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Everything posted by twistedcrankcammer

  1. Jason, I don't know how good her hearing is. I do know that my stupid *** gave her permanent Tinnitus playing music way to loud when she was an infant. Roger
  2. Jim, Somebody obviously played arround inside these things as evidenced by the cheap Piezo in one, and the scabbed in wire in both. The torn rear Gasket material on both doesn't leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling that these woofers spent their entire lives in these boxes either. Hell, these could be K-23s or K-25s out of some Forte' for all I know. Having said all of that, Did Klipsch ever put K-42s in a Pro sealed Heresy or only in HIPs ?? Thanks again.... Roger
  3. I shot Luther a PM asking for pics of any that are on the sides of both magnets the next time he is in there. Thanks again for the input. Roger
  4. Joe, I have a pencil and I am NOT afraid to use it !! Roger
  5. @jimjimbo Here is the other. Are these K-42s or K-22s ?? Roger
  6. Afternoon Jim, I really don't know my Heresy stuff. I was told these were K-42s, what do you think ?? They are at Luther Wards house in Texas, so all I have seen are pictures and I don't know crap about the 12 inch woofers.. Roger
  7. Hey Diz :D, What K-77 and K-55 drivers do you prefer? I want to make these slant monitors for my daughter, the best that they can be. They came with K-77 round Alnico tweeters, K-55V push pins and K-42 Woofers. My plan is that I have extra K-55V dual phase plug solder terminals, will buy some K-77 mud magnets and keep them all Klipsch. Thoughts ?? Rog
  8. Joe, The only Dragon I want is a Dragon CD and DAC. Rog
  9. Joe, I would much rather have the CR-7 myself Rog
  10. Jamie Gossard Hevenly Gardens Columbus, Ohio
  11. My best man at my wedding is a Microbiologist and owns his own Lab. He also grows 100,000 Day Lillie's.
  12. Joe, I agree, but that doesn't explain amplifiers and everything else going up it price now does it? Everything can't be making a Comeback now can it? My Nakamichi Amplifiers have doubled in price in the past year or so. Roger
  13. Joe, Just inflation, economy has been good up until this virus and people have more disposable income. I routinely watch Nakamichi stuff and the amps have shot up as well as Cassette decks... Roger
  14. Randy, A simple HEPPA filter will, same as N-95 masks that we also already had previously. Quit Panicking. Roger
  15. The Ventilators have special filters and everyone has to gown, mask, wash hands and glove. Patients are in private rooms.
  16. John, Attached is a link to positive Corona Viruses in Ohio that have tested positive as of yesterday. It is important to realize we are about two weeks behing the Corona Curve with these results as we didn't have the tests to administer, so the Governor is speculating. Roger https://public.tableau.com/shared/QMK8NZPGN?%3Adisplay_count=y&%3Aorigin=viz_share_link&%3Aembed=y&%3AshowVizHome=no&fbclid=IwAR37ZxmV-wXaxqWtWTZwzF_YdWU8YaEMfPdxkxuy1Onmkh-PSU2ujZ-fLes
  17. Randy, As Carl stated, a LaScala is not even working as a horn below 100 Hz and doesn't have output really below 50 Hz where it is working as a direct radiator below 100 Hz. A second pair of LaScala Bass bins will reinforce the Bass, but it still isn't really going to go any Lower. They Need a Sub and I recommend a Horn Sub and Carl is EXACTLY who you need to talk with about getting a F-20 Horn sub from. Roger
  18. Carl, I haven't worked since last year because of my injury. If it gets bad enough, I will pull my wife, but she is an OB nurse, they are NOT doing any elective surgeries at this point. Roger
  19. Richard, If I go out there, I would take the wife and Son with me to protect them, but your welcome to stop buy and service the 400,000 Hens.... You know you want too.... Hell, we all KNOW you want too.... And you could visit the grave while you are here. Want to know what is screwed up??? Because of the Bird Flu, their are individual rooms and lockers for all workers to take their clothes off and put them in their own locker. Then each room has a door you walk through and each worker has their own private shower. Then you walk through a door on the opposite side and each worker has a private dressing room and clothes that never leave the building!! The Damned Chickens are better protected than our own Human Hospitals !!! Roger
  20. John, Don't believe anything that POS says, he is a Rhino and pushing fear. I live in Allen County. I'd show you the state of Ohio by County map if I could find it. Roger
  21. Carl, If it gets bad, We are covered my buddy the big farmer packed up yesterday to ride it out in one of his Cabins he owns in Tenn., so I can always house sit his 4,500 acres or go to my Moms and ride it out. My buddies Driveway is 0.3 miles long and Moms is 0.4 miles long. Rog
  22. Carl, They are shutting down wings to prepare them for this, but we really have not seen anything in this area yet. Rog
  23. Carl, I have a inch / pound torque wrench for guns and figgured it would be in inch pounds for these screws.. Rog
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