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Everything posted by prerich

  1. Well, I like one in particular....the Walmart credit card commercial is hilarious!!!!!
  2. Disagree with you here....You do know that the church in the US takes in more money than the NFL right?
  3. A copy and paste with no credit to the writer?Why do you hate capitalism? Most of the people who are rich are no criminals. Why do you feel it should be a right of the government to steal? What's to like about it? I can't see a single reason to be enthusiastic about an amoral economic theory, that encourages greed, exploitation and global misery.I'm not even convinced it is better than feudalism. It is a passing fad that I don't think will last out the century. It is currently entering a mature phase in which all the absurdities embedded in the theory will begin to emerge as it self destructs. There are plenty of morally acceptable ways to become rich without resorting to capitalism. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk Would you agree that there should be a flat tax so everyone pays an equal %. That's the point my friend - its not equal. Say person that makes $25k a year and millionaire both pay 15% flat tax. The millionare has $850k left to live off of - while the $25k guy now only has roughly $21k to live off of. They are in the same state so they pay the same rate of energy tax, they pay the same prices for food if they by the same brands. However Mr. $21K &250 bits has less income when considering necessities of life. Carson wants to base his 15% off of religious views - however he doesn't realize - even in those times, the only people that paid a 10% tax were farmers, and herdsmen. No one else paid that tax....not carpenters, or metal smiths, or clothes washers. Hmmmm?
  4. I'm tempted to trade my CW's modified (ALK CW Bv2 crossovers) with you.....just tempted - I've gotta think!!!! They are walnut with smoked glass tops and Crites CT125 tweeters in them.
  5. Please explain how you think somebody supporting a family could make less than $15 an hour, and be off all forms of government assistance, and still have a higher standard of living. Unless they have major benefits on top of that as well as a working spouse or second job, that's not going to happen. Regardless of anythign else, the average premium for a family of four in the private sector is around $17,500 right now I believe. At that rate, even if you did make $15 an hour, if you're limited to 32 hours a week, you'd clear $7,500 all year. Even without taxes, you're literally bringing home $4.50 an hour. That's $144 a week. If you go to the doctor at all even without anything major, your deductible can wipe out 1/3 to 1/2 of what's left. Even if you did make a full $15 an hour, if you're limited to 32 hours and no benefits, apparently somehow you're going to pay rent, provide clothes, transportation, feed four people, and everything else, for like 5 grand a year. And that's with us literally more than doubling the minimum wage and given the workers everything they are asking for. There is not going to be any hand wringing from our government where workers are suddenly self sufficient after an increase. Not going to happen, and even if it did, workers would be much worse off. You can't both make them self sufficient and increase their standard of living at this amount of pay. In '97, I was right there - I was making $5.75 an hour, a wife and 4 children, working 40hr's a week. The company was intentionally underpaying me because we are a right to work state (company moved from Michigan a union state at that time). All the people in the front office came from Michigan - and were making much more than me. The accountant told me one day that they would never pay me what I'm worth. I didn't believe it - I believed that if I worked hard and showed my usefulness and skills I'd be compensated. Well, I helped the company get ISO 9000 certified, and the parent company congratulated me and singled me out. I was then asked by my corporate counter part - how much was I making. I told him and he replied, either move to corporate headquarters and work for us there, or quit and find something else - because they won't pay you. I still didn't believe it ....until I received my pay raise - which was bigger than anyone's raise on the floor....an entire $0.50!!!! They said they usually only give 5 cent raises. I had to work overtime on several occasions but didn't qualify for overtime pay because although they pay me hourly - I'm not a clock person!!!!! I decided to leave that company and eventually landed in IT. Tell me what businesses won't do for profit. Oh that company is now closed!!!!
  6. The era of the mindless manufacturing jobs where an operator can make bank with very little skills is over. Sorry but it just is. That's what everybody is really getting at when they ask for manufacturing to come back. You have to follow the economy and reinvent yourself into something useful. My immediate area was hit hard by this type of thing, this place used to be booming back in the day with the USEC plant. Now it's a sad situation. Anyway, my fear isn't offshoring as much as the wave of robotics that will be here in 15 years. They're predicting that everybody from sales to customer support will be replaced by robots sooner than you think. Lots of minimum wage jobs will be able to be automated soon, that's not really debatable, but the powers that be are shooting higher than that. I must agree with you here. The market has changed from blue collar to white or gray. I'm in the "observation" business so as long as they need Big Brother - I'm ok.
  7. It's not a business owners fault that somebody that he hired used to have a better position. The new boss doesn't owe the employee anything based on that. I don't agree with raising it because of this point you keep bringing up. Purchasing power in the way I used it means cost of living. Groceries, gas, taxes, utilities, daycare, all vary greatly depending on where you live. This is why tech jobs are moving to the heartland. It's not that somebody wants to stay in their home town, it's that it's cheaper to do business there. Well that's why many tech jobs that would pay $25/hr. are being out-sourced to India, or other overseas countries that will do the same work for $9/hr ...because at $9/hr. you could live like a king in some of these places. Management pays pennies on the dollar to employ someone cheaper and avoids other taxes and benefits, and someone else makes out and gets a living that wouldn't help in the States, but makes them upper middle class in other places. The only ones in the cold are the qualified people in the US.
