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Everything posted by Wolfbane

  1. No long version of Take Five then? Brubeck probably avoided the wicked temptations that Prince did not. That said, sometimes the good die old too. Wb
  2. If its a Buddist maybe it will come back again as a dog. Wb
  3. Bichons were bred from Poodles and Spanish Water Dogs to be lap dogs for the Bourbon Dynasty. We've had three, one of which would never bark, all of them think/thought they are cats (like to walk on curbs or fences), except for the biting, scratching and shedding. Our current guy's 'Backup' in training and part time shadow is shown below: Wb
  4. I use a product called 'Circa 1850 Terra Nova NaturOil' on all the wood around here. Usually found at hardware stores. Before that I used 'Star' Wood Furniture Polish. Sadly, the real deal that came in blue bottles is no longer made. Wb
  5. Here's mine: Both guarding and watching me insulate and then fill the big planter on our front step. He listens to Chopin's Military Polonaise in A and Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture (c/w Bells and Cannon) for inspiration while doing so. 🐺
  6. She's no fool and surely knows that to be succeeded by a Fool is not going to be good for the monarchy. No one would vote for Charles if he ran against his son William in a popularity contest! So far she has reigned longest of all British Monarch's. Her biggest mistake was her lack of obvious compassion when Princess Diana died in a vehicle driven by a drunk. Ever wonder what she carries in her always present purse? My money's on a brick or small hammer to whack annoying PM's with in private. 🔨 Wb
  7. Depending on the surface either a strong vacuum or a newly minted lint roller like you would use on clothes. Wb
  8. I believe the saying you get the government you deserve applies in every country. Wb
  9. Do you want ‘cheese’ with that? BTW, never, ever eat their chicken sandwich. Also, don’t ask me how I know that.🐔🐀 Wb
  10. It is more complicated than that. The Norman’s were originally Norseman who conquered western France. French was the language at all European Courts and of diplomacy for hundreds of years (Just like English is the language of air traffic control today). The British monarchy became German, cemented by Victoria’s marriage to Albert and yes their descendants had to change their German name to the made up name of Windsor. It did not look good to be fighting Germany in WWI with a last name that is so obviously German.👑 That said, everyone comes from elsewhere in this world if you go back far enough. Wb
  11. Remember Napoleon lost first ‘The Battle of Nations’ and at Waterloo (the Prussian’s certainly made that result inevitable). Invading Spain and Russia didn’t help. Result: British monarchy survives their greatest threat since the Battle at Hastings and keep a throne. Wb
  12. I believe the last Roman Emperor’s said the same thing.🙃 Wb
  13. Look at the disgraceful way our current PM treated his indigenous Justice Minister last spring. I hope she can win running as an Independent. Then there’s Grassy Lake, Black Face and admiration for the way China and Cuba are run! Wb
  14. It was to what is now Alberta that Sitting Bull and half the Sioux and Northern Cheyenne retreated to after winning the Battle of the Little Big Horn. He knew the NWMP and the Crown (Queen Victoria) would treat his people and him better than they were treated on a US Reservation. Things only going to get worse post defeating the 7th US cavalry and Custer. Custer broke the cardinal rule of never split your forces when opposed by superior numbers. Plus the natives were better armed. Some of their ( indigenous) repeating rifles still come up for auction in Alberta. Wb
  15. As does the entire NBA. Kowtowing to the newly minted dictator for life along with Apple. Wb
  16. Yes, you screwed the Hmong the very minute Nixon pulled out of a Civil War the USA, S. Korea and Australia should not have been in. There were no favors for the rural people’s in S. Vietnam either. Caught between a rock during the day and a hard place at night. Most people involved in that war should have read Bernard Fall’s ‘Hell in a Very Small Place’ and ‘Street Without Joy’. And paid attention to his conclusions. The book the ‘Ten Thousand Day War’ is also a great book on what used to be called French Indochina. Uncle Ho was originally friendly to the West and in particular the USA when FDR and Truman were in the White House. Wb
  17. I don’t think we could have better neighbors. Unfortunately, both you, us and our other allies across the whole world have left the Kurd’s to be ethnically cleansed in N. Syria. In a just world that would never happen. That said, Canada should be doing a lot more for both the Kurds and the poor people living in Hong Kong right now. The USA can’t do it all by itself! Wb
  18. Anyone with a functioning brain is going to read what you wrote and not what SIZE font you used. You should be okay as long as you didn’t write it in ALL CAPS. Good Luck! Wb
  19. Maynard, Do you have an older cap tester or what do you use to perform testing of old or used capacitors❓ Wb
  20. And far too much of professional politicians and their family members: Down south and here. We (western democracies) need to limit the people who run and win office to two terms with Recall Legislation where the voters’ can throw the bums out (ala the former Governor of California ) when they lose the confidence of the people. Right now we have a popular figurehead of state in our Queen here but I don’t know anyone looking forward to her son Charles succeeding her. The last King Charles was a bad King which is not a good omen. I do like the USA system of two elected Senators from every state. Here they appoint political hacks as unelected Senators (they can ‘serve’ to age 75 and this system badly needs to change. The sooner, the better. Wb
  21. I'm kind of partial to upgraded 1979 Cornwalls in Oiled Walnut. Wb
  22. Although we've all exercised our franchise... none of them are qualified. The question is who will do the least damage to Canada's image in the world? Here's an example of someone living near my daughter's place who is not clearly open to being independent - only time I've seen someone go to this extreme: Wb
  23. Don't forget to vote and good luck! 🏁 Wb.
  24. Must have had a girl in every port, one named 'Brandy' such a fine girl! Then sailed across the sea against the wind. Untreated, both will kill you slowly. Wb
  25. And it beats the heck out of getting your ascorbic acid Cartier Style. He boiled pine needles to cure his crews scurvy. The French had the Iroquois to thank for that. I raked up enough pine needles today to keep the Old Red Army free of C deficiency for a thousand years. Wb
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