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Woofers and Tweeters

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Everything posted by Woofers and Tweeters

  1. Those would look great with my oak Forte IIs. If I didn't have a house full already.... GLWS
  2. I just picked a pair of these up from a fellow Klipsch Forum member. Raised them off the floor, as Moray James recomends for these speakers. They do sound great.
  3. Never heard them, but if they were closer I would be listening to them for 20$.
  4. Thanks, they are nice. So, did the "tiger stripes" occur during the cutting or is this a natural phenominon? Bill It’s a combination of phenomenon and the way it’s cut. The stripes show very prominently when the wood is quarter sawn or in the case of veneer, sliced. http://www.amishhandcraftedheirlooms.com/quarter-sawn-oak.htm The cathedral shape grain rarely has the rays with them. I have read very little about it, and your question has me googling for information. http://www.forestryforum.com/board/index.php?topic=10074.0 I’m not sure about it all, nor is anyone else. When I googled “Birdseye Maple” I read that no one knows why it happens. https://www.google.com/search?q=birdseye+maple&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=QsG9Ue2uN4zc8wScy4G4Cw&sqi=2&ved=0CFYQsAQ&biw=1680&bih=914#facrc=_&imgrc=DKZOPe1ZG1y1nM%3A%3BjK2mj1vuGvtqNM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F1.bp.blogspot.com%252F_xWjoeLNcmQo%252FSQNuQqLNZNI%252FAAAAAAAACG8%252Fuvqm7_Z3UXM%252Fs400%252Fbirdseye_maple_strat_neck.JPG%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.stratoblogster.com%252F2008%252F10%252Fbirdseye-maple-strat-neck-yumminess.html%3B400%3B300 http://www.woodsongaudio.com/smoothgallery/gallery.html
  5. That’s some great looking cabinets. I like natural finish on furniture. To have some that are not just oak, but figured oak - wow. The rays really show in your pictures of the top and left. My Fortes are perfect and are great looking cabinets, but, to me, those are (because of the figured oak) a notch above standard cabinets. [Y] GLWYS
  6. $100 each and a free Yamaha. I'd do it if they were closer.
  7. KPT-250 These are still listed. I didn't go see them. I'm too skeered I'd bring it home. If someone wants it, I can store it until.....
  8. Klipsch Heresy HBR $350.00 firm Pair of Klipsch Heresy HBR speakers built the 5th week of 1984, these are on slant back risers birch raw but have been finished, they are not mint but not in too bad shape either and sound great. Price is $350.00 firm cash, no checks no trades and no scammers if your not serious don't bother. (you're) http://lexington.craigslist.org/ele/3841835519.html No affiliation These are close enough for me to check if someone wants them.
  9. Good of you to offer. I would use them if they were closer. They would fit in your Volvo. [H]
  10. I like the Grandfather clock. I can't imagine that it doesn’t clank, bang and chime...even at low wattage..
  11. It's a pawn shop. Dude on the phone said they just sold them today... Like any of us need them. [H]
  12. Billy, We are back from our vacation and the Fortes are inside. Your judgment on the value based on the condition was spot on and I agree: they're perfect. I am happy to have them and thanks for all your help. I really like the Carver amp you were able to get from the same seller and if you want to move it sometime, please let me know. We were happy to meet you and if there's anything in this area I can get for you, just let me know. [H] Thanks again, James
  13. This guy was looking. http://community.klipsch.com/forums/t/173500.aspx That's not a bad price. I would get them, but I'm going to have to tap out, say uncle, I give-up, admit that I have a problem...
  14. John, Your money is on it's way. See you in July to pick them up. James
  15. I talked with him last Sunday and he still had them. He called me just after I bought a pair locally. Good luck [Y]
  16. On Memorial Day Weekend, I am coming to Atlanta, then to Tallahassee if someone makes a deal on them, I can meet on that path.
  17. I have one KPT-250 for sale in perfect working order. I'm selling it on behalf of a local bar where I work as a sound engineer. It was used in the bar for less than a year, before they decided to go a different direction for their house-stereo. Having spent time in a bar, there are a few minor cosmetic issues, but nothing major. I've tested it myself, and everything sounds fantastic. Full frequency response at just about any volume. And, being able to handle 250w RMS (500w peak), it gets LOUD. Perfect for the center channel of your surround setup. I realize that there are limited uses for a single 250w stereo speaker, so I've lowered the price dramatically in an effort to clear some space in my workroom. $175 o.b.o. No Affiliation talked with him and I can pick it up for $150. Local enough for me if someone wants it. I do, but OMG I've bought enough lately. [<)] http://lexington.craigslist.org/ele/3801036011.html
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