  8. I've learned something - in our changing world, many people can't get decent paying jobs even if they have degrees. The issue is that they stay in school, get the degree, and they have no experience. The world is currently looking for plug-n-play personnel, people that have experience as well as education. The ironic thing is that the education doesn't have to mean a college degree. Certifications with experience are valued more than a college degree with no experience (as I believe it should be - experience trumps a degree). I currently encourage military members who have technical skills to have those skills transferred into a civilian certification. This is one thing that the military doesn't tell you. I've received messages form military members that have done this telling me thanks for the information. Now they can make informed decisions on staying or leaving the military, and have the experience to jump directly into the civilian world (with the added benefit of Veteran's preference). There are many vets making minimum wage because no one in the education and training department told them about this. There are many things I didn't find out until I became the LPO of a training department. After I left the military, I told myself that I would insure that young enlisted service men and women that I encounter - learn about these hidden advantages that they have rightly earned. Believe it or not, most military members that are at least an E-5 have the equivalent of an AA degree. If you are military or prior military - don't get caught up in the high priced world of college education (until you have to). Take CLEP/DANTES exams for free, even civilians can take them for $80 a pop, that's better than paying $300 a semester hour for things you already know. Get your ACE transcript from you SMART profile, have it transferred to college credit, you'll be surprised at what you really know and what you're qualified for.
  9. His description of her jobs is that she worked as "a domestic". That likely means she was a housekeeper, babysitter, things like that, random jobs inside other people's houses. I guess I didn't realize that Detroit was so progressive that a single black mother could get not just one but three good paying union jobs at the same time, in 1959, in this line of work. Point taken, but Allen Park???? If she said the east side in 1959...yes, but African American's over by Dearborn? Almost unheard of during that time. During the riots - that side of town was protected and blocked off from the rest of Detroit by the National Guard. Something still doesn't smell right. My family was one of the first people of color in Rosedale Park and that was 1971!!! Allen Park?!!! Still doesn't jive. That's just me though.
  10. I don't know anything about the area but my dad is from Detroit. Well, halfway. He was in a split family so during the school year he lived in the projects but then flew down to Florida to live like a king during the summer. Did this every year. I can't imagine having to adjust going either way so often. Man!!! Now that's having it rough!!!! Going to Florida....in the summer!!!!!??? Then coming to the dreary projects for the winter?!!!!! Back in the 70's we had to watch out for the guy killing kids and burying them in the snow - you wouldn't find them till spring! That was a very dangerous time indeed. We walked to school in extreme snow ...for approximately 1.75 miles - that's a lot for a first grader!!!! Had my brother and sisters with me.
  11. Apparently not quite the ghetto, but, bourgeoisie? This was his house. He wrote in his book that he literally attempted to kill a friend over what music he was listening to. Sounds like they were living it up in a respectable suburb, no? At least at one point they were in public housing as far as I could tell. This was probably the best home he had after his parents divorced. Believe it or not - due to redlining in Detroit - that was the "DREAM HOUSE". It's about the same size as the one my father had (our yard was just a little bigger). My father payed $160k for a house that size - our house was the smallest on the block. It also cost just as much as others. This is what happened in Detroit in the 60's and 70's. This is also a recent picture. I can tell by the neighborhood and the condition of Detroit in the 60's and 70's that this house was beautiful back then. For African Americans at that time....very mid to upper middle class. Don't think with today's views....take yourself back into time and think. I doubt that the Carson's were Brewster/Dexter projects poor....that's what I call poor. I've been there and lived there.
  12. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/nov/07/ben-carson-profile-republican-election Carson's parents divorced when he was 8. At that point his sing mom worked 2 or 3 low paying jobs while on food stamps and other welfare programs. I doubt that making $77,000 in 1975 would have qualified them for such support. You don't know Michigan do you..... She was working 2 to 3 "low paying" jobs....Lets do the math here. Michigan just recently became a right to work state, before then, almost all jobs were unionized. Everything had a union. You do not maintain a home in Allen Park on welfare (unless you're getting over - we wondered how a kid I knew in elementary school's mother could afford a brand new custom red and white caddilac - sunroof, tire in the back, everything, and they were on free lunch and welfare). Carson's not telling everything. - I don't know the whole truth, but the area - the time, and the money - doesn't add up.
