way, they sound fine. Never an issue.
  2. After reading this thread panic set in and I got off my tired arse and checked mine. I'm good here. THIS TIME! C.R.S. is highly contageous in the elderly. Normally I don't tell on myself but since I didn't screw up this time I'm fessin' up to "having no clue"
  3. K-105 tweeter on the original RF-3. Memory doesn't serve well. http://www.klipsch.com/na-en/products/rf-3-specifications/
  4. I use a "post-it" note (per BEC) to clean out the channel before installing the new diaphram. Edit....Welcome. HarryO
  5. I have a feeling your tweeter problems may be connected to your phones compression. I know you'll get a lot of tweeter issues with compressed music, Karaoke, etc. Maybe some of the more knowledgeable on the phone output may chime in on this one. I do know there are replacement diaphrams available for the driver assy. (K-103? driver). Just remove the 8 screws holding on the horn lens, remove the wires, and they're accessible by removing the 3 screws holding on the lens. Take notice as to how they are lined up when disassembling them. I use a marker for assembly reference. I just traded off my RF-3s when I got my RF-5s up and running. I've got 4 extra drivers for the RF-5s and they're beasts. It's hard to think of blowing a diaphram in one of them. Pics with the horn lens removed showing diaphram, alignment dimples, and the three screw holes.
  6. Carefully push in on the woofer and watch for the passive to extend. The passive should hold out and stay extended for a few seconds anyway. IF NOT, check for leaks. Your room size shouldn't be an issue for the Forte IIs. Amplification??
  7. Make sure your cabinets are sealed. You can lose a lot of bass if they're leaking. They have to be air tight.
  8. I need to put my crossovers back together on my KG-2s. I was going to replace the caps and lost the schematic drawing and parts list I did to re-do them. I've got time now and want to put them back together. I need a schematic. Thanks, Harry
  9. There's a lot of elements that can cause corrosion to your wires. The cleaning materials you are using will cause some of your oxidation issues. As far as copper goes, well we've all seen copper plumbing oxidized. You can go to Lowes for example and see some of the copper plumbing stock with oxidization on it. IF you do plumbing you know you have to clean the copper off before soldering. Usually an abrasive brush or sand paper is required to adequately clean it. I'D CLEAN OFF THE OXIDATION OF YOUR PRESENT WIRES AND SOLDER. And before I start any controversy...YES, wires do make a difference in sound quality. Not always in a positive way but they do and can sound different. I've got some hig buck Tara Labs, Signal Cable, Audio Quest, and high end Monster speaker wire cables set up and there are definitely sq differences in it. Resistance alone in copper is enough to affect the sound of the wires. Long strand copper wires sound different than the cheapie lamp cord you can buy in bulk. I'm one to put the VOM to about everything when I use it. I've been surprised more than once in the resistance in wires of even 10' lengths. I'm not saying the monitary differences are worth it, just saying different.
  10. like JL said. Just normal maintenance. Recommended here also.
  11. Sounds like a lot of positive energy flowing Michael. Congrats on the weight loss and "spring cleaning". Harry
  12. Yes, by all means buy them. Belles are getting harder and harder to find. Nice Belles can go for as much as $2500. I'd say $800 would probably be a pretty good price on them. I don't see how you can lose. There will be a tag on the back with the serial #s for dating these. And yes, they're very effecient and can be driven easily with low wattage tube amps. As a matter of fact they'll sound fantastic on low watt tube amps. You'll love them. Don't walk! RUN!
  13. Yea, like he said. 5 watts is sweet and 14 will rock.
  14. I had a pair do the same thing. AQ replaced without question and had that replaced pair back within 4 days of them receiving mine.Good Product Support
  15. I like them. Good open sound to them. Great for cdp, tape, etc. My only issue with them is with high current SS amps (Adcom GFA555II Denon POA1500). I get a little hum with them in my system. It's minimal but then again I have way too many components run on a single outlet. I could get the hum out by seperating my wiring from my ICs and relocation my power conditioner. I mean really seperating them. It was when using the high current amps only.
  16. Stick the old good tube from the other side in the one that blew up. Get maximum use out of your tubes. To paraphrase..."Let 'er rip"
  17. I've only lost two rectifier tubes in about 40 years. Both were in the last two years and both were "Groove Tube"s. I just replaced them and everything was fine. What brand rectifier tubes are they? NOS has a good piece of gear and I'll bet the rectifier tubes are the only issue. Disclaimer is.... Just guessing without seeing it in person. Stick a new one in and be done with it. I'll recommend the old faithful Mullard.
  18. HarryO

    for Fini

    LITTLE GIRL ON A PLANE A stranger was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when the stranger turned to her and said, 'Let's talk. I've heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.' The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to the stranger, 'What would you like to talk about?' 'Oh, I don't know,' said the stranger. 'How about nuclear power?' and he smiles. OK, ' she said. 'That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass - . Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?' The stranger, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, 'Hmmm, I have no idea.' To which the little girl replies, 'Do you really feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don't know POOP? This reminded me of some of the forum discussions lately.....
  19. What are the differences between the K-33 and K-34 woofers?
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