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Everything posted by Taz

  1. Might get couple sets of the yellow foam earplugs. I have to keep mine in a container. Otherwise I can find them anywhere in the house. Fun to watch them bat them across. Cheap entertainment and they don't care if they are used or new.
  2. Spent a couple grand on a dog we had adopted. He had cancer and we hoped it could be cured. It finally come down to surgery he could not be helped. Painful decision was made not to bring him out of anesthesia while on the operating table. We could see that he was no longer enjoying life, and that he was living a life of constant pain. Pets are kind of like kids or family to us. Should you think it was wrong to put him down, I'll state that I spent the last day of my sister's life with her before she took the medications prescribed to end her life under Oregon's Laws. I certainly miss Pam, but I understand her desire not to continue life any more. She was also in the medical profession and had lived with a terminal disease for 8 years. Much longer than life expectancy with ALS. Life would have ended for her when she drowned on her own body fluids if she had continued her life, such as it had become. Still think the picture of the kitty in the speaker was cute. I do understand that others may not feel that way. ​Again this is a forum of many different people that have different beliefs. Again, If a thread offends you pass it by.
  3. Always waiting for someone to point me towards more Heritage speakers in the Roseburg Oregon area. Thanks to being alerted on the forum I got a couple extra pair of La Scalas. But always willing to look at more. Maybe for myself. Maybe for others.
  4. Well, no fan of the government...but that is actually a good idea. Yes, your prices will rise but in the end it would protect US drilling and therefore keep it down in the future. I doubt if many really understand that, but it is a fact. All these wells we've drilled that returned us to number one are short lived and we've already stack 50 rigs and laid off 1400 breadwinners. That loss of US production will have to be made up from Saudi and the like. You get what you pay for. Dave Maybe someone can help me understand how taxes on oil or gas will help the production of oil in the USA. If gas made from foreign cost $1 a gallon and is taxed $0.50 per gallon and gas made from domestic oil costs $1 a gallon and is taxed $0.50 they both sell for $1.50 a gallon at the pump. We know my money amount is fiction, but used to make a point. Now if we raise the tax from $0.50 to $1.00 the gas will sell for $2 a gallon. Only the government see's the increase in income. In Oregon the gas tax goes to repair the roads. Or at least that's the way I understand it. It does not matter if the gas is foreign or domestic, it is taxed the same. Now I can agree that domestic fuel supports more domestic jobs. I just don't see that the tax on fuel is influenced by whether it is domestic oil or foreign oil. Tax revenue on domestic fuel is no more beneficial then tax on foreign fuel. I hope I have not confused anyone any more then I am. Taxes do not create jobs. Less taxes allow the economy to better survive as the government is not taking away as much of the money. This leaves more money for the people to live on and spend. This in turn supports more people, and gets them back to work.
  5. I'll not only keep my cats. Don't need anyone's permission. I have been known to adopt cats from the pound, and adopted one from a co-workers mother to keep it from going to the pound so an elderly lady could finish the last week of her life knowing that her precious kitty had a family home to live in. We also have adopted dogs that were strays, or brought home from the pound. Don't need permission for that either. Glad to see the subject turn. Hope we can all agree that we can disagree. No hard feelings meant from my posts on this thread. But if you are offended, you have my permission to be. heh heh. Still think it was a cute picture of the cat in the speaker. Better then "The Cat in the Hat" by a long shot.
  6. I don't believe your post was trolling. Just a cute picture of a cat in the picture which affected different people in different ways. Certainly not your fault that we are a diverse group on this forum. Don't let anything said after your Kitty post bother you. It was a cute picture. john
  7. Used to collect Pink Baby Mice in the barn. When we had collected about a quart jar full we would call the cats. Some people I've told this to do not like it. OK. We're all different. I think the Kitty in the speaker was Cute. However if someone does not like cats in the speakers, they are entitled to their opinion. The cats in our house can be nice or obnoxious depending on which cat and situation. Cat on bose speaker was acceptable. Even if she left cat hair on it. Cat defacing any of the kLIPSCH or other speakers is not acceptable. Fortunately they don't bother the other stereo equip. If anyone is so upset with the way this thread has gone. Might I suggest that YOU have the ability to choose what YOU want to read. I read what I want, and skip the rest. Surely we are all capable of doing this without calling for censorship of the threads.
  8. Happiness is a Warm Gun. Spent many a day with my kids shooting Varmints. We could kill enough in a weekend to save the ranchers a comparable amount of money as to what a lot of people made in that area made for income. Kids and I had a very good time. I don't kill cats anymore. They do run as fast as any varmints we've hunted. They do tend to have earned the reputation of having 9 lives though. Even a rancher will shoot his own dog if it is causing damage to his live stock. I've seen where this has happened. I know that a lot of people don't agree with my thoughts of shooting varmints. That's OK though. If we all had the same beliefs it would be a dull world. Who's to say what the common belief would be if we all thought the same. Might be the way I think, might be the way someone else thinks. I know people that give a cat one chance stating there are plenty of cats that are well behaved to choose from. Don't like what I got to say. I really don't care. You are entitled to your opinion. Just as I'm entitled to mine. I have almost as many varmint rifles as I do for other purposes. I also have cats, and dogs. For those that say you can not train a dog to leave your chickens alone I must call BS. I have trained every one of my dogs that killed chickens to leave them alone. john
  9. You don't have a cat problem. Just need a copy of "Sing along with Mitch." And maybe another Squawker for the other speaker though. Wouldn't want to splatter puddy in the speaker.
  10. Taz


    Have not been able to reduce the pixel size to post pictures. Only things I've been able to post are already reduced. Now that we have a new forum I don't even know if I can do that. The 2500 was out of order when I bought it. Fella I know needed money to look for work. Anyhow I have quite a bit into it. At least by my standards. I doubt I could ever get my money back. But no want to sell it anyhow.
  11. Taz