  13. I'm really laughing now!!!! In the 70's....that area was more "bourgeoisie" than Rosedale Park (were my family lived)!!!!! He was right next to Dearborn!!!! I think his ideal of what poor is might be warped - like the difference between Donald Trump broke and MC Hammer broke!!! LOL
  14. My family has a history similar to this post. My great grandfather was an accountant over in England but not exactly doing super well. Saved up enough money to get a boat ride over for his honeymoon. Apparently this was the land of opportunity because he never went back. To be an accountant over in England you had to be pretty smart, dealing with pounds and shillings at the minimum. Our system was super easy comparatively, plus there was no glass ceiling, you could be as successful as you wanted. He quickly climbed the ladder and became a top dog in the IRS,and they got very rich. Your post also makes me wonder, what makes somebody hungry for success? Without that hunger, you can never be anybody. Successful parents can teach a work ethic to their kids but how do they teach them to be hungry for success like the immigrants would have? Just makes me think we are spoiled as a society. I mean, one kid living in the ghetto could be nothing, but on the flip side, there's Dr. Ben Carson. One kid could be part of a dynasty and enjoy great success, yet one kid with similar family ties ends up being a nobody. I don't understand it. Carson didn't come from the ghetto....no one during his fathers time was in the "ghetto" working at the Cadillac plant. It was a unionized job that paid even more than Chrysler Hamtramck!!!! During the 70's My father was doing pretty well there (topped out at $77k yearly in 75). An illness and the loss of his ability to work - thrust us into poverty and the deep south. Dr. Carson's family did very well and were middle class to upper middle class. I see that there was a divorce - but the area that his mother lived in was still very affluent. They lived in the south-west side of Detroit. Now if they were to say that they lived on Mack Ave, or Joy Rd, Brewsters, Tireman, or Dexter....they yes that would be poverty....but that's not the SW side either. Carson has his own view of what poverty is....and in may peoples minds - that may be poverty...until you go to the east side!!!! I wonder is that why they are questioning his background now. I'm originally from the "D" ol' school and I know it very well!!! Carson is about my sisters age.
  15. I think Bob is busy enjoying his grandchildren, he loves them greatly!!!! I think he knows there are things in life more important than internet forums. Over at Bluray.com, one of our best techies has all but disappeared, but he informed me what he's doing...spending more time with his family. Bravo Zulu to anyone doing that.
  16. Which version? The version with Patrick Stewart, I also have the version with George Scott (my favorite)!!!!
  17. Which version? The version with Patrick Stewart, I also have the version with George Scott (my favorite)!!!!
  18. I'm currently watching "A Christmas Carol" and I'm like ....WOW!!!! I would like people to view that classic show and tell me what you think?
  19. Education is now a money mill itself!!!! Most of our millennials are busy trying to pay off student loans. I was told a story by a national educator that she had two exceptionally smart students. She wanted them to go to Community college and learn technical skills - however, because of the value of a major college degree (as preached by education) they opted to go to Duke and Davidson. Both graduated with honors, and can't find jobs. The one that attended Davidson has $100,000 in student loan debt (unemployed). The one that attended Duke has accumulated $120,000+ in student loan debt and works at Burger King (non-management). I think our generational thinking has much to do with how we believe. Most of the people on audio forums are Baby Boomers, also called the generation of greed. They are generally workaholics, divorced, and did everything they can to achieve the American Dream (many of them grew up and became Mega Church pastors but that's another story). They tend to blame Millennials for a poor work ethic, or tell them they aren't trying hard enough. Well this isn't the 80's (didn't like the 80's that much....judged by your ability to wear Ralph Lauren or other labels.....in HIGH SCHOOL!!!!)! Times and the world has changed and our thinking hasn't adjusted to the changing paradigm. Now it's not all about who works the hardest, or has the most education. I know unemployed mechanical engineers!!! The system has evolved into something else - people call it networking. Many times its not what you know, but who you know...not to mention that redlining still exist....yes it does, especially in non-unionized work. I know a young man that has his MBA and his field is MIS, and he's a reserve military officer. It was very difficult for him to find a decent paying job. He has one now, but he's still underpaid compared to others in his field. This system that's at work in our country is the product of the 1980's - the ME generation. I belong to the X'er's - I'll be 50 next year, and feel for the plight of the Millennials. That's why when it's time to retire - I'm taking it to the house. Make room for someone else. My home is modest - some of you have cars that cost more than my house, but it's big enough for my wife and I. Hey...I think I may have stumbled on to another cause - lack of contentment among the haves. What did Howard Hughes say when asked how much money is enough...."One dollar more".
  20. You'd also have a warranty. To each is own. The power amps seem like a pretty good deal!
  21. Retiring and moving to smaller digs, but haven't moved yet. I Haven't picked out new speakers yet, but they will probably be towers or monitors with a sub. Wife was never happy with (the size of) the Cornwals though she did like the sound. Our house was already small 1,200 squares, the new place will be a little more than half that. 700-800 squares. Are these still for sale?
  22. I'm using one of these now http://hifimediy.com/DACs/ready-made-dacs/9018-dac My wife got it for my birthday in August and I love it!!!!!!
  23. You came out full throttle, Atmos and all!!!! Congrats!!!!!
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