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Everything posted by JohnA

  1. We've bashed the upgrade mungki to death. Search the forums for "La Scala". John
  2. "Is there ANYTHING from Russia not filled with defects?" By most accounts, Svetlana tubes are not defective. I do hope all of their suitcase nukes ARE defective! John
  3. Lack of bass from 2 different speakers in the same room is most likely a room mode or placement problem. No amp regardless of its design or quality will make a large difference in bass response (unless it's clipping). Room placement, OTOH, can make a difference of 10s of dB. Move something around. John
  4. 'dog is correct. Since the K-horns fire into the room at 45 degrees, the distance between them should be distance you sit back from the wall between them, pluss or minus a little. That puts you in the sweet spot. John
  5. I'm sorry for your troubles, Ray. That's a tough way to have your feet cut out from under you, too! John
  6. Danny, If I understand the schematic, the coupling caps are C4 & C5 and are .47 uF already. The power supply caps look too small compared to SS amps; 147 uF?! What about increasing those? I guess youd need to put it on a scope to check for ripple. John
  7. Jeff, It is not bad to run a pair of speaker on each channel (left and right), no matter what the impedance of each speaker AS LONG AS you don't push the amp. Amps are damaged by heat. Heat is caused by current. Low impedance draws more current. The lower the impedance, the higher the current. If you limit the power output, most amps can be operated at 1 or 2 ohms. At 1 or 2 ohms, though, the safe power output (that keeps heat below safe limits) may be so low the amp may not be useful. That's why manufacturers state minimum impedance is 4 ohms, typically. John
  8. What is the "Mon" upgrade? Where do I find info about it? Please post your results from the tube replacement. John
  9. I have the opportunity to borrow a C-J Premier 1C tube amp. Just how good is this thing. Could be bought for $2k, maybe a little less. John
  10. It won't hurt anything. It also won't increase power to the speaker. The A+B switch connects the A terminals and the B terminals to the same output point inside the amp. Therefore, it cannot allow more power out of the amp (unless, maybe, you are using itty-bittty 24 gage speaker wires). It is NOT biwiring unless you hook the A wires to one of the dual terminals on the speaker and the B wires to the other AND switch to A+B, PLUS remove the speaker's jumper bars. You ARE asking about A+B rather than L+R, aren't you (connecting L+R to the same speaker terminals would be pretty stupid)? John This message has been edited by John Albright on 03-14-2002 at 06:17 PM
  11. Yee Hah! I'm glad to see the Heritage Line come back into production! I was quietly worried. John
  12. Not enough information to determine what might be wrong. It sounds like a loose connection. For the best quality audio and video, minimize the number of components a signal passes through. For example, connect the DVD video directly to the TV, not through the reciever. There is no reason to send the video through a reciever unless your TV has only one input. John
  13. "Speaking of Trey... If it hadn't been for him, many of us would have never met the Klipsch's. Trey... we're in your debt." That's true. If not for Trey the Pilgrammage to Hope would not have happened! John
  14. I've never heard of a Type AA II. What do you know about it? When you instakk your Type AAs, disconnect one of the diodes in the KLiP tweeter protection circuit (they are mounted on the aluminum plate). They cause very harsh highs at higher volume. John
  15. Let's confuse things further! The horn cut-off for the K-400 is actually 263 Hz according the an AES paper published by Mr. Pual. I'll bet the others perform in a similar way. John
  16. My front channels are run by an HCA-1203A. Last night I swapped it back in, replacing the AV-8s. I like it better. The AV-8s have a haze to the sound. At first, I was thrilled with them, but as I listened, I heard things the shouldn't be there. I believe they are having trouble with my La Scalas' impedance curve (4.5 ohms at 55 Hz and 42 ohms at 2200 Hz). There is only one impedance tap and it's 8 ohms. Not knowing any better, I might have bad tubes. One amp is more distorted than the other and that leads me to question the tubes. As I learn more about tube amps, I may modify them. Initially, I wanted a kit anyway. I really wanted them to have "magic", but my conclusion is my 1203A sounds cleaner and sweeter. John
  17. As of right now, DVD audio does not come out of a DVD-A player as digital, so an optical input on your preamp cannot be used for DVD-A. If you connect the DVD-A outputs of a player directly to a power amp you will have no volume control and the system will only operate at maximum volume; not good. To hear DVD-A you MUST have analog inputs on a preamp (or preamp section of a receiver). You may choose to use stereo analog inputs for DVD-A in stereo a I have. If you want to hear DVD-A in 5.1 mode, you MUST have a preamp with 6 analog inputs (and 6 analog outputs to go to the power amp) or a receiver with 6 analog inputs. John
  18. No, that is not factory. Mr. Paul believed user controls would just ruin the sound of the speaker. John
  19. I use ans ACT-3ABM with my system. It has but one flaw, a high noise floor. That is solved by reducing the input gain of your amps or having Mondial modify the output stage of the ACT-3. John
  20. s>This message has been edited by John Albright on 03-09-2002 at 02:22 PM
  21. I got a pair of the Wave Av-8s in last night and plugged them into the system. They do sound good; no hum or hiss. There are subtle differences in the emphasis of certain sounds over my Parasound amp. Are they better? I don't know. They are enjoyable and MAY be less fatigueing, or maybe not. All of the differences are subtle and would not be noticed in casual listening. I think the mystique of tubes is more thrilling than the actual sound. But, I do like them and would recommend anyone buy a set. I may end up with 5 in the end, depending on how well they perform playing AC/DC. They did yeoman's work playing Loreena McKennitt last night. The schematic above labeled WaveDT matches the schematic supplied with my amps (I did not check the component values, but the diagram matches as do the voltages). My version is faint, so I may not be able to scan it for upload. John This message has been edited by John Albright on 03-08-2002 at 05:07 PM
  22. Ratings aside, I don't believe ANY amp is so linear that it would double its power at clipping when the impedance is halved. There are plenty of amps that are *rated* at 250/500/1000, but they will typivally clip at something along the lines of 350/520/1000. My old B&K M-200 was a good example. John
  23. Only your ears break-in, not your speakers. John
  24. You can parallel a resistor with the Quintets and the amp will indeed put out more power into the now 4 ohm load. However, only half of the power (77.5 watts) will go to the speaker and the other half will go to the resistor and be wasted as heat. Sound quality will not likely change. As you can see, you'll send more power to a speaker by using it without a resistor. I don't see how a Quintet can absorb 90 watts for long without damage. Be careful. John
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