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Everything posted by akdave

  1. Good morning all! (At least it's still morning in Alaska!) So - coffee is still flowing - cup two. Mark - I love the fifth wheel! I'm sure you're enjoying it. Since you're going to be doing sound upgrades, I thought I'd attach a pic of an extra generator that you might consider. I'm sure you could tow it behind the fifth wheel and since Klipsch are such efficient speakers, the 25kW generator should just meet your needs. Hope this helps! Cheers all!
  2. So sorry to hear this. I lost my dad in Nov of '14 to prostate cancer. There aren't adequate words. There are few people in the world who shake us at our core on their departure, but dads are giants in our lives. Your family is in my prayers. Grieve well.
  3. Very cool! Hope it's a "fruitful" venture!
  4. Thanks Don, I appreciate the info! I'll hopefully be able to get a test drive and see. Probably my biggest concern is dropping money on a 40 year old amp and having parts start to drop off.
  5. 2 channel gurus! I am seeking input on a mc 2105. A friends father in law has had it in storage for "a while". He's willing to sell but hasn't named a price. What are some things to be aware of - as of yet I haven't seen it. I know it's an ss and not a tube, but I've not entered the world of Mac and would like to know better what to look out for. Pics he texted me are below. Thanks for any insights!
  6. Chuck! You're back to 939 pages! Little "victories"!
  7. One of the top five things I don't miss about being a cop. Being a parent to adults... sigh... drunk people...
  8. Greetings all! I'm trying a blueberry flavored coffee and I have to confess I don't hate it... My wife and I are celebrating our 10th and so I booked tickets on the Alaska Railroad from Anchorage to Seward. Google it - if you ever have the chance to come to AK, do this trip! IMHO it is a world class view with high likelihood of sheep and moose sightings. (Poss bear, but they're much more skiddish). Here's the link to the images page. Anyway, I'm very excited about this staycation date with my wife! You know how it is, when you're local you don't always take the time to do the touristy stuff, but this one is long overdue! https://www.google.com/search?q=alaska+railroad+coastal+classic&safe=active&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjrieCr56XOAhWEESwKHXt3AnUQ_AUICigD&biw=1264&bih=610 Oops - if you click this link, then click "images" - I think it's worth a peak!
  9. I agree with this, if it were an easy fix, something to break up the white would be nice.
  10. Chuck, you're right - we were at a higher page number. Keep posting! We have catch up to do! My goal is to hit page 999 and get the thread locked with a political discussion on the rights of evangelical transgender baby whales.
  11. I see what you did there! I "like" it.
  12. Wow! Your place must be a museum for turntables! Thanks for sharing!
  13. I see a number assigned to our reputation, what affects that and how do I become the most popular forum member in the world? My ego is at stake here!
  14. I maybe missed it some where but are the green/red boxes the equivalent of a "Like"?
  15. Great. Now more of my money is going to leave... We happen to have an extra Technivorm and don't need it... if you have speakers to trade I'm all ears. I wear the scarlet shipping letter of living in Alaska. Trades are not the deals they could be...
  16. Great. Now more of my money is going to leave...
  17. Hi all, it's been a while. Hello again from the great non-white north! We've had a delightfully warm summer and the wasps are running rampant on account of it... sigh... Not complaining though - enjoying time with the kiddos! Chuck! (Tarheel Chuck) Congrats on rounding the corner toward 200,000 views on this thread, working toward 19,000 replies and won't be long and it'll be 1,000 pages in just over two years! Who'da thunk way back when, it would come to this? I'm sure you'll have a book deal with Malcolm Gladwell soon on catchy social media usage, I'm looking forward to my autographed copy with a cup of dark roast. The pioneer post:
  18. I thought it looked familiar. Immediately this side (ref your pic) of the pier, is a four plex condo. My uncle and aunt own one of those condos. They were hosting the reunion which is why we were in Wrightsville. Sadly, he passed this week and we will be heading to his funeral next week in Ohio. I really love that whole area! The beach is just wonderful! I agree with you (regarding our phone conversation) leave it alone on the weekends!! Wow!! It's good to see people are allowed to walk out on the pier again. I think the last time we were there, it was condemned or at least closed.
  19. Chuck is your profile pic near the oceanic pier or is that johnnie mercers?
  20. Your buddy owns that place? That seems like primo real estate - we walked there, saw the sepentarium and had lunch near there on our trip last month, it's lovely!
  21. Klipsch has already, wisely, posted this thread to their Facebook page.
  22. Sneeking in for a quick hello! Have a great fourth weekend everyone! My son is ring bearer for a wedding and then we are retreating for home for the weekend - the fourth is an uber camping weekend up here so we stay home and go when there aren't so many people out! Here's a quick pic of a storm that rolled in yesterday at the rehearsal. It was fun to watch!
  23. Michael and Shaun just drop your mikes and walk. This is an incredible room! It's better than I could have imagined on your renderings - first class start to finish - now it's time for some serious movie marathons! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing the journey!
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