    Marantz 2500 should be coming home in a few days. Tom Williams Has done the restoration on it. Waited about 3 years for my turn to come up. Have one space in line to send him another Marantz. Not sure whether to send the 2325. Or send the 4270 that we use for 4 channel TV. I can only send one. Also only have one case to send one stereo out at a time. Such decisions we have to make in life.
  12. Used to have a 67 Mercury that my son and I would use for car camping in the summer. Slept 2 on comfortable seats. Cooked our meals on exhaust manifolds. Point is to love em and do things with em while you can. Then pray that when they grow up that they still want to do things with you. And maybe with a granddaughter or grandson too.
  13. Ok who's the new owner. You'll have to tell how like it. You will like it.
  14. Punk kids who didn't work for them... Or spouse that has no idea. My spouse scratched one of my 1970s Sansui's. When I asked her to be careful with the antique stereo equip she asked "why it's not like it's new". She had no clue. Yea, my first wife had no clue either..... I've been pretty lucky with cats though. The only Cat to Stereo interaction was a set of bose speakers that one of the cats liked to sleep on. Hey they were bose. What else ya gonna use em for?
  15. Chad in Amy's shoes is not a sight I want to see. Nor in any other of Amy's clothes. Impossible to unsee once seen. Do think well of Chad's offer to try to assist though.
  16. I'm a firm believer in the afterlife. I'm sure Boxx is glad to see Genevieve on the forum as am I. There will be times that I will feel Boxx's presence as he continues to be with us. Thaddeus I would not worry about loosing your Snarkiness. I will nominate you as an Ornery Snark. Checked for spelling and it is correct. john
  17. I took a Friend of mine to see Alice Cooper when she was going through a Religious part of her life. She told me she enjoyed the concert, but was never going to another one again. I later heard she did make some more concerts. So I guess I did not completely spoil them for her. God it is good to have Friends. Whether it is people you grew up with, Or people you met on a Forum on the internet. Friends = Good
  18. Just one person can give a poor impression of a company's Tech assistance. Could be that someone got up on the wrong side of the bed and thus gave a bad impression or inaccurate information. For hard to get Pickup parts I would try www.lmctruck.com/chevrolet if you have not already. I've found many items there that I did not expect to find anywhere.
  19. Always enjoyed Boxx's posts. I don't recall him ever getting caught up in the moment and getting out of line. Something I could do well learn from. Things will not be the same without him. Others have passed on before him and it seems to pull us together on the forum. I never met him in person, but think I would have enjoyed it if I had. Hopefully even though he is gone he will live on in our hearts and memories. john
  20. I do care about the employees that may have to be laid off due to lower cost of fuel. But I also care about the people that don't have a job due to excessive operating costs. I honestly can't remember the number of times I've been laid off from various jobs due to cut backs. It used to be that a person could work for a company for all of their working life. This does not appear to be the case anymore although I hope there are exceptions though. I have noticed that I still get charged a fuel charge when shipping items. That did not go away when fuel prices went down. I will enjoy the lower price of fuel while I can. I know that the price will go up sooner or later. Nothing I can do about so why worry. I learned long ago that it is not healthy for me to worry about things I have no control over. Such as Thermal Nuclear War. I have long ago accepted that there are things I can influence the out come of. Other things I'll be lucky to have time to bend over and kiss my arse goodby. Oil companies appear to have been giving the consumers the shaft and will continue to give us the shaft. But when things don't go the way they want it to they are right there whining "Oh Poor Me". Big money really don't appear to give a Rats Anal Orifice about their customers as long as they get what they want. I have turned down raises due to believing that I was making a Fair Wage for the job I had. Too many people want to get all they can while they can and dam how it might affect others.
  21. I happen to have a Fisher 400. Can't say enough about how much I like it. I have more the the $700 asking price for this unit into mine. If your looking for a Fisher 400, tlarwa's receiver sounds like a screaming deal. Good luck with your sale.
  22. Punk kids who didn't work for them... Or spouse that has no idea. My spouse scratched one of my 1970s Sansui's. When I asked her to be careful with the antique stereo equip she asked "why it's not like it's new". She had no clue.
  23. Taz

    100.00 find

    Now if they were truly bad sounding you could have given them away and still come out ahead. Done that with a couple bose speakers. Was a good move on my part. No Regrets.
  24. Sounds like someone should make a ridiculously high offer and state willingness to pick them up at a local Wall Mart. Then stand him up. Block your number and Give return phone number of someone you don't like. Or of local police department. Scammers hate to be connected to the Police. Guilty Conscious I suppose. Offer enough if he'll hold them for you so you really set the hook. Play dumb but excited about his speakers. I done a reverse look up on the phone number; (847) 644-3134 AT&T Mobile in Evanston, IL Maybe fun to scam the scammer. If enough people called and offered to pick them up at more then asking price he might get excited and soil himself. Even better he might spend his expected windfall prior to selling the speakers.
  25. I think the most important thing in this life is to be happy, and not get there by running others down, or climbing up their backside. I know my my cars, stereos, home or anything else I have is not the best. However as long as I'm happy and not running others down it does not matter. My wife used to complain that we had the ugliest car in the parking lot when we went out. Personally I just did not care. It was paid for, ran good, and was dependable. What more could I want for transportation. Nothing against those that have to have status symbols. I'm sure that I do have a few of my own. Just have to keep my priorities right for me. It's not possible for me to always be happy. But when I run others down to make me feel better, I'm wrong. Better to help others feel good and in doing so feel better myself. Enough Philosophy for me today. Wishing everyone Happiness first. Other things can get in line.
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