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Thaddeus Smith

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Everything posted by Thaddeus Smith

  1. Of what nature is that maintenance? I use the scissor lift 1-3 hours a quarter.
  2. Not trying to come across as argumentative - sorry if I am. I've got a pressing need, fixed budget, and specific model requirements. I know this model will fit in our tightest of spaces while still giving us the 25ft working height we need. 20k for new isn't feasible, and I'm certainly not going to buy from some rando on Craigslist. The chain renters have depreciation plans and life cycle management to maintain across their fleet - so it's logical to me that I'd be able to buy a 6yr old model for a fraction of the cost, not because it's broke down and untrustworthy but because it's reached an inventory threshold for the business model. We do it all the time with IT equipment, generally 3-5 years and you can get some really good deals as a result. So am I being naive, and if so, why do these chains (United, sunbelt, etc) have hundreds of listings around the country for similar price, age, and usage metrics?
  3. As opposed to a nationwide chain of equipment rentals? It's not like United Rentals is a mom and pop shop.
  4. Thanks. They don't list any used gr-20 on the website, but I'll reach out tomorrow and see if they have any. Why would their used options be more reliable?
  5. So where does one go to buy this equipment if not through a rental company? Genie gr-20 is specifically what I'm looking at, for what it matters. The nature of my need is such that it's worth it to buy on our own and have readily available rather than pay extra fees for urgent delivery or end up waiting for one to become available. So I know just enough to not really know anything, but it doesn't change my need or budget (around $6500).
  6. It's a mast lift. We already have a hydraulic scissor lift for open areas with open plenum. I need a smaller 1-man for tight areas in the building with offices, bathrooms, and drop ceiling. The hours to age ratio seems about average for all the listing I see out there and I haven't really found many options besides off-lease rental type places.
  7. Hoping you can provide some insight for me since I have very little experience with large machinery. Looking to buy a used man lift for my work from United rentals, specifically a 2014 model with 199 hours on the meter. My assumption is that these things are rated for thousands of hours with proper maintenance, right?
  8. I'm feeding my pair with a 200wpc stereo amp and have no complaints regarding output. I think you'll enjoy having two working together.
  9. I wouldn't mind owning official Danley speakers some day, but I sure do enjoy my clones.
  10. Interesting.. see what this does for you. https://www.subwoofer-builder.com/qrdude.exe
  11. I just clicked this download button and ran the app.. appears to be legit.
  12. https://www.subwoofer-builder.com/qrdude.htm
  13. It's possible... For a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage. It's possible!
  14. So did the trailer get stolen or what? You left us with a cliffhanger a few nights ago..
  15. That's quite literally the entire point of this event. Everyone comes from a very diverse socioeconomic background, the full spectrum of equipment, and a shared enjoyment of sound reproduction. The event is meant to put names to faces, share gear when possible, and otherwise just have a good time to get to know people in a 3-dimensional way. I'd have been quite disappointed in that crew if you reported anything other than what you described.
  16. Sure would have been nice to know that Pete was parading my 396's around as his own. Same with Carl and my ATI amp. Sigh.
  17. Also look on headphone forums. Always lots of schiit gear rolling through there.
  18. I wonder if that's the inherent issue with scaling the event. Once you reach a certain threshold it can be difficult to remain agenda-less and satisfy 50+ people for a weekend of just milling around. So then we decide if we cap the attendance to maintain the continuity of purpose behind the event, or grow in scale to be all-inclusive but embrace the inevitable sacrifice of "spirit" for the sake of pleasing a larger and more diverse crowd.
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