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Everything posted by JohnA

  1. Hi B, I think I saw him! Just wait till I get to complain about my flickering power switch and hissing processor! Just kidding! When are you moving? A commute that long stinks! John
  2. As long as you don't drive the car amp into distortion there will be no damage at all. However, power amp ratings on car amps are notorious for being overstated. In addition, car amps are rated at 4 ohms or even 2 ohms, but your La Scalas are about 8 ohms. A car amp rated at 150 watts per channel into 4 ohms would pull over 17 amps. Does it have 2 10 amp fuses? If not, it won't put out 150 watts/ch. Assuming typical peak power ratings, a 150 watt/ch amp will put out 37.5 watts RMS into 4 ohms and half that into 8 ohms. 19 watts/channel will not make La Scalas rock outdoors. 37.5 watts is about 3 amps into 4 ohms. Does it have two 3 or 4 amp fuses? Still, as long as you can't hear distortion, you won't hurt anything. Should you actually have 150 watts RMS/ch, you will have plenty of power, as long as the battery lasts. John
  3. Al's crossovers primarily use better components. In fact, they are pretty much the state of the atr, hence the price. The crossover points and slopes remain about the same as the AK/AL-x series. The tweeters have less protection, but fewer components to interfere with the sound. The impedance curve is pretty well flat from about 80 Hz to 20k. Al uses a trick with a resistor to control the impedance in the midrange so it doesn't get so high. That should be good for tube amps. The Klipsch networks tend to have more losses in the tweeter circuit so Al's networks sound a little hotter. I prefer them to the Type AL by a long margin. John
  4. I see new drivers and different crossover frequencies! The K-horn and Belle crossover to the squawker is 450, but the La Scala is still 400, curious. John
  5. According to BobG, some time ago, the tweeter in the C7 is actually turned wrong for horizontal use. If you turn the speaker on its end, vertically, the tweeter has the intended dispersion pattern. He encouraged me to look at a pair of C7s for my rear channels. I founs a second pair of La Scalas cheaper, in the end. i say go for it! John
  6. JohnA


    It looks like Tom has several nice money pits! My favorite Colt is a Series 80 Satin Nickle Gov't, Model. I've only seen the one. Most people have never seen one. I also have a DW 41V with 4" and 8" bbls. Shoots great! I could never get a handload to work well in it, though. I always had unburned powder left and poor groups. When a Ruger Blackhawk in .44 Mag. hurt my hand, I bought the .41. It turns out a .41 Mag. has more energy than some .44 loads. John
  7. O.K. Dean, Let's have it, Dish. I remember BobG mentioning the Super Klipsch, but I thought that was the Jubilee. Tell us about elaborate cabinet designs! John
  8. Jobman, Somebody on the BBS wanted a single walnut Belle, would you? John
  9. JohnA


    Rush is a Liberal! Not me! I'm also partial to Colts, but 1911s. The OACP makes a great tool for CCW. The AWA Peacekeeper does look like a lot for the money. I understand a Custom Shop Colt goes for about $3500. I have a little of everything from the attached BP replica to the 1911s mentioned. John This message has been edited by John Albright on 04-06-2002 at 09:04 PM
  10. Mislabeled, sort of. These will go cheap. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1344408545 John
  11. JohnA


    Boy, I hate you had to sell one of your handguns! That sucks! John
  12. In those years the Cornwall II had the horns turned 90 degrees so they would have a lower profile; kind of a low-boy. John This message has been edited by John Albright on 04-06-2002 at 03:35 PM
  13. Use a multimeter and check its DC resistance. It should be about 3/4 of its rating. It it's infinity you have an open voice coil and need a new diaphragm (assuming it is replacable). John
  14. Production is not scheduled until mid-April. There is information about the new Heritage out "there". Essentially, Klipsch is going back to the future with the lone. New versions of the K-55-V and K-77-M will be used and a new crossover network is required. K-horn is to be issued first, La Scala next, and Belle and Heresy later. Heresy III would be a good development name, but I don't know what the official name will be. The bass horns and squawker horns were not changed. R&D on the drivers and crossover caused the delays. There was apparently some difficulty at the OEMs. I have some theories as to what may have been going on, but no facts. The new drivers are said to be smoother and the result is a warmer speaker. A retrofit kit is also expected some time in the future. John This message has been edited by John Albright on 04-06-2002 at 12:57 PM
  15. The Heritage Series is still made. Production was restarted this month after about a year's hiatus for a driver replacement and crossover redesign. I think most of the time was to allow the OEM to do some R&D on the drivers and to let its ownership settle down. John
  16. JohnA

    Need advice

    The Klipsch Tech probably meant it can put out 130 watts/channel. John
  17. Well, he didn't say "passive bi-amping". JohnJohn, you might try Harrison F-mods on the inputs of your amps for the crossover. They are only in 12 dB/octave and in discrete frequencies, but you can get high and low pass at the same frequency. John This message has been edited by John Albright on 04-04-2002 at 01:12 PM
  18. Yes, It is! It's shown in the proper placement for the older CII. In that position, the long axis of the horns is horizontal. Note the riser on the bottom, often thought of as the "side". John This message has been edited by John Albright on 04-09-2002 at 12:19 PM
  19. You need an electronic crossover. It goes between the preamp and the power amps. You should use the same crossover frequency and slopes in the original crossover. John
  20. NO. The 50 watt rating is for a continout load. You will not put 110 watts from your receiver into the speakers. The distortion would be horrible. John
  21. If I were going to build my own cabinets, I'd build a "J"-shaped bass horn sometimes called a scoop. Mr. Paul designed one and published it in a paper I have. It would be taller than a La Scala, but I believe it could have a lower cutoff frequency and therefore deeper bass response. You'd use the rest of the La Scala components as is. John
  22. You can certainly install 2 new K-33-Es from Klipsch. Al Klappenberger has a crossover designed for the Cornwalls. You MIGHT even get Klipsch to construct a new set of the correct crossovers in the lab, but I doubt that the originals are bad. Are they leaking or are the terminals corroded? John
  23. I've seen pictures in a Klipsch brochure of the first Cornwall IIs laying on their side so that the horns were horizontal and the pair was symetrical with the horns to the outside. It was sort of a lowboy configuration. That picture also showed a "normal" pair of Cornwalls. The old Cornwall IIs are rare. John
  24. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1341159358http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1341893486 Look at these. John
  25. Rat shack sells crossovers. It won't be that simple, though. The horn is much more efficient than the woofers, so the crossover needs built-in attenuation. The best thing to do is to rebuild the originals with superior parts of the same value. John
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